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Posts posted by Ogni-XR21

  1. 9 hours ago, Soly said:

    Isn't lobby.ogg that same song?
    At least that's what I have in my game folder and it seems to be the same in the installer

    Do you mean that your game folder has the lobby.ogg which is the song "Day dawns" which I posted the youtube link to?
    Or that the lobby.ogg you have is the Japanese anime song?

    In my game (which was installed 2-3 years ago) lobby.ogg is the anime song. When I tried to replace the song with the "Day dawns" song back then, the updater would replace it again with the anime song each time I started the game. I had never tried it since the new launcher was released, so now I replaced it again and now it seems to keep the "Day dawns" song.

  2. Are events not posted on the regular website any more? I know this just started, but the summer event was not posted there, so I was just wondering. And I know some people that only check the regular website and don't visit the forums.

    Btw. can confirm Bluefull Dorphon Eclaire Cent/Power (Warriors Pride).

  3. Midori I read before that you prefer to have it all configured on your controller and that setup is indeed very interesting. I play a lot more oldschool style. Some of the console controlls are still in use by me today.

    I still use the quick menu (R1+Triangle) for casting some techs (S/D/J/Z). One would think casting J/Z would be more efficient with regular buttons or hotkeys this is something I will not change as I have been doing it this way for 15 years and changing the way to cast those just won't work for me (I tried). I guess it's like driving stick or automatic. Once you're used to stick you don't change to automatic even if it doesn't really make sense.

    Here is my setup for my Foney:
    palette left: Rafoie
    palette middle: Razonde
    palette right: Rabarta

    alt palette left: Trifluids
    alt palette middle: Anti
    alt palette right: Resta

    Shortcut menu:
    very top: Deband
    2nd from top: Shifta
    3rd frin top: Reverser
    bottom: Jellen
    2nd from bottom: Zalure
    3rd from bottom: Ryuker

    For when I'm lazy and don't want to use the keyboard this will get me through a game without much trouble. But for all access play I have the following keyboard configuration:

    IMPORTANT: I use the number block to use shortcuts, it can be used when numlock is deactivated and keyboard controlls are turned off (not sure if that is necessary). I will simply shift my right hand from the controller to the numpad. On there I have all the attack techs setup. It's also nice since holding a number will act as a "turbo" for techs and you will cast as fast a possible when holding down a key.
    I have all Foie set to 1 (single), 4 (gi), 7 (ra), all Zonde on 2, 5 and 8 and Barta on 3, and 9. Only tech not always available is Gibarta on 6 since I put Grants on there... and 0 is Resta.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Nightmare2.0 said:

    please write that to @Sylph777 in a pm.. after that you will never write such bs again XD its annoying if youre usin df and someone heals me.. and thats also no teamplay..


    Of course if you're doing a specific run in a team you know, roles may change. But in a casual open game I just don't care how much faster a mob might die when everything dies within seconds anyway. I think it's much worse to struggle to even tag enemies in a game with a DF user that won't hold back.

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  5. Are you sure you are playing the correct difficulty setting? The one you played all those quest in? I recently was converting enemy parts and was baffled that it did not work any more. I had originally played everything on vhard but made my game in normal. So even though all the quests were available I could not convert the parts on normal.

  6. I have it ingrained into my system to heal when someone is about to die. It's a reflex by now and I can't always control it.

    Also I honestly don't care what weapon others use, and most of the time I don't even care to pay attention. This is a game where a balanced team provides the most fun and that included me supporting the other players. OP maybe you should stick to soloing or playing with other DF users.

  7. I need to clear some space so I decided to sell some stuff.

    SPECIAL OFFER: Pay 5 PDs and pick stuff for 6 PDs worth total


    - Cure/Confuse - 2 PD
    - Cure/Freeze - 2 PD
    - Cure/Shock - 2 PD
    - Devil/Technique - 1/2 PD
    - God/Arm - 1/2 PD
    - God/Body - 1/2 PD
    - Heavenly/Ability - 2 PD
    - Heavenly/Battle - 1 PD
    - Heavenly/Body - 3 PD
    - Heavenly/Legs - 3 PD
    - Heavenly/Luck - 2 PD
    - Heavenly/Mind - 2 PD
    - HP/Revival - 1/2 PD
    - Perfect/Resist - 1/2 PD
    - Smartlink - 4 PD
    - Swordsman Lore - 5 PD (*special offer does not apply)
    - V501 - 2 PD
    - V801 - 1 PD
    - Yasakani Magatama - 5 PD (*special offer does not apply)


