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Posts posted by Trigunman

  1. Hello again Ultimites, I saw this the other day @ www.pso-world.com and was quite intrigued by it, as it would certainly eliminate the need of trap vision tools and also would be active all the time while equipped:

    Trap/Search unit

    This thing would be a boon for the mines, ruins, the EP2 VR locations and certainly anywhere else traps are consistently present. I assume this is a normal white lettered, green box tool item that can drop completely at random.

    So do they exist on the Ultima server? *looks @ Lee* :D

    Has anyone ever gotten one? I've personally never seen one...

  2. I'm getting close to about 20 pow mats if you want to take some early Naruto, I will probably need the room in the bank anyway...

    Look for me this weekend and we can trade then, thanks.

  3. Man I so want to do this, but I've got more pressing financial matters to deal with ATM... Namely an leaky exhaust manifold on my truck that needs replacement. *sigh*

    Maybe if you guys are still looking for one more person to buy in by next month perhaps?

    I'd love to have a real-deal "Angel Arm Revolver" for Trigunman. :P:lol:B) I'm thinking something along the lines of a the combined effects of the T-J Sword and Divine Punishment for a special on this pistol that has just below rifle range.

    Oh well, I'll get back to you gents...



    Okay, after finally getting one of these this week I have to say this...

    Oh yes, I want to give a HUGE thank you again to Godric! :D U RAWK DEWD!!! I though these were the mechguns (L&K 14 mechs) when you first dropped them to me the other night, as I have already had them once before...

    But when I finally equipped it last night and saw this was in fact the mini gun in all it's multi-shot glory I was like... OMG... YES... YEEEEEEUUUSSSSS!!!! *orgasim* LOL :lol: W00t W00t W00t! THANK YOU AGAIN sir, my arsenal is almost complete! (just lacking a Dark Meteor mwuahahahaha)

    Yea, plenty powerful enough, the combo ability to it's already pretty powerful multi-shot capability would be devastating! The range of it is almost up there with rifles to boot, I'd say it's about the same as most bazookas. Yea, combo with this thing in it's current state or should I say, at it's current ATP = overpowered. ;) If combo was added back it would need some "nerfing" to make it from being overpowered IMHO. B)

  5. Hey everyone! B)

    Recently I've been doing a number of solo runs through the Forest of Wrath quest in episode 1 in an effort to obtain photon drops and more recently, power materials for a, uhhhh, "client". :D So far I've had decent success,(perhaps on sheer numbers of enemies killed due to the quest) but I'm wondering if there is a better location/quest to find them at... Perhaps maybe do a solo Maximum Attack in episode 4? (lots of monsters to kill and particularly hard ones with equally good rewards, I think I'd only try this in normal difficulty though, maybe hard if I feel "froggy" hehe :blink: )

    Granted, I know alot of this plays out to your character's specific I.D. for the drops, but does anyone have any others suggestions for a location/quest in a particular episode they like to try to obtain photon drops at or have had relative success at finding them?

    Any and all advice, suggestions and ideas are welcome, thanks in advance! :lol:B)

  6. Heh, the plot reminds me ALOT of .hack//sign in some ways... Not sure if any of you have ever seen it. Great show though, as are the rest of the .hack catalog.

    I love the anime stylings though, the characters remind me alot of the earlier Final Fantasy artwork, particularly the characters of Final Fantasy Tactics, with a little of some of Eureka Seven's character stylings as well IMHO.

    I will definitely check this out though, thanks for the heads up Chuk!

    • Like 2
  7. I'm currently doing forest of wrath runs during the week stockpiling pow mats for you Naruto...

    However, I estimate at my current drop rates, it may take till next month give or take a few weeks to obtain 50 of them, depending on how much time I have to devote to it. (as my band schedule is also ramping up for big upcoming gigs) I'll probably be devoting my weekends to leveling till the end of the month due to the Easter Virus events because of the 5x EXP rate.

    Regardless, I'll try to keep you informed of my progress... I also may have to give them to you incrementally as I collect them due to lack of bank space.(even after I cleaned a bunch of crap out, *sigh*)

    So, let me know what you want to do in that regard as well, I'll be in touch...

  8. Hey I've heard rumors that the Oran I.D. can find the Vol Opt Virus shield drop?

    Anyone willing to confirm/deny? Feel free to PM me if you don't want to spill the beans here, thanks in advance...

