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Posts posted by Zero

  1. So I tried doing a search for a Chrono Trigger OGG pack for this game last night, but the only result I actually came up with was a listed link on the Eden server's forums, of which you have to sign up to see, and have to have a game account to sign up. I'm hoping someone here knows of a OGG pack for PSO that is all Chrono Trigger music. Thanks in advance for any help.

    Actually it was a pretty cool OGG pack, saddly, it has been down since years, and unfortunately i don't have the OGG pack anymore, old PC died and lost a shit ton of good OGG packs.

  2. It will be a garbage weapon either way, no matter the combo value on it. It has no atp, no ata, doesn't even increase your luck value either.

    Belra Cannon:

    ATP: 400-500

    ATA: 45

    Max Grinder: 20

    Special Attack: Allows penetration

    Rianov 303SNR-5

    ATP: 550

    ATP: 70

    Max Grind: 20

    Special Attack: Hell (Supposedly)

    Belra Cannon could work as weaker Rianov 5, taking in consideration that you can add hit with Photon Crystal to mob weapons it can easily be made 50 hit and turn that 45 ATA to 95, a good alternative for people hoping to get a DM, although both Rianov's and Belra's Right Arm iirc are difficult to hunt, still could be turned into an alternative to Rianov 5.

  3. You can get Ranger Wall from Gallon's Shop for a ramar, gives 20 ata over max like rr with low level requirement around 40ish. Attribute wall gives good resistances with low requirement also 40ish. Kasami Bracer has atp and good resists and defenses on it, like level 112. Standstill shield is pretty ok too, but i prefer kasami to it.

    Robochao needs 2 stats >70, so it's not really going to be a good mind mag for fonewm.

    Kasami Bracer is Hunter only.

    Why is Megid so good in Ep2?

    Like Cyane said enemies in ep 2 have lower edk resistance compared to most monsters in ep 1 and some in ep 4, so having a v502 and hell equipment is recommended.

  4. Arrest raygun is a must, get an arrest slicer to for that sns glitch, good for CC, charge vulcan and charge raygun are good options too but mostly only if you have good atp, if not you are gonna be dealing low damage and wasting meseta, better get a dual bird and a last swan for your hucl if you are atp is low, unfortunately casts have a demon penalty on ultimate so it is gonna be kinda tough to get a decent demon weapon, so if you get daylight scar you can still handle the dorphon quite easily, daylight scar has an amazing dps, ignore vivienne after you get daylight scar, Vivienne is 680 atp (max grind, +50) and 49 ata, daylight scar 500-550 atp(+25) 48 ata, pretty much same stats but dls has zerk special attack which iirc is *2.86 damage, higher dps also easy to get with hit, restless lion is a good option for certain weapons, like arrest raygun and hell raygun, i got both mine 50 hit from there you can also get lucky and get a 50 hit charge vulcan as for units use v101, v502/v501 (both boost arrest x2, v501 boosts hell by 1.5 and v502 by 2 iirc) smartlink and an arms unit like centurion or heavenly arms that way you shouldn't have problems hitting enemies, no point in having max atp if you can't hit enemies,

    Get a Red sword or chain sawd, they have low base ata but you are a hucaseal you aren't gonna have much problem hitting enemies with those weapons even without hit, as hucaseal has the highest ata of all the hunter class (228) and also has traps, get your mag to lvl 200 asap too, i actually did an rt earlier today with you and i saw you still have a varaha, although i may be wrong and you already have it lvl 200.

  5. I assume this will be fixed if we have a rollback for the server... so wait for that or we do something later

    Actually it won't help, and apperantly it didn't helped because the bug was according to my logs when i made parties and such, at 8 04 am server time earlier today.

  6. Perdi mi c battle, estaba sacando los items del bank cuando me da dc porque decia que estaba full (cosa que ya sabia porque saque los items de siempre) sin embargo en ves de que sacara el c battle, resulta que sac una jizai que tenia pudriendose en el bank cuando reviso en el inventario, reviso banco y aun asi no lo encuentro


    Esta pic es de cuando todo estaba normal (creo que fue hace una semana?, no se, ultimamente juego de a ratos)


  7. This is PSOBB, and Ultima has new items and such, also they changed stats, +100 to ATP, DFP, MST, +30 to EVP, and +10 to ATA, but the growths are still the same, so if you go to PSO world and check the characters base stats at lvl 200 they will be the same as here in Ultima.

