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Everything posted by 2blivion

  1. Thanks Virec for all the help! Really appreciate it man!
  2. GL on that DM its like the best weapon in the game
  3. 2blivion

    Buy List

    updated thanks -Josiah-!
  4. 2blivion

    Buy List

    updated thank you -Lemon- !
  5. 2blivion

    Buy List

    Bump-still need all the items listed except raygun (possibly)
  6. I'll also add 5 pds to whatever TMU offers to help him get this
  7. 2blivion

    Buy List

    updated, still need other things!
  8. 2blivion

    Buy List

    thanks! and no problem, just let me know
  9. 2blivion

    Buy List

    Due to lack of responses, I'm willing to go lower on the hit%'s for the non rares and no hit required for the holy ray and angel harp
  10. 2blivion

    Buy List

    Got everything i needed for now! Thanks all who came and helped!
  11. Thanks guys! i appreciate the info! now if i could just get someone to trade pds for my DT's then ill be good to go!
  12. title pm me ill catch it easier!
  13. title wondering what one of these goes for
  14. Booma! I have JUST for you, a 4 SLOT FRAME! YAY! 4 SLOTS can be ANYTHING!! You can equip ANY unit you want AND up to 4 OF THEM! Just imagine, if you wanted to be stronger, faster, or more mindful, with this FRAME you can! You can have ANY stat you want with 4 SLOTS!!! You can have this AMAZING 4 SLOT FRAME for ONLY 35 pds!
  15. Booma! I have JUST for you a 4 SLOT FRAME! why would you buy a weapon if you CANT EQUIP IT? a weapon is a weapon, but 4 SLOTS can be ANYTHING!! You can equip ANY unit you want AND up to 4 OF THEM! Don't fall for a silly offer for JUST a weapon!! When you can have ANY stat you want with 4 SLOTS!!! You can have this AMAZING 4 SLOT FRAME for ONLY 35 pds!
  16. Title, looking preferrably for hit% and % in native, machine, or both would be paying in pd(s)
  17. its all good man. really, i am seriously saying thanks and that you guys are awesome =]
  18. of course, it just felt a little more like vehemently defending what was never intended to be an insult or real complaint at all, i was only suggesting to begin with but the responses felt more like objections, however its all relative to each person, and text carries no emotion behind it Lol.
  19. usually the error message i get is "connection terminated" and some numerical code i can always log back in however, so it's probably not a server uptime issue, but rather like you said desyncing or perhaps even a firewall or port forwarding issue
  20. sounds good. im gonna just stop replying here because the topic's title is apparently very misleading
  21. i appreciate the technical feedback, however i was a network technician, tech support, and IT administrator so i know what i'm doing PC-wise
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