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Posts posted by jezbuz

  1. I have this one: Soniti [Purple] [0/200/0/0] [Mylla & Youlla | Leilla | Estlla] 

    I'm selling it for 20 DTs. I'm really interested in DTs, but feel free to show me the items that you have to trade. Might change my mind, we never know.

  2. Well, you don't lose anything for trying. I traded alot of gear for DTs to buy mine, since the people that were selling a DF, didn't want like 700 DTs worth of gear (with a STA included), but i kinda understand why.

    Good luck my boi, hope you get one.

  3. 40 minutes ago, Grantz said:

    Stellar Shard - Oran - Saint Million. Basically drops off all Episode 4 bosses for White and Oran.

    Hm, i think someone confirmed that Oran Saint Million drops Samurai Armor. Maybe you are refering to Shambertin?

  4. Mags usually 10-15 PDs (with correct Stats, always 15 PDs).

    Materials in my opinion:

    Power, Mind and HP mats: 1 pd for each 5 Materials (1:5);

    Luck Mats: 1 pd each 1 mat (1:1), althou some people sell them for 1:2

    Def/Evp/Tp mats: kinda worthless imo, i would sell them for 1 pd each 25 mats (1:25)

    Cent/Ability 2-5 PDs (this kinda depends on what the seller values it, but should be more or less than that, since they are kinda easy to find).

  5. 1 minute ago, David S. Wilson said:

    He made a mistake with that price cause it's too high.

    PPP mags level 200 don't even cost that much.

    You're speaking with ignorance. You can't do any of those mags with those stats, unless you pay for a custom mag (which costs you 25-30 DTs). So for someone that wants a nidra 0/170/30/0, instead of doinng it, can buy me for 20 DTs. That way the buyer profits 10 DTs. Also you can open a topic about it if you want, but this is a BUYING/SELLING TOPIC. Keep it that way, if you are still slightly educated. 

    • Like 5
  6. 9 minutes ago, David S. Wilson said:

    yes more than 20pds but not 20DTS, not sure if anyone is gonna buy a 20DT mag unless it's Gael Giel.

    i have 3 custom made mags, but there's an event for custom mags so im sure other will wait for that to begin than to spend 200pd /20DT for a mag.

    They cost you 25 DTs or 30 DTs to make (i dont remember the price of it). I'm already giving a discount of 10 DTs on it. Also the shop is mine and i set the prices the way my judgement says. I respect your opinion, but what you said is not a fact or an absolute true. If you don't want them, just ignore it and look in another place. I don't need anyones opinion, unless its me asking for it. 

    I either don't mess with your price judgements in your topics either. So if you have anything to buy, be free to post here, otherwise knock it off.

    • Like 3
  7. 10 hours ago, chrisNL said:

    howmuch for the chromatic

    The prices are in the list, at the begining of the post. Check it there.

    Someone already asked for it first. I might have another somewhere in my banks, but if i sell my second one, would be exclusively for DTs.

    • Like 1
  8. You are talking about Iron Faust (which is an upgrade of your weapon), not Panzer Faust. Panzer Faust, only attacks 1 enemy, each shot, but Iron Faust has that "fireball" that you are talking, hitting multiple enemies.

    To make an Iron Faust, you need to use a Photon Booster on your max grinded Panzer Faust. You can either buy it on Gallon's Shop (for 50 pds), or try to find one during this event. If you want to buy a Photon Booster, i recommend you buying from another player, since that way you will save some pds (usually people sell their Photon Boosters for less than 50 pds).

    For more info about the weapon: https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/wiki/item&id=004E01

    You can also check where the Photon Booster drops here:


    • Like 3
  9. 20 hours ago, Legnauno01 said:

    hi! i want this weapons


    Panzer Faust [0/30/0/0|0] - 2 PDs

    Shifta Lv: 20, Zalure Lv: 20

    All yours. What's your availability? I can only be on at night (11pm in Western Europe Time Zone). If you live in america, should be 5-6 hours ahead of your time.

    • Like 1
  10. As final pacman stated: Greenhill - Hildeblue (the blue big "monkey" on forest) - Normal mode - Ep 1.

