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Dangit, the bank ate one of my noobs. I put 3 noobs into the common bank and quit to change characters. When i got back there were only 2 in the bank and not ate my noob. Help please? Ty ty ty
Guild Card: 42092367 Character Slot: 1 & (Common Bank) Fecha/Hora: 06/02/2017 - 23:00 UTC -0 Aproximadamente DescripciĆ³n: Miren, estaba sacando los NooB/HP Del banco cuando de repente me dio Desconect y cuando volvi a entrar al juego los noobs no estaban en mi inventario ni en el common bank se desaparecieron mis 2 NooB/HP osea tenia 4 y ahora solo hay 2, es un Bug que tiene el juego que al parecer cuando tienes el inventario muy cargado y saca objetos del banco muy deprisa se Desaparece el ITem, cuando me paso la primera vez no queria molestar por algo tan simple pero ya van 2 veces que me pasa y es algo molestoso eso, si algun GM pudiera ayudarme estaria muy agradecido porfavor.! Comentario: Si necesitan Imagines o Algo mas solo diganme porfavor, y en realidad perdonen si tengo algo mal., es que no tengo ni idea de como hacer un POST.! pso1486334560.bmp
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Forgive me if this has been addressed...I am starting back up with PSO (yes, I play around the holidays--I don't know why! Nostalgia! (thanks Ultima for making it possible))... When I started playing again, I was getting like, 20 rares per run (at first I thought it was the Anniversary Event - and I thought it was awesome!). Many rares didn't seem "right" or had weird names. I figured I needed to update to the new launcher. When I did, I felt like some of the prior items in my banks changed to crap items. Kind of a bummer, because I had some halfway decent stuff (see attached ~ Limiter, Yasmanikov9K, etc. turned to stuff like FreezeBarrier and generic Mechgun+1 - not cool). OTHER (MORE IMPORTANT) ISSUE: PC is decent: Win 7~64, i7 970, 24 GB RAM, Quadro 2 GB, etc... New launcher crashes every time. "PsOBB.exe" is the only .exe that gets me into the game without instant crash (and that was only after I manually patched over the files with the newest patch download). **Worse, I cannot access "options" in the launcher, so I cannot change resolution or troubleshoot. I tried the following: Admin mode, compatibility modes, etc., Uninstalled the old installation, Deleted folder of old, Reinstalled the new game download, Manually patched over files
Hi Nearly every second time i want to access my bank, after i was at the Forest or somewhere else (doesn't really matter wehere I was before) the game crashes saying the Client/Server failed to synchronise. I can't complete any Map without leaving most of the Items in place because everytime i want to sell them and deposit items or meseta afterwards the game crashes. I would appreciate some help with this issue, Thank you.
Clearing out spare stuff from my banks. Lots of useful stuff for beginner-midrange players. I'd be happy to give away the junky stuff for free to new chars in need (maybe you can throw a pity material my way in exchange ) Don't hesitate to ask questions. WANTS: PDs Materials DTs Weps Pretty much anything ITEM NAME - QUANTITY - NOTES Weapons DB'S SABER - x5 FLOWEN'S SWORD - x5 LAST SURVIVOR x9 DRAGON SLAYER - x7 - (1 with 25 hit) BLADE DANCE - x4 - (1 with hit) CROSS SCAR - x1 VJAYA - x1 GAE BOLG - x7 DISKA OF LIBERATOR - x6 DISKA OF BRAVEMAN - x10 VARISTA - x2 CUSTOM RAY VER.00 - x2 M&A60 VISE - x1 VISK -235W - x1 WALS -MK2 - x3 JUSTY -23ST - x3 H&S25 JUSTICE - x19 - (HELP I'M DROWNING IN THEM, JUST TAKE THEM) PHOTON CLAW - x2 CLUB OF LACONIUM - x4 MACE