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Posts posted by Trigunman

  1. it's probably dep on windows 7 causing it.

    You gotta be kidding me... I should have expected nothing less from Micro$oft I guess. I hated that shit with WinXP(caused random reboots on my machine till I disabled it) and now I'll have to deal with it again on Win7??? Eff that noise!

    I need to send Bill Gates a nastygram, a real mean and horrible nastygram. Yea, I'm lookin' at you Bill you rat bastard!

  2. You need to run PSOBB in compatibility mode most likely. Since this is an old PC game and was originally coded to work in a Windows OS in a 32-bit environment,(i.e. WinXP) most likely it's freaking out on your relatively newer OS with a extended address system,(i.e. 64 bit addressing) amongst other things.

    Read more here to see if this solves your problem:


    Hope this helps, good luck and don't give up yet! :onion-head11:

  3. Today is the day! My Kaitabha is almost up to the point of the next evolution, I'll be looking for you Wayne or any other FOmars online today, I'm going to try to be on this evening! Thanks guys! :onion-head11:


    ...and the failboat has sailed.

    Apparently Aeryn's Nidra Guide is FUBAR, it tells you to get the mag's power to 49 and then tells you the Kaitabha's final stats after the evolution are 5/45/50/0 of which now it is too late to stop my Kaitabha's growth. So a big, fat, hairy FACEPALM for me. :onion-head84::onion-head83:

    Sooooo thank you and goodnight folks. :onion113:

  4. Thanks Samy, but that's where I learned how to start creating my mag to turn it into a Nidra in the first place. B) I can do most of the raising the mag all with my RAmar, except the very last part that will turn my Kaitabha into an actual Nidra, hence my need for a FOmar to feed the very last item to it to trigger it's final evolution.

    You know any FOmars by chance Samy?

    Well anyway, hopefully someone will chime in eventually that has a FOmar character... *sigh*

  5. Hey guys and gals, I need the assistance of a FOmar! B)

    Specifically with a Virdia, Blueful, Redria, or Whitill section ID! My little Kaitabha is getting grown up enough to where I will need the above FOmar soon to give it the last item it needs to evolve correctly into a Nidra. Sadly, I have gone through all of my guild cards recently and I've only found two FOmar players, of whom sadly neither either play much anymore in my observation or have dropped off the face of PSOBB Ultima in general.

    So hit me up sometime if you see me in-game or leave me a PM! I will make it worth your while, with either some rares from my "toybox", or I'll help you get anything off my section I.D. you might need. (Oran) Thanks in advance, peace and love ya'll! :D

  6. One thing of note I've noticed with the new exe files guys you might want to be aware of, my Norton Security Suite/Antivirus keeps flagging the damn files for quarantine, even after I re-downloaded them. Be aware and set up your antivirus to exclude them from detection so they won't delete/move/quarantine the files if you run into this problem folks.

    Nice work on the new splash screen by the way. :onion-head11:

  7. Damn, late to the notification... Don't know you all that well Element, but you seem like a good fella. With that said, the Marines is serious business, especially with your listed MOS. Semper Fi and *Hoorah* future Marine, thank you for your service, your sacrifice and make your country proud. Watch your 6 in the sandpit, keep your powder dry, come back home alive and stomp some evil rag heads good for us man! I'll keep you in my prayers and that you stay safe. :onion-head11:

    • Like 1
  8. Hell if that's the case Chuk, I'll just hand them out to the n00bs from time to time, kinda like free candy haha! :onion120: Most of the rare stuff I find that I don't use for any of my characters, typically force stuff, I pass along to others for free.

    At the least, I'll have some spiffy intermediate gear for my other characters in the future, of which I've collected quite a bit already so far. :onion-head11:

    Thanks for the info guys!

  9. Okay... So yea, I was out "rangering" around on the Crater Interior this past weekend with some new friends and happened to pick up this little trinket, along with piles of other "useless" weapons and armor to sell in an effort to raise my meseta in the bank. At first I though all it would be a good for is some meseta and off to the Tekker to get it I.D.ed and promptly sold... Until... I get it back from him and I'm like, WHOA. :onion119:

    Is this a bug or just really, really rare??? Typically the "red-boxed" rare items/weapons/armor will be indicated with it's name as "SPECIAL XXXXXXXX", but this was just a regular unknown green named Gungnir weapon in a yellow box! Even though the name is in gold, it's name is not all capitalized like typical rare, "red-boxed" items, weapons and armor as well! Hot damn this thing is actually a great weapon for those pesky damned Satellite Lizards and Yowies in groups as well since they are armored against my projectile weapons and the rate to hit with chaos is actually high enough to be useful to boot! I actually can put my beloved Agito katana back on the mantle on it's stand now, hehe. :onion107:

    Also, I gotta say thanks to you GM guys for the "rush hours" this weekend, it's the only reason I can explain for this crazy Gungnir and the unusually nice finds I scored this weekend! I found both a V501 unit and a Heavenly/Arms unit that dropped nearly side by side in the same room while in the sub-desert this weekend as well! :onion86: Now, off to go find the legendary V101 unit... Time to go slaughter more Zu birds... *sigh* :onion-head83:

    Peace and love, laterz! :onion108:

  10. Hit me up this weekend sometime, screenname is the same in-game. I've got at least about 4-5 of them I've been hoarding that I wouldn't mind offloading.

