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Everything posted by Ardh2005

  1. Name: Rob Age: 27 Preferred Contact Method: Forums or in-game Hobbies: Gaming (Mostly video games or PnP games with friends) and studying. A little more about yourself: I've been playing PSO for over a decade, logged over 1k hours offline on the GC. I tend to solo b/c I'm either in school and need to watch the clock, or at home and having to take care of my cat. (also, old habits are hard to break.) You'll usually find me running through the Forest and Caves with my RAmarl... (Can kill the dragon safely, but get one-shotted by that overgrown centipede).
  2. I noticed that completing quests on one difficulty clears it on the others, does that mean that side quest (i.e. sue and bernie side quest) data carries over, too? If I complete SoaB in Normal, can I get a rare weapon on Ult? or has that bit been removed?
  3. I'm not really complaining, it just kinda caught me off guard. Sorry if I sounded like I was complaining. As far as the other question, my internet at home isn't that great, and I tend to have lag issues in multi. Also, it's an old habit.
  4. I wasn't thinking you were being mean, and the "little trouble in hard ruins at 40" wasn't with a super high mag, but it was offline only on the GC mainly. This is the first server where I've been making a more serious effort to play multi, but my comments were based around single mode.
  5. That's not really the point I was going for. On the GC and scht, your could go into VH at lvl 40. I wasn't even asking about that. EDIT: Realized that some more info might help. I have been using my RAmarl. I can actually do the forest fairly safely, but struggle in the mines. I also just did the Forest with my HUne with little trouble, so are the episodes set up to be better for different classes?
  6. Has the difficulty of Single-player been stepped up? I noticed that my level 40 characters are struggling by themselves in hard mode forest, when I am used to them being able to hold their own in hard mode ruins, or maybe struggle in the VH forest... Is that a normal thing for this server?
  7. Just started, I have a skyly Hune and a Green RAmar. Before I get too far along on leveling my characters, any advice on classes or ID's? (I tend to solo a lot) EDIT: Also, I am planning on starting a force later on, (Probably a FOney), so ID suggestions for that would be appreciated, too. Thanks in advance.
  8. Hey there. I've been playing PSO for a long time (put in about 300-400 hours on the GC...) and I'm really happy to find a server that I can play on with my friend! I'd been missing this awesome game.
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