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Posts posted by Starlord

  1. Again with the prices. Just let the man set his own. It's not affecting anyone at all. If you buy it at whatever prices it's their business. Good luck virec. Wish I had dts to offer but I'm all out after sphering.

    • Like 2
  2. I just like it because it's a group of chilled guys who play and sometimes TA and don't have to follow the rules of a dictator I dare not saith names.. If it's not their way the its a no go. Let's have fun and aim for ROW. I think I'll retired once I get ROW out the way. Welcome to the team you OP players. May your stay be long and prosperous.

  3. Whoa, makk you joined buddy? i would have asked you but i thought you wouldn't wanna leave your team... how wrong i was lol. im glad you joined buddy boy! we need all teh skills for this team

    Way to call us unskilled D':

    I'll be going back to my one man NOOB team now XD

  4. You know what would fix the dark weapon prices? If they added them to the donation list let's say for like 120-130dts.the people would try to sell them cheap to get theirs sold over the donation list one. It's one option to fixing these so called "prices". Retails store do it even though this game has nothing to do with anything real but just virtuality where we all come to engage in battles and or laughs. I personally don't know why I play the game anymore, I've done it all lol

    Good luck though Orion or whatever your name is.

  5. Well Orion or Rigel. Rigel sounds familiar from somewhere.. Anywho you don't owe anyone an apology as the other people that "bashed" your topic according to you don't either. This is a game there will be trolls. Just like YouTube has trolls this game does too. If you're too sensitive for that then maybe you should consider a more friendly based game. Wizard101 I hear is a good game. Anyways there are good people on this server, I seriously don't consider myself one but I could care less what people think. Find the good people stick with them and hunt gear to eventually be able to afford end game gear. I'm sure by the looks of it, it doesn't look like you been on this server long enough and already want end game gear. If you find the right people you can build your wealth and at the same time have fun which is what this game is intended to. It can be fun, there's more to the game than hoarding gear. TA, cmode, battle mode, mini events, annual events.. You name it. Just don't take everything to heart man, no need for butthurtness. If you ever need to play join PRO team. I'm sure they will take you in and show you the way. Hope this helped XD

    • Like 2
  6. Sjs and tjs have been removed from donation list. It's pretty useful if you have no df but with df tjs becomes situational. Still a hard hunt to do so I can see why it's risen in value

    Ps: considering the major clan of witch hunters in this server I dare not mention who. If you say you found sjs get ready for an ultimate smack down. Get ready your name, number, social security, date of birth and a alibi confirming your whereabouts when you found certain weapon lol

  7. Yeah I ran a 10 something in high school as a freshman. But I never did track I did football like a NOOB. But you will get better. We better see you in the Olympics one day

  8. Ok, since there is no FO Time Attack yet ...

    Multimode Solo - New Mop Up Operation #3 - no PB - 03'09 ( remaining )

    (Or 2 players but one used only for ID)

    (Actually Shiida even made me lose time by seeking disks in bank as you can see lol)

    I did this during Anniversary Event so Hylian and no Psycho Bridge.

    Challenge accepted. Never been more excited to go back to my fo. Wished I recorded my best pod run during anniversary event too :( recording is never fun since best times happen when you're not recording. Congrats though truly a work of art

    • Like 1
  9. Update fellow apes.. We as a unit will break many ULTIMA records. Too bad leaderboard hasn't been made yet. Anywho, bring your dates, bring the champagne because it will be one hell of a show.

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  10. Correction: our time was 17:04 if this the official time people are posting for respective tomorrow. had alot of fun doing this quest. all those other guys are way too pro for little old me. bunch of animals :D

    i will post a pic later to make it legit. so there's no doubts or witchhunting

  11. I had a lot of fun today even though this new keyboard made my blood boil but I should be straight now. It'll be an honor to join your team sir. Sucks I have to leave my ghost town team I have XD

  12. I mean if you like all your stats to look all pretty all yellow then yes you can use other guides but at least for me for the purposes I use I only need atp dex and luck maxed. Don't really need def or evp to be maxed. But I see others like their chars fully max counting def and evp. Got two hucast I rather just keep them that way

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