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Posts posted by RJTB

  1. 7 hours ago, Soly said:

    I assume his application won't be loading web pages.
    If he were to make it web pages, then there wouldn't be the need of an application (as an executable in the user's pc).

    The app doesn't load web pages. Its sort of a database for mag info. Basically you type in the name of the mag you want to create and all the information of that mag will be pulled up in seconds. The information pulled up will include What to feed the mag from lvl 1-200 and what ID's and class you need in order to create this mag. Not only does it pull up all the information of the mag but as well of the different types of stats and a full on step by step tutorial on how to create the mag. It will save peoples time and patience of having to scavenge through sites to find a guide.


    On another note to everyone who doesn't like or thinks this tool is useless or irrelevant.

    I am doing this for my own amusement i enjoy coding and this is a project i am doing for fun. I have had several people tell me this is useless or that i am not the first person to code something like this or whatever. I honestly don't care what people say i am doing what makes me happy, useless or not. Even if no one decides to use it i still would be getting joy out of making it because i am doing something i enjoy doing for "FUN". Agree or Disagree that won't change my mind. At the end of the day i am happy with my creation and i will enjoy making it even if its just for personal use. I Hope everyone understands :)


  2. 2 hours ago, Justin Noble said:

    I am a veteran at making mags and thing this post is irrelevant....

    Nice that you are doing this for everyone else who is totally lost when making mags though :) good job

    I'd much rather recommend a program with all of the info than tell people how I do it myself, because there are other(INFERIOR!!!!) ways of doing things and sometimes what I say doesn't have actually be done the way I said it needs to be done. Like for twins on a dex>pow mag use a redria hunter for the level 50 feed. But seriously there are a bunch of other IDs it could be I just have no idea what they are haha

    As you say Master RRR LOL, I was going to have you Beta test it once i finished it. I had a whole discussion about it with Cyane and we both agreed that you would make the perfect beta tester for this project.


    BTW on the bottom of the screenshot there is a slot that is called Guide that slot will contain all the info required about the mag feeding aka a full tutorial on how to make it happen. I already thought it ahead :P


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  3. 1 hour ago, Nessly said:

    JYES please! Have raised mags in past exactly how I want, but every time it's always a pain looking up charts and making sure to double check the requirements (IE female / male / ID / stats etc).

    Something that will tell us what to feed it, when to feed it and which what class / sex to feed it would be perfect! We should scrounge up a DT pot for the makers of this tool!

    I am the developer and creator of this tool. I thought it would be fun and also a useful tool not only for noobs but for people who just want to look up a mag and make it them selves.


    1 hour ago, Lemon said:

    :o Would you be willing to share the code behind this?  I've tried to build something like this a couple times, and It never worked how I wanted it to, so I'd be interested to see how you went about doing it.

    Yes once the tool is fully coded i will release the source code to the public.


    2 hours ago, Axel Gear said:

    I think this is a great idea, would be so much easier and faster than trawling through pso-worlds old guides. 

    Glad you like the idea :) my intentions was to make it easier for everyone :D


    1 hour ago, Dashie IOW said:

    this is a good idea :3 i hate trying to find the damn mags i want on PSOworld or PSO wiki or whatever has the info on now these days X3

    Hahaha Well worry no more as i have come to save the day xD

  4. Description

    This easy tool for sure will make feeding a mag easier by providing you a list of resources required for each level of a mag so that you achieve the perfect mag you want. I have discussed this with several users and they acknowledged that it would be a great idea to help community members of newbies that are just starting to mag feed.

    How it works

    You type in the mag name you are trying to create. The tool will search for the mag in the DB and provide you a full resource list of requirements required to create the mag. It also provides you with the ID's required to make the mag.

    The tool provides the resources in order from level 1-200

    As you can see down below.


    Loading Screen


    Mag Feeder Tool



    Coming Soon


    Change Logs:

    Coming Soon


    Notice: If you already are a veteran at making mags and think this tool is irrelevant please keep your comments to your self. Positivity is what keeps us going :)

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