    Like tru already mentioned, there are characters that can equip certain armours which boost their stats even further, like Godric's Cloak which boosts FOmar's ATA by 30, so if you have a FOmar with max ATA and you equip Godric's and Red Ring, you'll have a grand total of 223 ATA, slightly higher than HUcast's ATP, which is 221 with Red Ring, Female characters have access to Kroe's Sweater no matter if you are a cast, newman, human, hunter, ranger, or force as long as your character is female you can equip it, which boosts ATA by 10

    HUnewearl Max ATA:209+10 from Kroe's and +20 from Red Ring=239

    HUcaseal Max ATA:228+10 from Kroe's and +20 from Red Ring=258

    RAmarl Max ATA:251+10 from Kroe's and +20 from Red Ring=281

    RAcaseal Max ATA:241+10 from Kroe's and +20 from Red Ring=271

    FOmarl Max ATA:180+10 from Kroe's and +20 from Red Ring=210

    FOnewearl Max ATA:196+10 from Kroe's and +20 from Red Ring=226

    I recommend you focus only on offensive Stats, ATP, ATA, and Luck, ignore DFP and EVP, once you get the hang of PSOBB you'll know that those are useless.

  8. Yo estaba muy desconsiderado con los que hablan principalmente español y tienen problemas o dificultades para leer en Inglés, como tal, voy a publicar toda la conversación que tuve en la sección de Inglés en la sección española de fuera de tema, como traducido por traductor Google. Si hay alguna falta de ortografía o mala gramática, pido disculpas, estoy utilizando el traductor de google y no sé una mano de español.

    Hola chicos, yo no hago muchos mensajes en los foros aparte de shmarmy, ingenioso, y muchas veces los comentarios no deseados hacia temas que conozco poco sobre (hablando honestamente, aunque, admito que me grietas muy a menudo), pero recientemente estaba pensando en crear una novela del PSOBB juego, y se basa fuera del servidor de Ultima, ambientado en un mundo con personajes de ficción, sino del personaje que jugar (también conocido como el carácter de estas dichas personas en el juego de la vida real en el juego, la voluntad ser en torno a las personas en el servidor). En esencia, lo que esto significa es que voy a ser la creación de los seres humanos falsos, pero uso la semejanza de personalidades de la gente del partido en que el personaje es que estas personas juegan como en PSOBB. Te voy a dar un ejemplo.
    Digamos que, por ejemplo, Soly me dice que no le importaría tener su semejanza utilizado en la novela. Luego haría algo como esto:
    Boy 1 jugadas como HUcast nombrado Soly, a menudo silencioso, sin embargo, él es un moderador en el servidor. ¿Tiene un muy buen trabajo para el servidor y su gente, por lo general muy amable cuando habla o decir algo, pero es por lo general afk o silencio cuando él no se enciende.
    Algo como esto sería utilizado (reemplace "Muchacho 1" con el nombre de la persona de la vida real), pero yo no quiero usar la imagen de las personas en el servidor como personajes a menos que se sientan cómodos conmigo ponerlos en allí, así como tal, estoy queriendo a la gente a responder al tema que me permita saber si no les importaría tener su semejanza utilizado en la historia. Y si lo desea, incluso puede poner en lo que piensas semejanza de su personaje estaría en la historia con sede fuera de la forma de actuar en el juego, si así lo eligió.
    Todos los nombres de la vida real se harán, yo no voy a pedir a chicos por sus nombres reales, aunque algunos de ustedes pueden estar bien conmigo dándole, no es necesario ya que la mayor parte de la historia es ficticia y llenado con eventos de ficción. Si usted está interesado en esto, que me haga saber. Necesito ver cuántas personas estarían interesados ​​en esto, así que puedo tomar cuento hasta cuántas personas quieren en, utilice sus semejanzas en la historia, y luego el resto sólo voy a hacer hasta a medida que avance a través de la trama mientras planeo no fuera de la protagonista y qué. Ya tengo una idea en mi cabeza ¿quién será el personaje principal, lo que su nombre será y lo que va a tender a actuar como (no voy a ser yo, aunque voy a poner mi imagen en general como mi personaje de la historia como una persona completamente al azar, voy a ser completamente honesto sobre ello, lo prometo).
    Dime lo que piensas, si esto no se quita con nadie, sólo voy a empezar a escribir y que puedo ser un 100% historia de ficción completa sobre PSOBB en el servidor de Ultima, que no se parece a nadie y todo lo que ha pasado nunca.
    Dime lo que ustedes piensan en los comentarios de abajo, gracias.
    Esta será una lista de las personas que actualmente desean tener su semejanza utilizado en la historia, este post permanecerá abierta hasta el domingo por la noche EST (hora estándar del este 0: 00).
    Cyane (Y todos los clones del Rey del plátano a través de su solicitud)
    Soly (RAcast o Momoka, no se añadirán Hucast en medio de su petición)
    Colorado (Flawless, clase sin nombre)
    Cristiana (Chris, RAcast)
    Sé que dije la fecha límite sería hoy (Domingo 15 de marzo) a las 5 pm, pero teniendo en cuenta mi falta de consideración de la comunidad de habla española que tenemos aquí, voy a extender la fecha de cierre para la comunidad de habla española hasta el jueves, marzo 19, hasta las 5 pm. Siéntase libre de comentar en español, me lo tomo a google traducir de nuevo, si se puede hablar con fluidez Inglés, no dude en hacer eso también, de lo contrario, gracias por el pago de esta atención compañero Guardianes!

