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  1. Hello my friends! šŸ˜ƒ I've been thinking for a while that a new music pack from the Legend of Zelda would be amazing to make for PSO. I know that there's already a Zelda Music Pack here on the forums, but most of that music is from Skyward Sword, and I wanted to make one from the music I have. I have the soundtracks for Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and the 25th Anniversary Orchestral Concert held in Tokyo back in 2011. For those of you who know me, you know that I love music most of all in this world. The Lengend of Zelda is a huge part of my childhood - and I'm sure many of you can say the same thing - I loved playing through ocarina of time and then majora's mask - but when I got my GameCube and I got wind waker for it - I fell in love with The Legend of Zelda all over again. You should also know about me that I like to make things be as wonderful and amazing as I can, and I promise you that when I get done with this Zelda music pack, it's going to be something special!! I'm already finding melodies that will fit perfectly into the game - and several areas are going to have massive medleys from these games while still fitting in with the ambience of PSO. I can't wait to share with you the final Zelda Music Pack once I get it finished - this is truly going to be something special, so please stay tuned!! Cheers, and be sure to have fun, -Z
  2. TRIFORCE EVENT 2021 The 9th Triforce Event of Ultima has begun! Event Items Swords Master Sword Boomerang Magic Hammer Great Fairy Sword Bug-Catching Net Power Glove Stealth Sword Guns Bomb-Chu Sacred Bow Canes Fire Rod Zelda Magazine Units Centurion/Arms Centurion/Luck Centurion/Power Centurion/Resist Godric/Ability Shields Hylian Shield Ganondorf Shield Triforce Happy Hours will be logged here. Credits to @TheIronSheik for banner Event will end on September, 29th of 2021 - Good Luck -
  3. PM me if you have one you wanna sell. Preferably tell me your offer as well.
  4. During time Ragol has been in the shadows of darkness. The legend said a Hero will raise, and he will destroy the forces of darkness. He will be our savior and Ragol will see the light of hope and peace again. Are you the Hero?... Bring light in to Darkness
  5. Over time, Ragol plunged in the shadows of darkness. The legend said a Hero will rise, and will destroy the evil forces of darkness. He'll be the savior and Ragol will see the light of hope and peace again. Are you that Hero...? Bring light into the Darkness discussion topic -> http://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/topic/10066-ultima-triforce-event/?view=getnewpost EspaƱol Durante un tiempo Ragol a estado en las sombras de la oscuirdad. La leyenda dice que el heroe aparecera. Y el destruira las fuerzas de la oscuirdad. El sera nuestro salvador y Ragol volvera a ver la luz de la esperanza y de la paz otra vez. Eres el heroe?... discution topic -> http://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/topic/10066-ultima-triforce-event/?view=getnewpost
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