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XPadder: How to get the most out of it if you use a gamepad


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So, I see people talking about Xpadder a lot. I'm a big fan of this program. As a PC gamer who regularly plays multiplatform games on a TV with a 360 pad, emulation enthusiast, and and all-round media junkie, I use this program a LOT. I'm either getting the feeling everyone isn't using this little gadget to it's fullest potential(ESPECIALLY for PSO on PC,) or the full functionality of this powerful tool is more obvious than I thought.

So, I decided to write a little step-by-step on how I configured Xpadder to optimize my style of play, while keeping it 100% identical to the original PSO experience. When I have my controller in my hand, I feel just like I have either a DC or GC controller in my hand with functionality that, after installing this program, leaves me baffled as to how the developers themselves didn't think of the things I do with it.

This guide is 100% guaranteed to make the controller experience better than mouse and keyboard.

-Please note:
I am writing this guide with Win7 and the 360 pad in mind. This controller provides the most functionality right out of the box, and as someone who has no preference of console, this has been the most comfortable and given me the least headaches. I encourage everyone to provide tweaks and clarifications to this configuration to give help to those with different controllers, or even other play styles I have not thought of.
As far as I am aware, if you're running any other version of windows AND using a 360 pad, everything in this guide should also apply to you.

--Step one: Acquire XPadder

I strongly recommend that you purchase this program. There are... "ways," to acquire this program, and I'm sure all of us know what they are. I mean, we ARE on a private server. However, out of all programs I have ever used to configure a gamepad to perform other mouse/keyboard functions, XPadder is by far the most functional, straightforward, easy to use. It is better than any free program I have used, and you WILL get what you payed for. There is no scripting or complicated sets of conditions in dropdown menus. The program is completely visual and logical. There is a good chance that this program will lead to you using a controller on your PC for things you never thought you would. I do dual monitors with my TV as the second screen, and I can use my gamepad to control my whole media center in ways that ALWAYS impresses friends and loved ones when they spend time in my little hideout. If anybody deserves your money, it is the developer of this tool.

Get this program however you will.

--Step two: Initial Configuration in PSOBB

There is no need to use XPadder yet. Make sure your gamepad is plugged in, that it is recognized by Control Panel, and launch PSOBB. If you already use a controller and have your buttons configured the way you'd like, you can jump straight to Getting started with XPadder. If you're using a gamepad for the first time, your left analog should pick up movement by default(one of the perks of the 360 pad for most games.) Load up your character, and set your buttons as if you were making it identical to the Dreamcast controller layout.


For clarification:
-PAD X/Y AXIS is the left analog.
-PAD X/Y ROTATE is the right analog.
-PAD POV is the D-pad.
-PAD BUTTON 1-4 are your face buttons(From the top going clockwise, 4, 2, 1, 3.)
-PAD BUTTON 5 is the left bumper.
-PAD BUTTON 6 is the right bumper.
-PAD BUTTON 7 and 8 are "Back" and "Start. Button 7/back is completely optional and actually redundant here. You can leave it blank if you'd like.

This is identical to the classic setup, and is exactly what you want. The game is perfectly functional like this for the classic experience. But us? We're gonna make it BETTER. Logout so the game saves your settings.


Speaks for itself. This will save you tons of troubleshooting. Before running Xpadder, rightclick the .exe and go to properties. Under Compatibility, check "Run this program as an Administrator."


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--Step Four: Getting started with XPadder

If you think this looks daunting, worry not. It's pretty easy, and a heck of a lot easier than if you used any other program. You want to make a new configuration and you should start with this.


Click that little controller icon at the top left of our first tab. You'll see this. Click on Settings to bring up the screen we want.



Click on Sticks, DPad, and Triggers, and check the enable boxes. You should end up with something like this. Note that you can also drag and drop the squares that appear, so you can arrange them to appear like the face of your controller, as seen here.


Next, go to Buttons. As you press buttons on your gamepad, they will appear. Drag them to the appropriate place. If you lose track of one, pressing a button will highlight it in green so you can get back on point. You should end up with something like this.


Click OK, and we'll be back here.


Now, all you have to do is click on a button and assign a keyboard function to it by pressing the key you'd like the button to emulate. If all you'd like is to assign a few shortcuts to unused buttons, you're good to go!

But wait. Would you like to completely augment the classic controller experience? Don't stop reading yet.

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--Step five: Configuring multiple keysets so that your triggers and other buttons function like the action pallet shift.

Want to have the classic controls, but access to all ten of your keyboard shortcuts? As well as chat shortcuts, so you never have to reach for the keyboard unless completely necessary? We'll get into that here.

I'm personally a big fan of using the D pad for techs. In game, I leave all of my most used things on the initial six parts of the pallet, including all of my attacks. But I want my D pad for my chat shortcuts too! What's the solution? To artificially create our own trigger modifiers similar to the one the game uses already. Note: I know it may seem tempting to try and bind all the keyboard control keys to controller buttons, but do NOT do that. The way the controller navigates the menus is completely different from how you do it with the keyboard, and will make the controls extremely cumbersome. If there is a way to unbind single controller keys such as the action pallet buttons such as a specific .ini file edit, please let me know.

Let's start with the left trigger. I want to access my buffs and healing spells by holding the left trigger. Right click the left trigger, and select Set Selector > Set 2 > When Held.


Now, on the bottom right corner, click on the big 2 to go to keyset 2. You'll see there's a little number on the left trigger now, indicating that it will go back to set 1 when released. Map the keys you would like to set your shortcuts to for while you are holding down the left trigger. You should end up with something like this.


And while holding the left trigger:


Why didn't I just map them straight to the D pad, you ask? Because just like in the console counterparts, I want my D pad to be for quick access to chat shortcuts.


That about sums up how to properly configure everything. From here, repeat the final step for each artificial "pallet shift" to map all of your shortcuts, as well as any other keys you'd like as you get a better grasp on how the set-swapping works! Your end result should look something like this, if you play like I do.

--Final step: Failsafes

Sometimes, you accidentally hit two of your modifiers and now you're stuck in set 2, 3, or 4. Pick a key that you don't use often. Make it your "panic button." I personally prefer to use the left bumper for this, as you're ALWAYS pressing this key to adjust the camera. If you do this, you'll never find yourself getting screwed over. If you ever DO get stuck in a bad configuration, it'll have fixed itself before you ever notice. Go to ALL OF YOUR KEYSETS, AND MAP YOUR CAMERA KEY TO SET SELECTOR > SELECT SET 1 > ONE WAY.



That just about sums everything up~

If you have any criticisms or require any clarification, please feel free to let me know or ask! If anyone would like to expand on this guide for other gamepads, by all means, do! I hope this helps some of you get the most out of Xpadder, and I especially hope I taught some of you tricks you didn't know. I for one am writing this guide because the set-changing is new to me as of last month, and allows me to toggle my gamepad between media center mode and gameplay mode with relative ease, without ever having to get up and configure something manually.

Enjoy. <3

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

This is amazing. Thank you! If i had known that Xpadder was this versatile, I would have started using it ages ago!
Joy2Key has its place (especially since it does application detection really smoothly), but Xpadder has so many layers of depth I didn't know was available until now. THANKS!

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