  9. Is your CRouge still available Fatboy? I'll be working on getting more PDs this weekend, as I'm currently at 9 PDs...

    Hopefully a few more successful forest wrath runs this weekend will net me a total of 15 for the CRouge. I'll contact you again when I have them in-hand...

  10. Greetings fellow Ultima peeps! I'm in the hunt for a Standstill Shield! Now, I know the Viridia I.D. drops them with Mil Lilies in EP2 at Ultimate difficulty... Which ironically, on my I.D. (Oran) Mil Lilies will drop an Aura Field.

    Therefore, I'm willing to help return the assistance to any Viridia volunteering with a brand, spanking new Aura Field or two or however many we can find in a run as payment for helping me do EP2 Temple runs on Ultimate to help me find a Standstill Shield. Of course, this will probably be worthless to casts as they cannot equip the armor, but regardless, any other character types are more than welcome to assist me and score them some nice armor.

    If you are not familiar with the armor, PSO-World currently lists it has the 4th strongest armor in the game(with the potential for being the strongest for all non-cast characters) and arguably one of the best pieces of armor available, even with it's slow TP draining drawbacks. It also requires a relatively high level to equip, @ lvl 152.

    Of course, any Viridia characters willing to do this must be able to survive EP2 @ Ultimate level, so I'm thinking lvl 125 or higher possibly as a minimum, if you have good gear, as I can survive easily at my current lvl @ 155.(even if I have to resort to guerrilla hit-n-run tactics at times :P damn Mil Lilies and their Megid!) Worst comes to worst, I have a decent stock of Scape Dolls if you feel you need some, I'll probably carry a few myself just to be on the safe side honestly. Megid techs don't play...

    So thanks in advance for any and all assistance, I'll try to be on today in the PM and later this week on Friday night to do some runs, so hit me up then. Good hunting to you all, see you in-game! :onion-head11:

  11. Not sure if you're aware of this... But I've read on some similar posts in the past concerning mag raising that if you don't log-out through the lobby when you leave the game, the chances of a mag you're raising getting bugged stats and devolving/reverting to an earlier form increases exponentially. Don't ask me why, as I never really found a good explanation for this, but this is what those posters had recommended. Perhaps the chances for bugs are far less in the lobby? I dunno... Anyway...

    Thankfully I've only experienced this situation once... Hope this helps!

  12. No offense, but most of your feedback so far is still rather ambiguous... Granted you've eliminated some common causes of game connection issues with your anti-virus and firewall,(of which I'd promptly turn back on/re-install once you've isolated the cause with the game) but those are no guaranteed fix for connection issues, much less software/game issues.

    Have you fully patched the game? Have you tried re-downloading the game and re-installing? File corruption is possible on downloads on any ISP... Since you can start the game, can you access your character select screen? Can you get a screenshot of the error screen?

    Hopefully Larva, Lee or any other admins/developers/computer savvy individuals will chime in with some other viewpoints and solutions.

  13. Well, screw the CRouge for now, I need a good melee weapon, I'll take the Asteron Belt Fatboy.

    Hit me up this weekend if you'll be on then, otherwise, throw me a PM on a good time of when to catch you online, thanks!

  14. Apparently one of the patched .exe files is corrupted from your last patch update.

    When your game patches, pay attention to the .exe files it patches/downloads to find out which one is affected in case the patch botches your install. In most cases you can delete that .exe and re-download it through the in-game patcher and theoretically that should fix your problem allowing you to log-in to the server again.

    Like I've had this happen to me before, but above all, talk to Lee or Larva to find your best course of action, as the above solution may not be the solution to YOUR particular problem.

    • Like 1
  15. Plain and simple, passwords make for good fellow gamers, so to speak.

    If you're hunting for something and intend to get it for yourself, I'm sad to say, TRUST NO ONE. Greed can get the best of us all.

    Start a game up and password it, I do it myself if I'm hunting for something in particular if I can with my section ID.

    There are a few I think I can trust with in-game here,(cuz I've played with them long enough) but generally when playing with people I don't know... Yea, see above.

  16. Nah, thanks Wayne, but it's already evolved into another Madhu. :onion-head74: Now I have two LOL... One's a very general/balanced mag, the other will be a POW mag at this point.

    I'm still trying to figure out how I found a shop (wasn't Gallon's either) in EP2 that sold mag hearts, mag kits, mag parts bought with photon tickets and so forth so I could turn it into a new mag... *sigh* Should have bought something with the photon ticket I had at the time, cuz now I can't find that quest (shop) on the quest list on offline or online mode. :onion-head05:

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