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Hey! Some people I just met recently landed here since they left Schtachk for... reasons, and they were very disappointed to see that no casino existed in lobby 13! That would enable some people to get the Friend Ring for instance, which is a nice idea of Sega's ,no? ^^ Also, and maybe that would avoid some errors, they told me that at the bank counter, you had two receptionists: one for the char bank, and another for the common bank! How 'bout that?!
@Larva @Soly @chuk @serverus @kajex @Fyrewolf5 @Cyane @Lemon Hola a todos!! Megustaria ofrecer una idea para el juego y hojala tenga una respuesta. Desde hace un tiempo me he dado cuenta que hay muchas armas que se consideran ya inĆŗtiles en el juego (esto claro a menos que el el arma cuente con un muy buen % en hit mas que nada). Lo que siempre ha llamado mi atenciĆ³n es que todas las armas S no tienen si quiera valor en las tiendas. Bueno pensaba que tal vez se pueda crear una quest que te intercambie una cierta cantidad de Ćtems por un pd. MĆ”s no deseo que tampoco sea algo sencillo si no que tenga algo de reto por hacer este intercambio. Una quest en donde tengas primero que eliminar a los monstruos abajo y si lo consigues podrĆ”s hacer el intercambio de Ćtems por un pd. Por ejemplo podrĆan ser 5-8 items del mismo tipo (5 Lastsurvivor por 1pd) o (8 god/hp por 1pd) y la razĆ³n por la que considerarĆa que deben ser del mismo tipo es por en una misma misiĆ³n por lo general los Ćtems encontrados se repiten. TambiĆ©n serĆa bueno que hay mismo tuviera la opciĆ³n de vender Ćtems de rango S por meseta en donde todas se vendieran por 20000 o 25000 (para esas ocasiones en que alguien ocupa meseta). La idea de que sea un mismo Ćtem creo que le da algo de reto tambiĆ©n. Sin embargo no necesariamente tendrĆa que ser de ese modo (puesto que hay muchĆsimos Ćtems que dejan de tener uso muy rĆ”pidamente) podrĆa ser que solo te pidiera una cantidad de armas S pero esto serĆa mĆ”s sencillo para el usuario ya que no tendrĆa que buscar Ćtems en especĆfico por lo que lo ideal serĆa que si fueran por cualquier Ćtem S, la cantidad deberĆa ser mĆ”s alta (algo como 10 Ćtems S por 1 pd). Y la misiĆ³n puede ser una en Ruinas como la quest de Hod1, por que las misiones en ruinas son muy atractivas y ademĆ”s da el plus de que se pueden encontrar algunos Ćtems valiosos en el proceso. Pero lo mĆ”s importante para este reto es que solo se pueda jugar en ultimate para que al final se pueda hacer el intercambio. Considero que serĆa bastante bueno y provocarĆa nuevos tipos de bĆŗsquedas o ganas de jugar mĆ”s, solo por buscar cualquier Ćtem. Si esto llega a ser posible en algĆŗn momento y la decisiĆ³n es que el intercambio sea por un mismo tipo de Ćtems toma en cuenta los mĆ”s comunes de rango S. Ta les como: todos los god/.. los devil/ los cure/slow cure/poison. Armas como lastsurvivor, silence claw, gae bolg, diska liberator, diska of braveman, bravace, Lk& combat, victor axe, elysion, Red saber, sange, demolition comet, vivienne, flamberge, kaladbolg, dbĀ“sabers, guardiana, storm wand: indra, mahu, kamui, crush bullet, windmill, Vjaya, wals-mk2, twin Brand, stag Cutlery, Guren, inferno bazooka, maguwa, M&A60 vise, red scorpio, guilty Light, angry first, Froozen shooter, cannon rogue, Cross scar, Club of laconium, Club of zamurian, caduceus, Berdysh, Agito (cualquier modelo), ano bazooka, sting tip. De todas las anteriores hay muchas que simplemente se quedan en el camino o las venden en la tienda por la increible cantidad de 10 mesetasā¦. Yo supongo que lo mĆ”s sencillo de hacer en la quest (me refiero para la creaciĆ³n del mismo ya que supongo que no es algo sencillo) lo mĆ”s ideal es que si fuera que el NPC te reciba 10 item de caja roja (desbloqueados en el caso de armas) y que te de 1 pd o bien no sĆ© si sea posible que el NPC simplemente pueda reconocer que se le entregan 5 o 6 items idĆ©nticos. Sin tener que decir uno en especĆfico ( Es decir que si le doy 5 lastsurvivors el NPC lo reconozca como los 5 items iguales y asĆ con cual quier Ćtem mientras que fueran de caja roja; 5 vienne, 5 demolition comet. 