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Posts posted by arcanaXIII

  1. I need a mag for a FOmar that its pretty high on MIND (130+) or a Mag for HUmar high in POW, i dont mind if it has Mylla and Youlla.

    My offers: Centurion/Ability+Hell Arms 30 hit/Berserk Arms 45 hit/Demon arms 30 hit (Choose 2 of any arms)

  2. I retired from the game months ago and rejoined again but everytime i go to my common bank to transfer items to another character, my game crashes instantly, i saw that i have 2 or 3 "????" items but i don't know what they are, i forgot. (Can't take any screenshots cause of the instant crash :/)

    GC# 42009768

  3. Green Ring -Offer

    Purple Ring - Offer

    Commander Blade - Offer

    Berserk arms 0/0/35/0/45 - Offer

    Demon arms 0/0/50/50/30 - Offer

    Hell arms 50/0/0/50/30 - Offer

    Centurion/Ability - Offer

    Dragon Slayer con 79% A. Beast (it is possible o-o) - Offer

    Maser Beam - 1 PD

    Yasakani Magatama - 2 PDs

    Divine Protection x 3 - 2 PDs

    God/Arm - 2 PDs

    God/Body - 1 PD

    Stink Shields - 2 PDs

    Yata Mirror - 2 PDs

    -Wish List-

    A very powerful mag



    Glide Divine

    Make my Force stronger.

  4. que pides por la commander blade? podrias colocar una lista de items que busques?

    Un arma fuerte para Rangers (Que no sea MM) o de Force, la verdad no se cuanto vale la commander blade asi que no me juzguen que sea algo ambicioso. : (

  5. Elric's list is good... Here are a few more things people typically hunt for.



    Swordsman Lore

    Wedding Dress

    V801 (though they are common and I can just give you one... or 5)

    Merc Rod

    Glide Divine (horrific drop rate. only do this in happy hour.)

    Cannon Rouge (common, but worth a bit with hit %)

    Tyrell Parasol (common, but worth a bit with hit %)

    And of course Photon Crystals lol

    I found a glide divine years ago without Happy hours, until it got stuck on a pillar and i rage quited.

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