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Everything posted by Untamedlogic

  1. Updated with additional items. Thanks!
  2. Hey guys, I'm looking for the following items. Lieutenant Mantle Dragon Scale Ranger Wall Feel free to message me. Thanks!
  3. Thanks for the responses. As of right now the only item that I'm looking for atm is a Tsumikiri J-Sword. Again, Trading in DTs. Thanks
  4. Hey! I'm interested in the following: Tsumikiri J-Sword Trading in DT's - let me know if you want to work somethin
  5. Hey! I'm interested in the following: Crimson Coat Double Cannon 0/0/35/0|35 DEF Material ×57 Power material x20 (90 if you have it) Luck Material x35 (if you have it) Trigrinders x99 Black King Bar Red Saber - Hit Genpei x2 Trading in DT's - let me know if you want to work something out.
  6. Hey there! I'm looking to buy some luck/power materials and a few other items. Let me know if you're still around.
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