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Posts posted by Midori

  1. The last 8 or so times I've done this kind of trade was at a rate of 5:1, or better. I'm not lying. But if for some reason I can't do the trade at 5:1, I will eventually be forced to change the rate. That's how supply and demand works. I'm not in a big hurry to get DTs right now. I was just running out of space for all my PDs but I made a new storage account today so I can wait longer.

  2. This game is pay to win like most modern games but at least it's possible to do everything without spending any money. So while there is definitely room for improvement as far as the business model is concerned, it could be much worse. One of my biggest complaints about PSO2 was the fact that many things required you to spend money.

    If spending real money was required for certain things here, I would quit this game too. The only exception would be if there was a cheap monthly fee that was required to play the game, but gave you access to everything. Then the game would be truly fair for everyone. Having a monthly fee also helps considerably for filtering out the worst kind of players. Unfortunately, when it comes to a private server for a game owned by Sega, you can't be too direct with charging money for it or else it would increase the chance of Sega shutting it down.

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  3. Saith, you have no idea what you are talking about and your analogies don't work. I explained why you are wrong in my previous post so I won't repeat myself. You are very good at PSO and overall very knowledgeable, but it seems you are also close minded. Even you can be wrong at times. Please watch some Youtube videos on open minded vs close minded and do your best to understand them. Thanks.

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  4. Of course the PD to DT ratio is based on supply and demand. The dimes and dollars analogy doesn't work because unlike dimes and dollars, PDs and DTs are used for different things.

    If suddenly many players donated and they all wanted to trade their DTs for PDs around the same time, there may not be enough people willing to trade their PDs for them all, so the donators might be forced to adjust their rate from 1:6 to 1:5. That's supply and demand in action.

    And it works the other way too. If many players wanted to trade their PDs for DTs but not many players were donating around that time, there wouldn't be enough DTs for them so they would have to adjust their rate accordingly.

    • Like 1
  5. If you are the kind of player who never changes equipment, then Mother Garb+ would be overall better than the cloaks. But there are situations where the cloaks are better than Mother Garb+.

    For example, I prefer Ignition Cloak for TTF, because all 3 of the fire tech boosts come in handy at various points in the quest, and the high fire resist helps you survive DF's Rafoie. If you have enough fluids to last through the whole quest, you don't really need the TP cost reduction from MG+, or you can use Adepts to help with that. Ignition Cloak is also better for the Mop Up 3 quest in Ep 4 since you pretty much spam Rafoie the whole time.

    Tempest Cloak could be nice for CCA to help you kill the boss a little faster with Gizonde. Instead of using a Lt Mantle for the trap vision, you can use a Trap Search unit with the Tempest Cloak.

    Congeal Cloak might be best if you are hunting Limiter from Bluefull Astarks, along with a Rabarta Merge, for more Rabarta boost. Kill the first few Astarks in New Mop Up 1 or Max Attack A~C, and restart. It's probably better than MG+ for Seabed/RT as well, since many enemies are weak to ice like the Gees and Olga Flow.

    If you are a high enough level to use Select Cloak but not high enough for MG+, the Grants boost from Select Cloak would be helpful for Ep 4. Or even if you are a high enough level for MG+, the small but consistent Grants boost from Select Cloak could be enough to make you kill some enemies in one less hit.

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  6. 期待してるぞハンターズ!!

    Kitai shiteru zo hantaazu!!

    I'm expecting good things from you, hunters!!

    If it's at the end of the quest, maybe it was said in reference to future quests, or maybe it was said after a failed attempt at a quest.

    • Like 2
  7. Usually the visual glitches aren't a big deal but I often carry both Glide Divine and Glide Divine V.00 and sometimes when I switch to one, it will look like the other and I get confused about which one I'm actually using. Soly, if you eventually get around to fixing the skin related bugs, that would be nice.

  8. Just make it a "not allowed" and a bannable offense for quad logging with one person in the PS02 system. Thanks for explaining things Soly. =o)

    This. And for the players who never check the forums and aren't aware of the rule, you could do a warning first and a ban for repeat offenders.

    Why should it even be allowed in the first place for one person to run multiple accounts in order to get items faster? How does this benefit the game? One account should be good enough for solo.

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