    If you've got some rare mechguns you're not using I might take them instead of PDs for a load of scapedolls. Thanks and hope to hear from you this weekend!


  11. FINALLY, I finally effin' finished this quest this past weekend and of course, the rest of the Government quests as well. Was pretty easy knocking off the rest of them at this point considering I was at level 99 with my RAmar. (Dark Falz was a big WTF what a wuss as I only had to defeat two forms of him at normal difficulty, oh well, whatever...) My notes for finally completing this quest are this:

    1. Again I can't stress this enough, this is a TIMED quest. You must literally SLAUGHTER the mobs in every room to have any hope of completing this in the alloted time of 30 minutes. This means any group attack weapons, techniques, whatever, it doesn't matter, you just have to slaughter mobs quickly and efficently as you go from room to room making your way to the 4 pillars to collect the writings on the pillars for the quest objectives. The fact I it took me at level 99 with my RAmar should tell you it would be best to try this at a relatively high level with some equally powerful weaponry if you're doing this solo. If you are doing this quest with at 2 or more people, you can all split up and complete this quest much quicker and easier.

    2. GET THE MAP! If you aren't familiar with this level's floorplan and where the locations of the pillars are at, (and where exactly to go to get to them quickly and specifically IN ORDER) your chances of success in completing this quest are next to ZERO, if you are doing this solo. Yes, as I said each pillar is NUMBERED. If you take them in the correct order, you will have gotten to them in the quickest and most efficent path through the level. Marking the locations of each pillar on the map as you find them will be of great help if you have to re-do the quest due to running out of time. Again disregard this if you are not doing this quest solo.

    3. Once you've cleared out a room and the doors are unlocked, MOVE! Ignore any additional monsters that materalize in previous rooms, as long as the doors are open, you should be moving on to the next room, ignore the boxes as well any items unless your health or TP is low. Grab only what is essental to your survival, ignore everything else as your time will run out quick if you're goofing around too much!

    4. If you are a technique using RA or you're a FO, KEEP THAT SHIFTA AND DEBAND GOING! Every little bit helps! Again, SLAUGHTER, slaughter, slaughter... :onion117:

    5. Make sure you have at least 7-10 minutes left on the clock after you get the last pillar as the final room(DO NOT leave the room after you get the to the 4th pillar, a warp portal will appear momentarily) you're going to wind up at will constantly respawn monsters. Even after you think you're done, more will continue to spawn, so again keep slaughtering them as fast as your little character can go!

    Anyway, hope this helps guys and gals, peace and love, good luck! :onion-head11:

    • Like 2
  12. Ahhh yes, this quest is hacking me off pretty good when last I was playing PSOBB Ultima about almost a year ago... I realize this post is somewhat old, but still relevant perhaps for some noobs out there frustrated with this quest.This one is certainly holding up my progress of finishing all the normal Episode 1 quests and can be quite difficult if you're trying this solo. My only suggestions so far are this... As the quest description that is given by Prinicpal Tyrell's secretary says, this quest is TIMED, which makes it a real PITA, so get a map HERE! This certainly helps above all. Granted the ruins maps are huge and easy to loose track of where you're at sometimes, it's better than walking blindly through there,(again where time is crucial) so keep track of where you're at!Kill whatever you must to advance to the next room quickly as possible if necessary, ignore any monsters if you can get to the next room where you need to go. FIND all four pillars as quickly as possible!!! This may take quite a number of tries, but eventually the layout of the ruins map will become familiar and then you can pinpoint exactly where the pillars are and where you need to go quickly.Anyway, hope this helps! if you want to tackle this quest together which would certainly speed things up and improve our chances of solving it (if you haven't already by now) hit me up in game. Regardless, good luck to all who try to accomplish this trying quest!

  13. Long time lurker, but figured I'd make an entrance finally. Been playing Ultima server for several years now I think, I finally got ole Vash "out of mothballs" here this past week(haven't played in months) and see how things are these days. Been enjoying the massive exp gains here lately and the drops are certainly better than I remember seeing. I've enjoyed a few TTF runs with some folks here and there when I'm not soloing.

    Welp, I've said probably more than enough for now, so I'll see you guys out on the server... Give me a holla if you need a decent Ranger. (currently lvl 78 ) Love and peace guys! :)

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