    If you need help with translations, i could help you, after all i'm from mexico.

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  9. Ok from what I've gathered here on Ultima we want;


    (nobody wants to use one because she doesn't have great weapons and the low max stats don't support this character, here some suggestions)

    ->Boosting Nei's Claw: giving it more 100+ATP and/or a boost on gi techs of 100-200% (Since she isn't that op might as well make her a good support character).

    ->Unlocking Clio for HUnewearl: She has enough mst for that, or create a weapon to boost Jellen/Zalure for Hunewearl/Ramar/Ramarl

    ->Unlocking Asteron striker or create an equivalent to that for hunewearl - she has enough ATA to equip one but it isn't available

    ->Lower ATA necessary for dual birds, or raise HUnewearl ATA to 220 so she can equip dual birds like HUcaseal

    to sum up, HUnewearl needs more ATP/ATA to be equivalent to other classes, she falls behind on that.

    Do not boost her ATA, she has access to Kroe's Sweater, and boosting it would make even tougher to max that ATA, but rather boost her growths 147 base lvl 200 ATA, and now a 220 max ATA, that would need a 106 DEX mag with just an Adept on her units, and would make HUnewearl less flexible to work with as you have only 150 mats, the 106 DEX mag would only have 89 POW, that would make her ATP go to 1013, and her max is 1337, even if you use the 150 power materials available for her, she would still not be able to max stats, and HUnewearl can also work with some MST, her max ATA is kinda ok, but her growths, max ATP, and that newmans can only eat 150, newmans should be 200 mats already seriously.

    She needs Clio yes, Nei's boost in GI is ok but the drop rate is even more ridiculous than Sealed J-Sword in Ultima (something that despite everything here in ultima, is 100 times tougher to get with hit than a damn DF) now a boosted Nei's Claw wouldn't help her at all, only people with money in ultima could access it, it would be p2w, Heart of Poumn could be made dagger type instead of Claw (i always found that dumb considering it looks more like a damn dagger instead of a claw) perhaps add something to the weapon except an OP special attack, the whole server is about zerk/charge/demon/hell, where are arrest and spirit seriously, Although 100 souls weapon is spirit, you still have excal and the only difference is 10 ata and 50 atp.

