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Posts posted by jezbuz

  1. Guildcard: 42149475

    Slot: 1 jezbuz

    Description:  Lost one of my 4 No0bs/hp after i suddently disconnect while i was unbanking it from general bank.

    Date/Time: 04/01/2016 between 03:13 am - 03:16 am Western European Time.

    I was just unbanking my third no0b/hp of 4, from my general bank, when i got disconnected instantly (without showing the usual disconnect message and without even signs of lag before, because i was talking and the messages didnt have any delay). I know its just a no0b/hp, but i would really appreciate if this could be fixed.

    Thank you for your attention and i hope its fixable :)


  2. 5 hours ago, TripleR said:

    I used to not have a problem getting 300pds in a week from making mags if I felt like putting that kind of time into it.  That can get you some expensive stuff pretty quickly

    Well i agree partialy. Never donated and never had a single dt in my life. all i got was from hunting for hours and saving pds to buy stuff. I'm a patient person and i don't mind "working" and earn all the stuff in this game without spending a single buck. Although some people aren't patient as i'm, so i can relate to some of their frustration with this so called broken economy.

    The thing is, what you said is true, but if you want to buy something like cent/battle now (months after the event, that i missed) jesus... even saving all those PD's (or overpaying in pds), its really really hard buying it without DT's. And thats really frustrating because nobody wants to trade stuff like that for pds or other items. I got lucky i got mine saving pds and trading some weapons for it, but it took me too long to find a person that had a cent/battle and accept to deal not exclusively for DT's. I even tried to trade PDs for DTs and nobody traded. It's just almost impossible to turn your equivalent value items/pds into dts without donating, for a causual player like me.

    With this, i'm not saying that the donation system sucks or we should close the donation system or nuke the servers. I just thing some things could be fixed.

    Correct me if i'm wrong (i might be): You can add 30% in a weapon for 99 PDs (except for hit, only attributes). But you can also add 35 attribute with 15 DT's (that is worth 99 pds in our current "pd-dt" rate). Does this makes even sense? Why couldn't the DT's used only for adding hit on a weapon and pds only to add attribute %'s? Is the pds only worth for trading to DT's? if that's so i'm so screwed in this game.

    Sorry for my potato english.


    • Like 1
  3. Pm me or reply in this topic your price, or your interest in selling it. Make this goddamn boy goddamn happy and sell him a cent/battle :D

  4. 11 hours ago, Kudasaii said:

    How much for Megid 24 & let me know if you come across any barriors (Red, yellow, or Blue)

    Megid is 1 pd.

    10 hours ago, HUmanMustard said:

    Ill give you a PD for your amps

    I'm looking for 1 pd each. But 3 pds and its all yours.

    8 hours ago, rafelulas said:

    how much for the 35 mind mats?

    4 pds.

    4 hours ago, Onelyfe Veryown said:

    i would like rainbow baton how much pds for it?

    12 pds.

  5. Hey! I'm looking for pds for:


    - Demon's Calibur 50/50/0/0|30

    - Chaos Laser 0/0/50/50|30

    - Charge Raygun 50/0/0/50|50

    - Charge Vulcans+9 0/40/0/0|30

    - Hell Calibur 0/50/50/0|30

    - Arrest Vulcan 0/50/50/0|50

    - Gush Vulcan 50/0/50/0|30

    - Chaos Arms 50/0/0/50|50

    - Meteor Cudgel 0/35/0/0|40

    - Meteor Cudgel 0/40/0/35|0

    - Rabbit Wand

    - Dragon's Claw 0'd

    - Rainbow Baton +24 50/0/0/50|50

    - Gal Wind 0'd

    - G-Assassin's Sabers

    - Yunchang 0'd

    - Windmill

    - Bravace 0/0/40/50|0

    - Jizai 0'd

    - Lavis Cannon 0/25/35/0|0

    - Canduceus

    - Fatsia

    - Branch of Pakupaku x2

    - Holy Ray 0'd

    - Elysion 25/0/0/50|0

    - A swaggy Zanbacon with 20 hit!


    - Guard Wave 0 slots

    - Cursed Cloak 0 slots

    - Select Cloak 0 slots

    - Officer Uniform 0 slots


    - Heart of Opa Opa

    - S-beat's Arms

    - Delsaber's Left Arm

    - Hildeblue's Head x3

    - Sinow Berill's Arm

    - Magic Rock "Moola" x2

    - Amplifier of Anti

    - Amplifier of Foie

    - Amplifier of Gibarta

    - Amplifier of Yellow


    - Perfect/Resist

    - Hp/Revival

    - Pb/Create

    - Devil/Technique x3

    - Smartlink x2


    - Megid lvl 24

    - Barta lvl 25

    - Deband lvl 27

    - Resta lvl 30


    - 35 Mind Mats

    - 45 Evade Mats

    Get those pds out boys! :D


  6. I'm looking for:

    - Spread Needle (with hit);

    - Asteron Striker (with or without hit);

    - Psycho Raven (with or without hit);

    - Double Cannon (with or without hit);

    I only pay in PDs.

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