    - Agito 1975 (0/0/0/0) - 1 PD
    - Angry Fist (20/15/0/0/25) - 3 PD
    - Ano Bazooka (30/0/0/30) - 4 PD
    - Battle Verge (0/0/0/0) - 1 PD
    - Brionac (0/0/0/0) - 1 PD
    - Cross Scar (30/0/0/0) - 2 PD
    - Crush Bullet (0/15/25/0) - 2 PD
    - Daylight Scar (0/5/0/0) - 1 PD
    - Daylight Scar (0/0/20/25) - 2 PD
    - Daylight Scar (0/0/40/0) - 2 PD
    - DB's Saber (0/0/20/0) - 1 PD
    - Demolition Comet (0/0/25/0) - 2 PD
    - Diska of Braveman (0/0/0/0) - 1/2 PD
    - Diska of Braveman (25/0/0/0) - 1 PD
    - Diska of Liberator (0/25/0/5) - 1 PD
    - Double Saber (0/0/0/20) - 1 PD
    - Dragon Slayer (0/0/20/0) - 3 PD
    - Elysion (30/0/15/0) - 1 PD
    - Flowen's Sword (0/0/0/0) - 1 PD
    - Frozen Shooter (0/0/0/0) - 1 PD
    - Gae Bolg (30/30/0/0) - 2 PD
    - Guilty Light (10/0/00/15) - 1 PD
    - Guilty Light (0/20/20/30) - 2 PD
    - Inferno Bazooka (0/0/0/0) - 1 PD
    - Kusunagi (0/0/0/0) - 3 PD
    - Last Survivor (35/0/0/0) - 2 PD
    - Last Survivor (0/0/25/0) - 1 PD
    - M&A60 Vise (0/0/0/0) - 3 PD
    - Mahu (30/0/0/0) - 1 PD
    - Ophelie Seize (0/0/10/0) - 1 PD
    - Ophelie Seize (0/0/35/15) - 2 PD
    - Ophelie Seize (30/0/0/35) - 3 PD
    - Photon Claw (20/0/0/0) - 1 PD
    - Rage De Feu (0/0/0/20) - 2 PD
    - Red Handgun (0/15/0/0) - 1 PD
    - Red Handgun (10/0/20/15) - 2 PD
    - Red Saber (0/5/0/10) - 2 PD
    - Sange (0/0/0/0) - 1 PD
    - Tanegashima (0/5/0/0) - 2 PD
    - Victor Axe (0/0/0/0) - 1 PD
    - Vivienne (35/0/0/0) - 5 PD (*special offer does not apply)
    - Vjaya (0/0/25/0) - 2 PD
    - Windmill (0/0/0/0) - 1 PD
    - Yamato (20/0/0/0) - 1 PD
    - Zanbacon (0/0/0/0) - 1 PD
    - Zanbacon (25/0/0/0) - 2 PD

    Every Armor can be upgraded to 4 slots for 1 PD extra cost!
    - Alliance Uniform (0 slots) - 1 PD
    - Black Hound Cuirass (0 slots) - 3 PD
    - Blue Odoshi Violet Nimadiou (1 slot) - 5 PD (*special offer does not apply)
    - Commander Uniform (0 slots) - 2 PD
    - Crimson Coat (0 slots) - 2 PD
    - Custom Frame ver.00 (0 slots) - 1 PD
    - Lieutenant Gear (1 slots)
    - Lieutenant Mantle (1 slot) - 7 PD (*special offer does not apply)
    - Morning Prayer (0 slots) - 2 PD
    - Officer Uniform (0 slots) - 2 PD
    - Select Cloak (0 slosts) - 2 PD
    - Spirit Cuirass (1 slot) - 2 PD
    - Star Cuirass (1 slot) - 1 PD
    - Tempest Cloak (3 slots) - 2 PD


