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Posts posted by Salm

  1. 6 hours ago, HereticKitsune said:


    Try either opening the executable on your other monitor, or moving the launcher window over to your other monitor before hitting Start Game. I'm unable to test this at the moment, but this does work for many programs.


    Well I already open the launcher on my left monitor and the game pops up on my right monitor. I do know that sometimes when I startup the launcher it pops up on m right monitor but when I launch the game it will still launch on my right monitor. As far as the executables I don't fully understand what you mean.

  2. @Soly I have noticed since logging on today that I have been able to tab out while running and it doen't instantly stop me in place. Thank you for fixing that. I am still unable to use the Win+Shitf+Arrow key to move Ultima windows from screen to screen. Do you have an alternate way of moving ultima windows from screen to screen? I use virtual fullscreen when I play because if I don't the screen gets all wonky on me, so I can't just drag and drop a window to another screen. When I found out about the command to do this it made dual logging so much more pleasant and I would like to keep doing this. I do believe that when I first started playing on this server back in 2016 alt tabbing out did cycle names. Somewhere between that time and two days ago it had changed. I mostly forgot about it because its just so convenient not need to cycle through all the various info above players heads. I can live without this feature but I do like having it.


    I appreciate all the work you put into this server Soly thanks for helping this place run as well as it does. Additionally I appreciate what all the GMs do to keep this server running.

  3. 1 hour ago, Clappy said:

    If you want information about the new multi-logging update please check here:

    I am fully aware of the rules and regulations on dual-logging and I am not breaking any of them. However dual logging is still useful for banking and various other things. If I can't move one window of my game to another screen It makes it a lot harder to do anything with dual logging. Also this is a recent development, since yesterday when they started the event after they did the server maintenance I have been having these issues. If the changes made to dual logging were the cause then I would have noticed this problem much sooner.


    I do believe that this is a result of whatever they changed during the server maintenance yesterday. Although I don't wish to blame the GMs or more specifically Soly for any changes made that were probably necessary. I just wanted to point out what was going on and maybe get a work around or If this is an actual unintended issue then I wanted to bring it up so that the GMs could see what was going on.


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  4. So I don't know exactly what has changed that caused this to happen. But in the last two days I have not been able to use the command Windows Key + Shift + Arrow Key to move the Psobb ultima game window from screen to screen. I use two screens so when I am playing on my two different accounts I like to have one on each screen for ease. However in the last two days I am unable to do so now. Additionally when I am autorunning in game using the Q button and I decide to tab out of the game it will instantly cancel my running action in game. One final thing I noticed while writing this. Whenever I tab out of the game in lobby the names over my head change because I am using the Tab key. Unless I am crazy, which is still up for debate, this hasn't been a problem in the past.


    Maybe someone can tell me why this is happening or a work around for this problem. Possibly something that should be addressed by the GMs. I would just like to continue playing the game in a way that is comfortable to me or at least how I have expected the game to behave in the past.

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  5. I'm not the most knowledgeable player on here but as far as I am aware this server stands alone and does not allow for a transfer of any data from other versions of the game. I think part of why this is setup this way is to prevent cheating with getting gear. On top of that there are additional weapons and items in this version of the game that does not exist in the original version of the game. I hope this doesn't deter you from playing on our wonderful server here. We have a great community here and I hope despite having to start over from scratch you will still join us for some fun in game. Happy Easter!!!!!

    • Like 5
  6. red merge evil shark purple vh episode 1

    blue merge pal shark purple vh episode 1

    nonevent drop sinow beat purple vh episode 1

    nonevent drop vol opt purple vh episode 1

    nonevent drop dal ral lie ult episode 1

    rambling may canadine ult pueple episode 1

    • Like 1
  7. Blue merge pal shark yellow vh episode 1

    nonevent drop hildeblue yellow vh episode 1

    Rambling may canadine yellow vh episode 1

    nonevent drop pouilly slime yellow vh episode 1

    nonevent drop Nar Lilly yellow vh episode 1

    red merge evil shark yellow vh episode 1

    nonevent drop gillchic yellow vh episode 1

    • Like 1
  8. Nonevent drop vol opt vh greenil episode 1

    red merge vulmer pinkal ult episode 1

    Rambling May canabin pinkal ult episode 1

    red merge evil shark skyly vh episode 1

    nonevent drop sinow blue skyly vh episode 1

    Tablet claw skyly vh episode 1


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  9. Tablet claw greenil ult ep1

    NYC Dark Bringer greenil ult ep1

    NYC gulgus-gue greenil ult ep1

    Red Merge vulmer greenil ult ep1

    Murasame pouilly slime greenil ult ep1

    yellow Merge melqueek greenil ult ep1

    DF shield sinow red greenil ult ep1

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