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About Funplayer

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    Evil Shark
    Evil Shark

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  1. I thought about this, but querying the data would require a poke at the html location every time the game runs. I would also then need an xml parser in lua, a language I'm not very familiar with. Not to mention, it would seem kinda shady having a pso plugin query the internet for data.
  2. My idea is to just run an XML parser over the whole thing, program the systematic pattern for the episodes/difficulties using ints, and then just auto-dump the data to a .lua script as a completed data set. Seems easy enough, will just take time. I have plenty of XML examples in C#, Java, and Python. Accessing the data is easy enough in Lua anyway, I just need to provide the necessary functions.
  3. I'm learning to code Lua at the same time as using Json and the solylib, while also learning the importance of static memory mapping. Its a good learning experience to say the least.
  4. I'm willing to maintain it for a while, but only until I get bored. At least a few months.
  5. The finished product should display the drop rates of every different monster in the room, based on the monster drop rates list in the main site. This being of course based on the soly lib. I'll be using the monster hp viewer as a resource to work on this. With the help of Soly and Isaac, I have solved all the required functional issues. The data remains to be populated however.
  6. Not sure the value, post a price. I have DT's and some pds.
  7. Cent/legs one of the 3 boota Ultimate Yellowboze Cent/technique astark Ultimate Yellowboze
  8. I will accept a 0'd one, or even low end. Reply with your requests for pds, and the weapon's stats.
  9. Sketchy...EHHH... I dunno what that means. It seems doable. I examined the struct data, it doesn't seem very tough.
  10. Dynamic quest data could be cool. Some RNG never hurt anyone. Mutate it with some high level script in the server before its fed. Could modify wave data sequentially to alter monsters in waves, or use it to fluctuate the rewards from certain quests. Possibly an event quest with some interesting chances for RNG rewards. I'm not bad with parsers, maybe I could help out.
  11. Perhaps you can just load up all the data, then create a table structure on the spot based on all the data and its parameters. Then provide opcodes to redirect to new positions! This sounds kinda fun actually, and would help with those baked in animations. Forest booma spawn opcode, will provide say forest int, booma int, and so on. Pointing at the booma model, in the forest template of monsters. Forming this into a single opcode, could make it possible to create new monsters JUST by pointing at new positions in your own table! EXCELSIOR! Honestly not sure how well it would run though. Should be okay in C. Standard Booma opcode > extra parameters in quest for single booma > table cobbles together new booma using sub table of parameters. Completed booma fed into the room. How does the quest data work anyway?
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