    - Custom Barrier ver.00 - 1 PD
    - Proto Regene Gear - 1 PD
    - Regenerate Gear - 1 PD
    - Regenerate Gear B.P. - 2 PD
    - Striker Plus - 3 PD
    - Yata Mirror - 3 PD


    Disks < lvl 28


    - Reverser - 1/2 PD

    - Anti 3 - 1/2 PD
    - Anti 5 - 1/2 PD
    - Grants 8 - 1/2 PD
    - Megid 8 - 1/2 PD
    - Deband 13 - 1 PD
    - Shifta 14 - 1 PD
    - Barta 15 - 1 PD
    - Deband 15 - 1 PD
    - Foie 15 - 1 PD
    - Gibarta 15 - 1 PD
    - Gifoie 15 - 1 PD
    - Gizonde 15 - 2 PD
    - Grants 15 - 1 PD
    - Jellen 15 - 2 PD
    - Megid 15 - 1 PD
    - Rabarta 15 - 2 PD
    - Rafoie 15 - 2 PD
    - Razonde 15 - 2 PD
    - Resta 15 - 2 PD
    - Shifta 15 - 2 PD
    - Zalure 15 - 2 PD
    - Zonde 15 - 1 PD
    - Deband 16 - 1 PD
    - Grants 16 - 1 PD
    - Jellen 16 - 1 PD
    - Megid 16 - 1 PD
    - Shifta 16 - 1 PD
    - Zalure 16 - 1 PD
    - Gizonde 17 - 1 PD
    - Grants 17 - 1 PD
    - Jellen 17 - 1 PD
    - Rabarta 17 - 1 PD
    - Rafoie 17 - 1 PD
    - Razonde 17 - 1 PD
    - Barta 18 - 1 DP
    - Deband 18 - 1 DP
    - Foie 18 - 1 PD
    - Gifoie 18 - 1 PD
    - Gizonde 18 - 1 PD
    - Jellen 18 - 1 PD
    - Megid 18 - 1 PD
    - Rabarta 18 - 1 PD
    - Rafoie 18 - 1 PD
    - Razonde 18 - 1 PD
    - Resta 18 - 1 PD
    - Zalure 18 - 1 PD
    - Zonde 18 - 1 PD
    - Barta 19 - 1 PD
    - Foie 19 - 1 PD
    - Gibarta 19 - 1 PD
    - Gifoie 19 - 1 PD
    - Gizonde 19 - 1 PD
    - Grants 19 - 1 PD
    - Jellen 19 - 1 PD
    - Megid 19 - 1 PD
    - Rabarta 19 - 1 PD
    - Rafoie 19 - 1 PD
    - Razonde 19 - 1 PD
    - Shifta 19 - 1 PD
    - Barta 20 - 1 PD
    - Deband 20 - 2 PD
    - Foie 20 - 1 PD
    - Gibarta 20 - 1 PD
    - Gifoie 20 - 1 PD
    - Gizonde 20 - 2 PD
    - Grants 20 - 1 PD
    - Megid 20 - 1 PD
    - Rafoie 20 - 2 PD
    - Razonde 20 - 2 PD
    - Resta 20 - 2 PD
    - Shifta 20 - 3 PD
    - Zonde 20 - 1 PD
    - Gifoie 21 - 1 PD
    - Grants 21 - 1 PD
    - Jellen 21 - 1 PD
    - Megid 21 - 1 PD
    - Rafoie 21 - 1 PD
    - Shifta 21 - 1 PD
    - Zalure 21 - 1 PD
    - Gifoie 22 - 1 PD
    - Gizonde 22 - 1 PD
    - Grants 22 - 1 PD
    - Jellen 22 - 1 PD
    - Megid 22 - 1 PD
    - Razonde 22 - 1 PD
    - Shifta 22 - 1 PD
    - Zalure 22 - 1 PD
    - Gifoie 23 - 1 PD
    - Gizonde 23 - 1 PD
    - Grants 23 - 1 PD
    - Jellen 23 - 1 PD
    - Megid 23 - 1 PD
    - Rabarta 23 - 1 PD
    - Rafoie 23 - 1 PD
    - Razonde 23 - 1 PD
    - Resta 23 - 1 PD
    - Shifta 23 - 1 PD
    - Zalure 23 - 1 PD
    - Barta 24 - 1 PD
    - Foie 24 - 1 PD
    - Gibarta 24 - 1 PD
    - Gifoie 24 - 1 PD
    - Gizonde 24 - 1 PD
    - Grants 24 - 1 PD
    - Jellen 24 - 1 PD
    - Zalure 24 - 1 PD
    - Zonde 24 - 1 PD
    - Barta 25 - 1 PD
    - Deband 25 - 2 PD
    - Gibarta 25 - 1 PD
    - Gifoie 25 - 1 PD
    - Gizonde 25 - 1 PD
    - Rabarta 25 - 1 PD
    - Razonde 25 - 1 PD
    - Resta 25 - 1 PD
    - Zalure 25 - 1 PD
    - Zonde 25 - 1 PD
    - Barta 26 - 1 PD
    - Deband 26 - 2 PD
    - Foie 26 - 1 PD
    - Gibarta 26 - 1 PD
    - Gifoie 26 - 1 PD
    - Gizonde 26 - 1 PD
    - Rabarta 26 - 1 PD
    - Resta 26 - 1 PD
    - Shifta 26 - 2 PD
    - Zonde 26 - 1 PD
    - Barta 27 - 1 PD
    - Deband 27 - 2 PD
    - Gibarta 27 - 1 PD
    - Gifoie 27 - 1 PD
    - Rabarta 27 - 1 PD
    - Razonde 27 - 1 PD
    - Resta 27 - 1 PD
    - Shifta 27 - 2 PD
    - Zonde 27 - 1 PD

