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  1. It seems like every time I get to the caves 2 the server ends up dropping me after 15 or 20 minutes. I'm in single player mode on normal. Does the server think I'm sitting still? Maybe a certain texture file is corrupt? Anyone else have this problem? This is only the second time. I will screen shot the next time it happens. Thanks in advance
  2. So I'm back here again. Here is the problem I'm having. I noticed this going on for a day or 2. I have just been avoiding the character. Started off my seeing when I would change my inventory; it would always go back to how it was. When I logged out,disconnected, and sometimes changing blocks. But now I am noticing that when I talk to the Consumables NPC. 9/10 times I get disconnected. No message or anything. Log back in. And inventory is disorganized again. Only happens as far as I know on slot 2 (ringHuntr). I have been playing my 4 slot mostly. Hoping the problem wouldn't spread. This is the problem that made my pds disappear the first time. Ask anything. Tried alot and friends told me weapons stayed glitched on. Any suggestions would help. I would like to keep the character in the slot. Information: 42187959 guild card Character slot 2. @Soly
  3. Hello everyone, I'm not sure if this is the right spot to post this topic but... I've been playing on this server for a bit now, and I've been enjoying things for awhile, but I've been experiencing problems where I'm busy doing quests, and suddenly, after several minutes of going through the quest itself, the game just disconnects for no reason. And I'm feeling a bit impatient here since I have to start all over on these quests after I reconnect to the server. Is there any way I can return to where I was on these quests, or will I have to just suck it up and start from the beginning? Thanks in advance for any answers~
  4. Hello, I had just taken a mag out of my common bank when I had a disconnect. I logged back in to find that 17 of my items had now become bugged ???? items. The mag (lv 90 Madhu) was one of the non-bugged items. I did not take any screenshots of my character's items before the crash, but I did take picture of the inventory afterwards. Character Name: Smick Guild Card #: 42102345 Slot: Two Class: Greenill Ramar level 50 The crash occured around 8:35pm PST. If a rollback is possible to before the crash, it would be greatly appreciated. Pictures:
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