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Character reset


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My character was level 39 or 40, decked out with a few pieces of pretty nice gear, including a blade +3, an ogre/power, 2 general/minds, a dragon/hp, a metal/body, and some fairly high-leveled basic, gi, and ra elemental spells, as well as a level 5 resta and some low-levelled anti. I started a new character in the second slot, played a while, logged out, quit the program. When I logged back on a few minutes ago, my original character had been reset to level 1, with starter gear, 0 playtime, and none of my items in my inventory or bank. My guild card number is 42111569, and it happened to the character in the first slot. I would appreciate it greatly if I could get it all restored somehow.

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So you played once on the slot 1 character? It's possible the login went down right when you logged out. Or that you accidentally recreated the character. Now a lvl 39 character with those items isn't really worth it to rollback as you can get it back in less than 2 hours of play. If you want I'll give you some rares from my personal stash to compensate.

Is that ok with you or do you insist on a rollback?

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