    - Barta 28 - 2 PD
    - Foie 28 - 2 PD
    - Gifoie 28 - 2 PD
    - Rabarta 28 - 2 PD
    - Rafoie 28 - 2 PD
    - Razonde 28 - 2 PD
    - Resta 28 - 2 PD
    - Shifta 28 - 3 PD
    - Zonde 28 - 2 PD
    - Gifoie 29 - 3 PD
    - Gizonde 29 - 3 PD
    - Rabarta 29 - 3 PD
    - Resta 29 - 2 PD
    - Zonde 29 - 2 PD
    - Resta 30 - 3 PD

    Any questions? Feel free to post or send a message.

  8. Renaming your room would be great. When running a shop and I need to get afk for a minute I could indicate this in the name of the room (which would still not prevent someone from not seeing that remark if his room list is outdated). Even better would be an auto response when someone enters a room you are in. Would be nice for a welcome message to players/customers (I know I can just do that with a chat shortcut too, but would work great for an AFK message).

    I know, I know, I can just leave the room and make a new one when I'm back ;)

  9. Phantasy Star has taken inspiration from many different cultures so I would not be surprised if a lot of stuff has some meaning that we just don't understand. I remember reading about Megid being some reference to some "end of days" scenario.

    Fake Edit: http://www.psalgo.com/myths.html

    Megid: The most powerful offensive technique draws on the name of Megiddo, a hill in Israel. This hill has been the site of many historical battles. According to some interpretations of the Bible, this area will be the location of the final battle between God and Satan, better known as Armageddon, which signals the end of the world.


  10. On 19.7.2016 at 1:15 PM, Misombre said:

    Hinas is not in PSO I think

    Then between Foie and Feuer... I only see the F as common. If you're doing such comparison, then what about fire (en), feu (fr), fuoco (it), fuego (es) ? Na seriously it's just a F thing and that's it, nothing to do with german in particular.

    I know it's from the 1-4 games, hence my "PS(O)" remark. But it shows where some of the inspiration comes from.

    The Foie/Feuer thing is probably not very obvious, but it's pronounced almost exactly the same. If you would add an R to Foie you would end up with the same word, phonetically.


  11. I really like some of the technique names in PS(O). They are obviously based on German words which I always found fascinating (don't know how this is with other translations as I only know the English one)

    Ryuker - is kind of like the word "Rückkehr" which means "going/coming back"

    Hinas (a tech used to exit dungeons) - is very similar to the German word "hinaus" meaning "go out/leave"

    Foie - simillar to "Feuer" the Word for fire.

    There are probably more that I don't remember right now, just off the top of my head.
    I remember some other language influences as well, and even the above examples probably work with other languages as well. Or maybe I'm just imagining things...

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