5ā¦) Sigo pensando que la idea es muy buena puesto que le darĆ” algo mĆ”s de motivaciĆ³n a los jugadores en general puesto que cuando se trata de ir a buscar items raros, hay quienes simplemente no encuentran nunca dicho Ćtem, mientras que otros lo ganan en la misma partida (y a hasta mas de una vez) por lo que al menos puedes tener el consuelo de que todas las armas de rango s que encuentras te servirĆ”n en otra quest para intercambiar por algunos pd y con la oportunidad de encontrar algo mejor en el camino. Eso si, esta quest no debe tener jefe final (porque eso implementarĆa que habrĆa un gran premio como un red ring, weddin dress, anti-dark, etc. Etc. lo que solo provocarĆa que solo quisieran jugar esa misiĆ³n y no otras, y la idea es que esta quest simplemente te haga jugar por el hecho de cambiar items (dĆgales repetidos, inĆŗtiles, basura, inservibles y lo digo sin ofender, pero es como veo que lo llaman los jugadores) por los pd que al final son Ćŗtiles en el juego y por ejemplo si solo se puede hacer que el npc te cambie los items de rango S sin diferencia (es decir cualquier Ćtem rango s) Considero que la cantidad de 10 items es buena o incluso podrĆa ser mĆ”s de 10 ĀæPor quĆ© 10 o mĆ”s de 10?: Porque simplemente tu cuenta puede tener 4 bancos y 1 banco comĆŗn, lo que te da un total de espacio de 1000 items por lo que en dado caso eso se traduce como 1000 = 100pdā¦ y sĆ, ya se que no todos tendrĆ”n los 1000 items de su banco listo para hacer el intercambio pero igual muchos tendrĆ”n una buena cantidad de items que solo estĆ”n guardados por guardar. Y yo he jugado lo suficiente a este juego para saber que hay misiones en las que puedes sacar desde 10 a 20 items de rango S (si no es que hasta mas) asĆ que en teorĆa llegarĆa a ser relativamente sencillo obtener 10 items (obviamente jugando, porque esa es la idea y no que te caigan del cielo) De hecho creo que si deberĆan ser mĆ”s de 10 items, si es que el NPC recibirĆ” de cualquiera (tal vez hasta 20-30 items) porque realmente no es tan difĆcil encontrar montones de items que no tienen uso (como dije esto es si juegas) obviamente el banco debe estar en funcionamiento en la quest para mantener guardados los items puesto que es obvio que no podrĆas traer cargando contigo 20 items siendo que traes tu equipo de armas contigo, y que si serĆa un poco incĆ³modo tal vez ir a la misiĆ³n para solo poder hacer un solo cambio de un pd :P. Esto ayudara mucho a que los jugadores tenga limpios sus bancos de cosas inĆŗtiles ademĆ”s que, como dije, le dara mas plus valia a las armas que no se usan, ,mas plus valia a jugar en donde sea y que no te sientas tan mal de no haber encontrado el Ćtem raro que buscas. Por Ćŗltimo y despuĆ©s de haber escrito todo esto; Me gustarĆa ver muchĆsimo una quest como esta y honestamente no me importarĆa que la cantidad fuera ridĆcula (no se 50 items por un pd) me gustarĆa mĆ”s el reto de estar coleccionando de todo para luego ir al reto de una misiĆ³n difĆcil y con el fin de obtener algunos pds. Pero lo mĆ”s importante de todo es que si se puediera hacer me encantarĆa que mi personaje fuera el personaje de la quest. Algo asi como un āAna G Ā“s Deal XD (ok noā¦ā¦perdĆ³n pero no podĆa evitar no pensarlo despuĆ©s de tanto meditar la idea para una quest). ĀæUstedes que opinan sobre esta idea? En resumen: Una quest difĆcil en donde al final el npc te pagara 1 pd por cada 30 items de caja roja que tu le dieras (los cuales son items que tendrias en el banco por que la idea es que el banco este activo)
- 13 replies
- 1
- photon drop
- armas
(and 3 more)