  10. The biggest problem with HUnewearl isn't that she can't use AS at all, but rather her growths and max stats, let's compare Hunter class

    HUmar can eat 250 materials, base lvl 200 stats as follow:

    1420 hp

    943 atp

    422 dfp

    594 mst

    174 ata

    682 evp

    HUnewearl can eat 150 materials, base lvl 200 stats as follow:

    1308 hp

    835 atp

    538 dfp

    885 mst

    147 ata

    666 evp

    HUcast can eat 150 materials, base lvl 200 stats as follow:

    1762 hp

    1146 atp

    501 dfp

    0 mst

    158 ata

    585 evp

    HUcaseal can eat 150 materials, base lvl 200 stats as follow:

    1380 hp

    901 atp

    399 dfp

    0 mst

    184 ata

    777 evp

    Now take a look at those base stats and compared them to their max stats, so maxing a hunewearl atp/ata/luck is seriously tougher than hucast/hucaseal, also huney can support but she can't use clio like ramarl so huney has a disadvantage compared to all the other hu's

    • Like 1
  11. Ashura mag cell can be used too for easy feed, but the mags recomended can be done into many others not sacrificing photon blasts.

    Wait i don't know if i did got what you said, but iirc Ashura mag cell (which makes Elenor mag) can be used on any mag, so it can have pbs

  12. Some people were kind enough to give me some. Even got a v101 :D

    For materials I want to max HP/ a lot of power and a bit of some other stat?

    Focus on ATP, ATA and LUCK only, hucast's max ATP is 1739, ATA 201 HP is 2012, so he can take quite a few hits with that amount of HP even with just lvl 200 base DFP, i tried to max only those stats with my hucast (i gave him some random mats at the beggining and used a v101 plan so his ATP is just 1724 but still).

  13. Thank you for the detailed reply, Zero. If it is not a bother to ask, What might the prices of Heavenly Battle, Heavenly Arms, Heavenly Power be in Photon Drops?

    Well unfortunately i don't know really, back when i used to play they usually went for around 2 pds, AT MOST, so i'm guessing if they kept their original drop rate, it should be 1 pd, if i still had anything in my banks i'd check but i already gave everything away, so sorry i can't give you any of those 3 items.

  14. And those would be?

    V101/Heavenly Battle are a must, +40% Attack Speed bonus, since you are a hucast and are still new, you have a nice stats mag, get a Heavenly Arms(+25 ATA) to help your ATA and you can hit most enemies and get some exp when playing with other people, the other 2 slots could be Heavenly Power(+55 ATP) or another Heavenly Arms depending on how you feel your hucast is performing while playing with other people, i'd recommend you max ATA asap though, try some crazy things with your hucast that way you can get the hang of the enemies and get a style that suits you more, although hucast is the most powerful character in the game.

    For a shield Kasami Bracer shouldn't be too hard to get, although i don't remember exactly where you can get one, i think in one of the black paper deal quests not sure, but avoid getting hit should be one of your priorities, most enemies have a pattern try to learn it to dodge their attacks.

    Avoid soloing! Ultima has modified stats for characters (no growths modifications unfortunately) and monsters, so things can get quite tough when you are just starting in here, try joining people close to your level, as for swords, red sword is ok for the meantime, freeze traps are your best friends, iirc hucast gains 1 Freeze trap per 7 levels, so using freeze traps and red sword can make it up for the low ATA, probably you are still gonna do a NNH or NHH combos with red sword but still.

    A lvl 120 hucast should have the next stats: 972 HP, 746 ATP and 135 ATA, so your mag should boost your ATP to 1030, with a Heavenly Power you'll have 1085, and ATA to 161, get a couple of Heavenly Arms and it should max, hucast's max ATA is 201, so you will miss alot less, PSO is an offensive based game, so tanking is not a good option really, you should get a material plan or at least get an idea of how your hucast is gonna be at lvl 200, so you give him a few pow mats to boost that ATP.

    • Like 2
  15. you guys are misunderstanding xD

    i different difficulty is fine w/e but making ultimate harder , yes very stupid :onion-head70:

    which is what people are actually asking for .


    Not necessarily tougher, but balanced would be a better term since isn't Ruins/Seabed/Desert supposed to be like the last stages and the endgame parts where one should at least struggle when trying to solo, if i were to play ROCT/MAS with the current weapons and equipment available and just a fo in the party, i bet this should be like a regular quest, asking for tougher Ultimate doesn't mean "buff enemies by 30% and leave the characters max stats and their growths the same way!" like i've said before balance is a major flaw here in Ultima, and alot of things around here make the game easier, hell i believe ranger is way easier to play than in vanilla pso right now.

