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Ultima Veteran
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Everything posted by JupiterDeMars

  1. Blue Black Stone - Delbiter - Viridia - EP2 - Ultimate (Deldeph - Amore Rose)
  2. Lindcray - Sinow Zele - Viridia - EP2 - Ultimate
  3. Updated Glide Divine [0/30/0/0|30] 30 PDs Hylian Shield [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] 15 DTs Ganondorf Shield [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] 15 DTs PPP mag x7 6 PDs each Ignition Cloak [DEF: 2/EVP: 7] [Slots: 0] 15 PDs Godric's Cloak [DEF: 2/EVP: 0] [Slots: 4] 7 PDs
  4. Je vais prendre le diska of braveman 65 hit c :
  5. Updated Centurion/Arms Mother Garb+ [DEF: 8/EVP: 1] [Slots: 2] Ophelie Seize [40/35/30/0|0] Rage De Feu [0/0/0/0|35] Banana Cannon [0/20/30/0|0] Psycho Wand [0/40/0/25|0] [Untekked] Girasole [35/0/30/20|0] Madam's Umbrella [0/0/0/0|40] Lieutenant Mantle [DEF: 19/EVP: 18] [Slots: 0] Vampire Cloak [DEF: 94/EVP: 49] [Slots: 4] Centurion/Ability Trap Search
  6. Rianov 303SNR-2 - Za Boota - Pinkal - EP4 - Ultimate
  7. Rianov 303SNR-4 - Pinkal - Yowie - EP4 - Ultimate
  8. Slicer Of Vengeance - Greenill - Dark Bringer - EP1 - Ultimate
  9. Magic Rock Heartkey - Virida - Crimson Assassin - EP1 - Ultimate
  10. Slicer Of Vengeance - Astark - pinkal - EP4 - Ultimate Love Rappy' Beak - Zu Pinkal - EP4 - Ultimate
  11. Photon Booster - Bluefull - Baranz - EP2 - Ultimate
  12. Hey yes i do are you available now ?
  13. TypeXX/yyyy XX: animation of the weapon (ME for mechgun, GU for gun ,SW for sword etc...) yyyy: skin of the weapon so for exemple, the typeGU/mechgun is a one hand mechgun with an handgun animation, so it shoots only one bullet like all hanguns
  14. TypeME/mechgun or TypeGU/mechgun or TypeGU/handgun for 10 DTs
  15. I can sell this one NUG2000-Bazooka +32 [0/0/0/0|75]
  16. room noudle pass a and no problem about that
  17. sorry i was running HH sure, let me know when (im available now)
  18. On my way, i ll make a room "Onion" and wait
  19. I do, let me know when we can trade
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