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Okay so unlike some people who ask for impossible things and don't offer any ideas on how to implement them... most of the ideas I will offer I have personally implemented on my own local server and they took less than 10 minutes each to do so. Some are incredibly fun to play with. Weapons/Items Transmutation Stone (TS) - Use item for some of the items below... Bumstick - HU-only melee weapon, uses a rifle model but is a rod or partisan or something but only hits 1 target. No Special. Can use TS to turn into Boomstick. (doesnt need explanation.) Boomstick - HU-only melee weapon that explodes on impact and can hit up to 10 targets. Burning or Chaos Special. (just create a new bazooka weapon and change the range, targets, model, skin, and animation to that of a melee weapon, or modify a non-used bazooka like the ano bazooka or meteor rouge.) Psychogun - Twin Psychogun with TS used on it turns it into this handgun, it retains which characters it is usable by, gains an ATP and ATA boost and retains its special. The special is a great launcher alternative for HUmar and HUnewearl. (Duplicate Twin Psychogun and make it a handgun animation and whatnot.) Chained Gun - RA-only rifle that shoots slicer projectiles that bounce off of 4 enemies. Does not combo. No Special. (Create a new slicer and change the animation to a rifle and give it a rifle model. And combo lock it.) Chaingun - Use TS on Chained Gun for this stronger, combo-unlocked variant. Tempest or Chaos special. (Self explanatory.) Mindless Punch / or / Distracted Punch - either HU-only, FO-only, or fleshie-only weak fist type weapon, no special. (Nothing special here.) Mind Punch / or / Focus Punch - Use TS on Mindless Punch. Fist type weapon with mechgun range and hits 5+ enemies. Either Spirit, Geist, or Chaos special. (make a fist weapon and change the range and targets.) A Series of Tarot Cards for FO only, using TS on one changes it to the next and eventually back to the original, in the following order. The character will hold the card up and hit 5 enemies almost mechgun range in front of them. (Create a melee weapon that doesn't shoot projectiles, give it a card model and skin, and a handgun animation, make it have 75 range{mechguns have 85} and like 70 horizontal angle or whatever feels right, and hit 5 targets. {It will look like the FO is holding the card out and "magically" hitting the enemies in front of them.}) THE FOOL - The strongest Tarot Card. Has no special. THE MAGICIAN - Second strongest. Geist special. Increases MST as well. THE KING - Third Strongest. King special. THE DEVIL - Medium Strength. Devil or Demons special. THE EMPRESS - Weakest. Charge special. THE HANGED MAN / or / DEATH - Medium Strength. Hell special. JUDGEMENT / or / STRENGTH - Medium strength. Spirit special. Not all have to be used but they do give variety. They can also have different ATA and ranges or # of targets, as well as boosts or nerfs of different stats like DFP and EVA. Can boost different techs as well. Mystic Talisman - FO-only weapon. Casts lightning from their hand. No special. Drains TP while equipped. (Duplicate Maser Beam with handgun animation and fist model and skin.) Arcane Hex - Use TS on Mystic Talisman. Hits multiple target. No special. Drains TP while equipped. Maybe combo lock? Boosts Gizonde. (if you use Maser Beam and increase targets, it will fire multiple lightning bolts. or you can use Power Maser and it will shoot 1 chaining lightning bolt.) Alternatively, you can make something similar to a tarot card like above but have the special shoot gizonde so you kill two birds with one stone. (Just use Duplicate Sigh of a God as the initial weapon.) Damaged Katana - Moderately strong katana weapon. Dark special. (Description will read something like, "Once wielded by a legendary samurai, it is now a shadow of its former self.") Samurai's Spirit - Use TS on Damaged Katana. Strong katana capable of hitting up to 3 targets in a 360 degree radius around the character and with advanced range. Hell special. Boosts EVP and/or DFP greatly (Easy enough to make, except I'm not sure on the limits for boosting EVP and DFP. the description should read something like, "Invoking the spirit of a legendary samurai, you can make quick work of even three enemies at once.") Falcon Punch - Either a fist type weapon or a rocket punch type weapon built from a bazooka for an explosive result. (UNNAMED) - A RA-only shot type weapon that shoots either 4 or 5 piercing launcher projectiles. No special. Combo locked. (take a launcher, give it a shot animation and 4 or 5 targets, set appropriate range and angles. {I haven't tested this thoroughly on Caves boss so it may be super OP on him in particular...