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Posts posted by Gor3

  1. 4 hours ago, clooniecuts said:

    So if people have this stuff rotting in their banks, why is it that no one can aid me in using them? I'm so sick of begging people and I'm not good at using Force characters at all. I tried on Ephinea and it's too difficult. Even then, I don't want to play the game just to be support. I play because I want to be able to hit stuff. I took Razfedt for granted and now I lost that account. I understand being banned for what I did but to lose my character I put countless hours in, even people in the game AND on the forums say is too harsh of a punishment, I thought was a concept I could get over but now I have to be forced to play as a class that is only useful for being the support is really throwing tomatoes in my face.

    I am more miserable than I was before. I just don't even know what to do anymore. It's not a fair system what so ever. Not at all.


    This dude... nobody has an obligation to "Help you" by emptying a bank filled with effort and hours of gameplay, you don't have the right to be mad at people for simply choosing not to help due to your attitude (read quote above)... You say you're sorry, yet look how you keep expressing yourself...

    Too harsh of a punishment?? You were reported and warned several times, making the game not fun to play and being disrespectful to others... If I had the option, I'd IP ban the shit out of you, be thankful you're still here...

    Stop complaining and do the do, if its too hard, find another server, or another game and stop whining FFS.

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