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Hunter's Name


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  1. I am having issues with the game where it crashes when watching the intro after choosing to create a new character. It also crashes when simply sitting in the character creation screen. I've already tried adding the exe for the game as a exception DEP. So I know that's not the cause. Hardware is not the issue either as I have a brand new high end AMD GPU, 128GBs of RAM on the MoBo, and the CPU is AMD Ryzen 9 3900X. The game has been added as a exception to my security suit as well. Also the game is not creating any log files when it crashes, even though I do have the logging option enabled. Any help would be appreciated. Thx
  2. So this is my first time posting in the forums. So sorry if i didn't do this correctly at all. I've ran into a strange issue. I played this game for a good bit before back around November or so. Played an android ranger. I collected all sorts of guns and the like as is the standard of a ranger. I ended up deleting the game a few months back. And just today decided to return. So i redownloaded it and got into the game. Everything was fine heading in. Started a private lobby to get used to the game again. Went into the woods. Then came across my first enemy and took out my big cannon to shoot it down and i crashed. Restarted. Went back in. Shot. Crashed again. Now i was suspicious so i repeated but tried using my dual pistols this time. Crashed. Logged back in and chose my sword using character this time. Everything was fine. I could slap things with my sword and didn't crash one bit. Something about guns is causing my game to crash for some reason. I dunno if its something i screwed up on downloading or what. Or maybe a setting i have. Edit: Fiddled around some more with my guns. I can shoot the dual pistols a bit before they cause a crash. My final impact just immediately crashes. Spread needle causes no crashes seemingly. Another Edit: Supposedly a BEX is causing the crashes.
  3. This post has been deleted by the user.
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