}) (UNNAMED) - Use TS on above and it weakens it but combo-unlocks it, can switch back and forth with TS. Maybe chaos or gush special? (This could be the only actually useful shot type weapon for damage dealing purposes.) Devil Harp - Use TS on Angel Harp. Hell Special. Can either be female-only or all. Shuriken - A very powerful clone of the flight cutter with extended range and only hits 1 target. Special can be Demons or Hell. Hades - A very powerful bazooka. Demons special. Hellfire - Use TS to switch between Hades and Hellfire. Weaker and combo unlocked. Devils special. Candy Cane - FO-only cane type weapon, skinned as a candy cane. Use TS on Lollipop. Moderately strong, 3 targets, with extended range. Has an inherent speed boost like a sugar rush. Special is either gush or geist from eating candy, or berserk from the sugar rush. (Create from that claw with the speed boost or sonic knuckle. You know the rest...) Briefcase - Briefcase skinned Marina's Bag, for men. Can have the same boosts or be completely different. Divine Favor - FO-only rod or wand that Boosts ATP and ATA by 1 but boosts DFP/MST/HP by 100+ and has divine punishment special. Can boost some techs as well if it can all fit on one weapon. should be difficult to get, possible PGF on a wand? Divine Punishment damage increases with MST so it is powerful on FO's (Create from Heaven Punisher duplicate, change animation, model, skin, range, etc.) Leviathan - Useable by all. Use TS on Demonic Fork. Becomes a very powerful partisan with extended range and attack angle and height. Phoenix Feather - Can only be used on a lvl 5 or lower mag, creates a Phoenix mag that when it becomes lvl 200, gets a use functionality that sets it to lvl 0. (could stay a phoenix or could turn back into a normal mag. I've seen the use functionality based on level done before but I never looked into how it was done.) Ultima Cell - Creates an "Ultima" mag, you can decide which model and skin is appropriate, should be a very good mag, possibly with 70% activation rates like the "Dreamcast" mag. Angel's Tear / or / Angel's Feather / or / Angel Dust - Creates a "Halo" mag which is just the Angel Ring model over the character's head. Rebirth Stones - Stones have different colors (Sky Blue, Viridian, Yellow, etc.) only characters above a certain level can use them, maybe above 150 or 180 or 200 only or even above 200 if that becomes a thing. Levels down to 0 and changes the section id to match the stone. It's not all that different from recreating the character but at least you can keep the name you like, your techs, and your mats. (I've done this without the section id so idk if that part is possible but the rest is.) Other Harder Difficulty levels. (Have another ship, alter the monster stats {including XP} so that normal mode is stronger than regular ultimate mode. Continue increasing difficulty on the new ship's hard - ultimate modes. {For the drops, since it would be time consuming to come up with an appropriate drop chart for these harder difficulties, just set it to a 1/1000 chance for a pd on normal and decrease to 1/100 on ultimate. Keep in mind, how much harder ultimate is than normal on the regular ship is, these monsters will be that much harder than the ultimate monsters on the regular ship so 1/100 will still take time and skill.}{you can work on a new drop chart to replace the pds at some point if you want as well...