    The best way to do this is to start a TTFU (Towards the Future Ultima) and just clear the hidles till the boss warp, then remake the quest. You get 1 from the first room and like 5 or 6 in the second room. In case that you don't know, Hidleblues are a rare form of Hildebears, so its a bit random how many you will encounter in one run. My advice is to do it during green names events, which makes them more likely to spawn.

    If you find that TTFU repetition is boring, you can always do Wrath of Forest, since has alot of Hidlebears/Hidleblues, but for me, TTFU is the fastest and efficient way to farm Power Mats.

    Also you can check the droptables, so you can find all the information that you need about a drop (including materials):


  11. Well, i never saw them going for so low (but that could be only me). What i saw, was people selling for around 15 pds last year. Out of the event maybe 15-20 pds range. Note that prices can be subjective, so there is not a 100% correct price for something, but, in my opinion, 2 pds is too low for what the weapon worths (should be something around 10-15 pds range, in my opinion).

    Good luck with your buy

  12. The classic discussion.

    In my humble opinion, there is a difference between what you think that an item should worth and what an item worths. Even thou, someone thinks a item worths x, that doesn't mean that it is the price that is sold.

    First of all, remember that evaluating an item is really subjective. For example, some people would say that a rolex watch (which costs between 10k-25k euros in my country) its a stupid and unresonable price for it, but they actually sell alot and are one of the most succeded brands in the world. In the end its just a watch with some fancy materials and rocks. You can buy a good watch for 100 euros that does the same damn thing; see the hours. But some people really desire to have fancy rocks and good steel, or for social promotion to show to everyone, so they pay like 20k for a watch that does exacly the same thing that a 100 euros one (not to mention that 20k in my country its a price of a good car, like a brand new BMW). That happens with PGF too. Its not that people actually NEED a DW, they just want one, they desire them, to show off to other people or to just make the game less effort or just to have fun with the unique features that a dark meteor or a dark flow give you. I personally bought my DF for 400 DTs once, just because i love the unique mechanics that the weapon has. And i really don't regret about it, for real. I simply didn't need it, i just desire to have one. So if you really desire to have a rolex, you will pay the price of a brand new BMW, even thou you will not have problems to buy one, instead of a car, if you have the money ofc. So what price is not correct? The Rolex watch price, or the BMW price? Or both are correct? Think about all the useless crap you bought in your life, was the price worth it? Even thou, you bought it.

    Second, look at the rates. Last year i got 2 PGFs, kept one for me and gave the other to a friend. I think i don't even have to talk about rates (but i'll bitch anyways, they were stupiditly unresonable last year). The same thing happened with STA this year. STA was a damn unresonable rate, that took me "years" to make one drop. So, if you suffer and work damn hard to get your drops, how can you sell it for cheap? If i suffered to get my PGFs and STA, why would i sell it for a price that doesn't even reflect the effort i put it on it? And thats when subjectivity enters; for me, for my effort, for my damn hard work, for all the hours i wasted playing a videogame, i wouldn't sell my PGF/STA for less than 1242353463564563 DTs, but other person, maybe got lucky or just don't gives a shit about dark weapons, wouldn't mind to sell it for 100 DTs. If there is not regulation in market and never was, how can someone say that 350 DTs is a wrong price for it? If the market is liberal, how would you give the exact price of something? What variables would you use to say: "ok i did the mat and the exact price of PGF is =x"? You can't, so the market and how much people desire an item, is the price of the item. Sad or not, it is what it is. Not to even talk about how DT system is expensive.

    Third, its not just because the greedy people, its because the fact you can only have it 3 weeks per month and have absolute stupid high rates to final bosses. That doesn't motivate people to sell their hard earned item without a price compensation. There is nothing dirty about it, you worked for it, you should be rewarded in a way or another. That's how life is.

    There are no miracles. Saying that its just greedy people that made this, is really reducing the high price phenomenon. Its looking to the sea's horizont and thinking that there is no more land in the other side, just because you can't see land. 

    As i stated before, that's just my humble opinion, no absolute truth was written. Buy for the price that you feel @Ana G.5 that expresses the desire to have the item and no one should tell you that something worths this or that. Good luck, hope you get one :)

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