    Ultima suffers of balance issues, and it is a fact, hence the reason why most people who start the game play mostly as rangers/forces instead of going for hunter from lvl1-200 because hunters allow less flexibility and having to hunt for 50 hit weapons which aren't easy task because of RNG, you also have to get Units, Armours, Shields and such to have a decent hunter, hell most of my Hunter equipment is 50 hit and that doesn't guarantees that you can do NHH combos with hunter, i even use Red Ring.

  16. "may extend a little more time the drop of pgf? because qe qe broomop seems a little more boring than usual these days already been launched on server all day, and today had him down from 12 hours ago more or less think. Well, only if possible xd qe I still do not get the hahahah mio. and when I go to play this man XD boot the server."

    Translation brought to you by Google.

    There's no need to translate it, Larva is from mexico, hence the reason why Rodrigo asked in spanish.

    • Like 1
  17. to people who want "ultimate Boosted" , thats stupid .

    the only person ive seen said it , actually isnt as good as he thinks he is xD

    besides theirs quests that you can do that are tough as hell like max attack S on ep 2 or Raid on central tower (Ultimate Only Quest)

    i'd like to see them take that quest on solo or with a hucast . in my opinion , they're just saying that to look good by saying they want a harder ultimate lol

    You do realize that those quests are supposed to be played in a full party, and were made as tough as possible to avoid people playing it alone, because to play ROCT you gotta know how to crowd control, and also know the spawns.

    Asking for a tougher Ultima doesn't exactly means that it is gonna be "super tough!" instead give it some difficulty, asking for just buff is dumb since there is no sense of balance at all, and so discussing this kind of stuff is what ultimately will bring a better sense of community around in Ultima and also people deserve to ask for new things, if Ultima is to survive this next years it must change the mechanics, gameplay style and make that kind of changes, lets face it people who are looking to play vanilla pso were already here or in other servers, so people who come here right now are the people that have tasted pso and want to experience the game further, but vanilla pso isn't enough to keep players around here for long, i've actually since that events seem to constantly keep players playing for longer spans of time and keep playing here, so having a pso that has modern gameplay mechanics, style or something alike will bring more players around here and even become part of the community, since Ultima is still a small community it should be noted that players with positive interactions either on the forums or in game will likely say positive things of the game and probably encourage their friends to try pso out.

    New stuff is what brings people around here, and the community is what makes those people stay around the server like some people actually can say that (i believe, like myself i can tell you i had more fun with some people than with the game itself.)

  18. I like this, not necessarily balancing the weapons around attack boosts but rather utility boosts as well, but then there also leads to the fact that weapons with similar specials with higher ATP values will be used much more, and these worse weapons will still get dumpstered, especially when people start obtaining these high end gears.

    I'll take your example of Meteor Smash for example, are you really going to be interested in using a Meteor Smash for the seize effect rather than using an Arrest Needle with hit? Even if the Meteor Smash had the same or more hit, probably not. While it's good for people who don't have Arrest Needle or similar items with the same specials and hit, but with higher ATP, people that end up having better gear will simply dumpster these anyway. Do you by chance have any idea on how you could potentially make it so these weapons aren't throw-away weapons to others without buffing their atp to unprecedented amounts?

    Unfortunately this weapons seems to be destined to suck for the rest of their existence, unless larva misteriously decides to swap the stats of DF for Dragon Slayer and thus making Dragon Slayer the best sword out there!, or giving Arrest Needle stats to a Crush Bullet :o.

    But no i don't see any possible way to make them compete with weapons that drops from Ultimate, also Arrest Needle is broken, at least they should've made it unreduced seize or just arrest, S rank needle is completely outclassed by Arrest Needle now, getting back to garbage weapons, you see with the few 1p RPG and few MMORPGs i've played there will always be lower end weapons/armours, or begginers gear if you will, and this weapons are saddly useless once you start progressing on the game, the only way for them to be viable is to add this weapons specials from tier 3-4 in this case seize, fill, dark (this were the only special attacks that came to my mind that could help in any way)/charge, zerk, spirit, demon's, hell and such, but we don't want to hand new users easy weapons now would we? so like i said it is no use, this items are pretty difficult to make them compete, but that doesn't mean that they should be destined to be garbage, they could help new users when getting to vhard and making that step from vhard to Ultimate.