OF ADAMAN -x 2 ALIVE AQHU - x2 FIRE SCEPTER: AGNI - x2 ICE STAFF: DAGON - x2 STORM WAND: INDRA - x2 - (1 WITH HIT) CADUCEUS - x2 MADAM'S UMBRELLA - x1 SILENCE CLAW - x3 DOUBLE SABER - x2 STAG CUTLERY - x2 ANGRY FIST - x2 - (1 WITH 30 HIT) S-BEATS BLADE - x2 ELYSION - x10 RED SABER - x5 - (ONE WITH 20 HIT) FROZEN SHOOTER - x8 - (1 WITH HIT) FLIGHT CUTTER - x1 WINDMILL - x6 MUSASHI - x1 HILDEBEAR'S CANE - x2 HILDEBLUE'S CANE - x9 RABBIT WAND - x2 STRIKER OF CHAO - x4 SIGH OF A GOD - x1 MARINA'S BAG - x1 HEART OF POUMN - x1 YAMATO - x2 SANGE - x7 - (1 WITH 0/0/30/20/30, 1 WITH 0/0/0/0/40) ANGEL HARP - x1 GUILTY LIGHT - x5 - (1 WITH HIT) TALIS - x1 MAHU - x4 DEMOLITION COMET - x4 - (1 WITH 25 HIT) G-ASSASSINS SABERS - x1 RAPPY'S FAN - x2 BOOMA'S CLAW - x2 GOBOOMA'S CLAW - x1 Armor and Shields AURA FIELD - x1 D PARTS VER. 2.10 - x1 GRAVITON PLATE - x1 ALLIANCE UNIFORM - x1 SHIELD OF DELSABER - x3 PURPLE RING - x1 FLAME GARMENT - x1 REGENERATE GEAR - x7 CUSTOM BARRIER VER. 00 - x6 AMPLIFIER OF BARTA - x1 Units GOD/BODY - x5 GOD/POWER - x2 GOD/MIND - x3 GOD/LUCK - x3 GOD/ARM - x2 GOD/HP - x1 HP/REVIVAL - x8 TP/REVIVAL - x1 CURE/POISON - x1 SMARTLINK - x1 Misc. RESTA LVL 15 - x1 GIZONDE LVL 15 - x1 MEGID LVL 15 - x1 RAFOIE LVL 15 -x2 GIBARTA LVL 15 - x1 CELL OF MAG 502 - x1 HEART OF OPA OPA - x1 HEART OF CHAO - x1 RAPPY'S BEAK - x3 MUSIC DISK 1 - x5 MUSIC DISK 4 - x5 MUSIC DISK 5 - x5 - (LIVE AND LEARN HYYYYPE) MUSIC DISK 6 - x5 MUSIC DISK 7 - x5 MUSIC DISK 9 - x5 MUSIC DISK 11 - x5
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I was transferring a mag from my force to my ranger and it disappeared in the bank. It happened at 12:09AM CST 3/24/2015. I don't have a current picture of it, just the first form... It was level 163 Diwari. I know the stats and attacks it had. I really would like to get it back since aside from the Sato I'm currently working on it's the first successful rare mag I've managed to create using a guide. The stats were 5/45/113/0. with the attacks, estilla, pilla, and the twins Character: Wrose.0 Guildcard Number: 42147279 Oh and idk if it helps at all, but the room that I used to place the mag, and went to pick it back up was a room called mag with a character named Nillo in it.
Hello, I joined ultima a few days ago. S'been great! Super awesome. Now then, I've finally finished raising my mag. It was tough and well, lotta time spent. The damndest most awful crap funny thing is, my Sato, evolved and complete, turned into a Naraka. I logged off my character and back, and it changed from Sato to Naraka. And the stats were warped; Originally level 130 with 5/75/50/0 Is this fixable? EDIT: Woops, posted in the wrong forum. Just noticed the 'Bugs n Crashes' area.
Hey recently my common bank glitched, where i can put stuff into it put i cannot take it out. I've tried taking it out and every time i get disconnected, (on all four of my accounts on different days) any help at all is appreciated.
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- glitch
- common bank
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So I got this error than my PSOBB.exe crashed. nature: When i open my Common bank I could scroll around, but as soon as you scroll over the items that say ??????? or X999999 ect. Your game will imediatly crash out, I took a screenshot of everything but this was all that was pulled out of the game, which makes me kinda scared. I also lost a meteor Crush/Crash, but I didn't need it. Lady Xios is my main character at the time being and my Common-Bank holds all my goodies. I do not want to lost it all Is there anyway to fix this?