}) Higher character stat progression. (To keep up with the difficulty increase, characters should have higher max stats. To reach those new max stats, characters should either have greatly increased material capacity or be able to level higher than 200. If opting for the first choice, keep in mind it will get progressively harder to max higher ATA since there aren't materials for it.) 200 Luck. (This one I'm actually not sure if it is possible but since 100 luck = 25% chance for critical, 200 luck could work. If I remember correctly though, the game is hard coded to ignore anything after 100...) More quests - You can move all passive quests to the new ship to make room for more quests on the normal ship. You can also create new quests on the new ship which would inherently be very difficult because of the powerful monsters. Casino Quest - Has slot machines of different denominations. Has a 10,000 coin machine, a 100,000 coin machine, and a pd coin machine. Gives a random item from monomates and other similar things to any random tech disk drop on any difficulty (so it would automatically be more likely to give lower and mid level techs) to any random weapon drop on any difficulty (so it could be a ???Handgun that tekks to Bind or a ???Laser that tekks to Arrest and can have hit and possibly stats over 50 but is unlikely by default.) and has a small chance to give pds and unique rares. The prizes scale up based on machine. For 1 pd you have a very small chance of getting things like heavenly units/cent ability, heaven punisher, guld, bkb, msi, and other similarly valued weapons and even bunches of pds like 5 or 10 or 50. Maybe 1/500 - 1/1000 chance. But on the other hand you are way more likely to just get regular untekked weapons and low or joke rares like lollipop, bamboo spear, or that stupid throwing coin thing(Kan'ei Tsuho) with random percents, and you could even just end up getting an antidote for your hard earned pd... (Haven't made this quest in particular but it shouldn't be terrible to do, will take a few hours though.) Lvl 10 s/d and j/z for HUmar and RAmar respectively. If not 10 then at least more than 5... (You actually can do this on the crack ship only and have a quest that gives the tech disks for free that they can do each time they switch ships. When they switch back to the normal ship, the techs should disappear.) Higher tech lvls for FO's - Don't know the implications of something like lvl 40 megid but I know it is possible to allow forces to learn it... The disks can be special rewards or event drops only or drops on the super hard difficulties. (Again could be only on the new ship but idk what will happen if they go back to the other ship... probably would set to 30) Okay so I'm probably forgetting some really good things but this is plenty for now lol. Forgive any spelling and grammar errors, I have not slept. And Finally I apologize for not using spoilers, I don't know how, I almost never post on any forums but something made me decide to today. Any moderator can feel free to put spoilers and clean this up as they see necessary. Thank you for reading!
I am setting up a local server to be able to help troubleshoot new developments to the ultima server. I am new here in general but I am pleased with my experience so far and would be happy to help however I can. Also, I listed some new ideas and want to show how they can be implemented. I had made one on an old computer with the pioneer2 files but they are gone now. I downloaded the files on I ran into a problem when hex editing the executables. What I did on my old local server was find the ip address sodaboy put ( or something like that) then edit in my own. But on these files I can't seem to find the ip address. The client is titled crystal-argo, and I guess is different than the regular one sodaboy released forever ago. It probably has a different ip address and I am wondering if anyone knows what it is, or has a download link to the original tethealla client. I apologize if this is in the wrong section but I couldn't find a more appropriate section that would let me start a new topic. Thanks in advance for any and all help!
Hey guys, been watching a lot of anime recently, so i thought that i want to watch more xD. But since im so lazy to look for some, i wanted to know if anyone has some recommendations for what i shall watch next. I like sports,fantasy,adventure,action,comedy,drama,(game..maybe),horror,magic(like fairy tail),mecha,slice of life,super power. So yeah as you can see i have a wide taste, Ive seen quite a few of the popular anime's. Just put the name and a bit of description would be helpful . thanks