    Also the only way i can see of making a tougher but still a little bit more balanced game is making this garbage items useful (addressing again colorado's request of making Ultimate tougher) i could probably post the changes i did to crappy items on tethealla, and share some ideas with users who want a tougher Ultima, but still balanced since that is one the most important things in RPGs, and Larva can't argue that making alot of changes would break Ultima, he already made DM lol.

  19. And it's been on the back burner for awhile I would really like to see the character slot trader finished... Also I suggested awhile ago but I would like to see ultimate become harder

    The main problem with Ultimate being tougher is that more weapons will be getting useless, alot are useless as it is right now, imagine boosting Ultimate for lets say +20%, now you would be making the list for useful items on Ultimate even shorter, which is short already, making Ultimate tougher right now will make it tougher for new players, but for old users, who already have a bunch of event items ultimate will still be the same, you have a full damage mitigator in SonicTeam Armour, you have Centurion Battle which boosts AS by 110 and most people play ranger for the flexibility it allows while some force just play support while they are getting to 200/good equipment, and hunter will still be struggling.

    I'm not saying that you don't deserve to ask for a tougher Ultimate, but you aren't giving any ideas here for it to become a possibility in the future, it is supposed to be job of the staff but take in consideration that, but if larva makes that kind of modifications to the game and alot of people start complaining, you are not the one to take the blame but larva, because he is calling the shots here not you, you are not even part of the staff, imagine you get on one day "imma join my friends who are still lvl 120-140 and do a couple of quests to gain some exp, see if i can get some good stuff" and then he makes room and notice enemies hit harder, evade hits even more often, have higher hp and higher dfp, you really think those new guys are just going to deal with the new buff and stick to vhard which would take hours to get a couple of levels and not to mention that vhard drops are really bad compared to Ultimate drops? you only seem to say make it tougher for us old players and stuff but you aren't helping anybody here, so instead of just suggesting things, why not think of a way to make your ideas a possibility, take in consideration that ideas around here should be accepted by most users and there are already users who have said that Ultimate is good as it is.

    I'll throw in some ideas from the top of my head considering your idea of making Ultimate tougher.

    1.- Garbage items should get a buff, not in terms of ATP only, but in terms of usefulness, like giving Gae Bolg, Varista, and Meteor Smash different special attacks, on a simple teth server i modified most of the crappy items to the point that they can be useful, like Meteor Smash instead of having soul i changed it to seize, since it isn't a weapon that drops from rare monsters, it isn't very likely you will be getting one with 50 hit as fast as you would with a Diska of Braveman which does drops from rare monsters and Ultima tends to activate rare monsters mini events alot, and make the weapon itself useful at least for the meantime while you get a Spread Needle or something from Ultimate.

    tl:dr change the special attacks of certain garbage items and make them useful at least for the lower difficulties.

    2.- Difficulty scaling, in vanilla pso, once you get around 150 you are strong enough to withstand almost anything (depending on the class also) you can go as a supporting player, or something like that, but in Ultima the EVP of the enemies and ATP scales insanely, which means that everything you do depends on your equipment mostly, if you are to play efficiently, and so when going to Ultimate users with end game equipment and spare items can just xfer their main equipment to new characters and just rush the 10 levels from 90-100 and ask a couple of friends to help them for faster rt runs and get to lvl 200 in a matter of days, while new players will have to get what most of us got through, play the game from scratch, but they are gonna have a tougher time getting to 200 than lets say me, because i joined Ultima when it was still in its vanilla state, 86millions for lvl 200, exp x3 from lvl 1-200, mobs were easier, and such (96 million the current max exp for 200 iirc), but now Ultima monsters have already recieved a boost of 30% on their stats (i don't remember if it was 30% exactly correct me if i'm wrong) and now recieving another boost of lets say 20%? now characters have just recieved boosts to their max stats, not to their growths overall, which means a current lvl 100 humar will have the same stats as a lvl 100 humar from a vanilla pso, and you don't see new users hunting materials that early in the game (well i don't know if there are currently players hunting mats and selling them) and pds, the coin of pso isn't as common as one would want it to be.

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