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Posts posted by Starlord

  1. Umm I wanted to say I will probably be inactive for about 1-3weeks. So I will probably as sad as it sounds be off of TA for the duration of that time. It sucks but there's more important things I have to do.

    Ps: I should probably cancel my auction since I won't be active at all and resume after. I'll do it later too lazy to even think of that right now. After my little emergency break period im down for any TA missions.

  2. Big dogs will destroy your apartment. Trust me I know. I've owned pitbulls, boxers, rotweilers, German shepherds, and a German shepherd mix. At the moment I have a big Yorkie since he's bigger than your typical 7-10 pounds ones. He's almost 18 pounds athletic build surprisingly for a small dog. Have a pitbull/American bulldog mix. They are friendly but you need to socialize well with any dog you own. Because dogs just don't bite out of aggressiveness but believe it or not they bite out of fear too. Scared aggression they call it. Small dogs aren't that bad imo. I like them, you'll be surprised some dogs have a lot more energy than you might think. I run with the Yorkie and he is pretty damn fast and gives me a run for my money. Whatever you choose make sure to take care of it and not just get it to take pictures for your instagram and snapchat lol dogs need as much care as a kid would. Wish you best of luck on your selection bro.

  3. CLOSE PLEASE lack of interested/ not enough time for me to keep up with it.

    Thank everyone that made actual decent offers. After my break I'll probab auction off the only two items people were only interested in lol

    • Like 1
  4. Just a bunch of naggers lol don't put tru down let him have his pc thread.

    Heaven striker 40+hit with dark unsphered

    Hundred souls with machine sphered (not hit)

    Sonic team armor

    Dark flow 100/0/0/100/80

    Guadiana 50+hit

    Soul booster.

    Keep on keeping on man.

  5. yes shouts idea is awesome. the reward could be as little as meseta or low pd items for all i care but im sure meseta wont be incentive for some others to join this. i hope i get more people to join this so i can make a head count and we can do a draw of a hat to see who teams up with who for this.

  6. I was thinking more of tier system. Like platinum, golden, silver, bronze and duck tier lol

    Of course each tier means skill level/ gear that they have. People get to choose which level suits them and then we agree on a reasonable reward system for all tiers. That way it's both competitive and fun for all since you can choose duck tier which means you don't know your left from your right about TA but still have some friendly multiplayer fun against other individuals. But shouts idea seems cool too

    • Like 1
  7. Well what we can do is find four players. If it gets approved I can provide further details on the rules. I'm sure you can find three more friends zhayko lol if it gets approved you will see the rules being not as bad as you may be thinking now. It will finally help your no party thing :P. Trying to bring some multiplayer vibe into this bish

  8. Yeah that's the problem. I might have to think of a reward for it maybe a minimal reward system so it inspires new TA people to try it out . The only bad thing is people like incentives and Idk if little rewards would interest the other players. I just want to see some TA and teamwork. I hear a lot of stuff about not enough teamwork and too much solo hoarding items and stuff so why not.

  9. I was thinking of an event, I used to do this back in the day with a couple of other guys in the server I used to play in. It's a time ATTACK event. What it consist of is choosing three simple missions anyone can do, get a team of four and complete all three and submit best times. We could do a pot where we put items of equal value so the TA teams that get best times receive all of it. The missions are RT, ttf, and max attac c ep1. Simple missions everyone should be familiar with and not difficult to not be able to get decent times.

    I am trying to hopefully get this event approved. If the concern to people are the prizes and feeling they don't want to lose anything "worthy" to them then I would gladly take suggestions on what the prices put in by the team of four should be. I think it would be something cool to do and add some sort of excitement and team work to this antisocial party locking trend that we have going on right now. I will edit with more details but just wanted to see what other people thought about it. If it gets an OK I will post rules and all that good stuff. If it doesn't then it was worth a try.

    Sincerely not yours,


    • Like 4
  10. Most people do DW for dw swaps which sucks. But the needle tbh I put it at 25-30 being max seen some sell for 40 and have double the hit so I don't know what the price is on those anymore. If she or he whatever "it" is wants a list of people I know that have dms he/she can pm me and I'll send him a list of names. Hope there's no discouragement though because without an actual dw to swap if really hard to get one. Even now some people want to swap and they are having difficulties still which sucks

    • Like 1
  11. LoL

    Your offer isn't even there. You're probably pricing your items wrong because that needle isn't probably what you think it is. And if you paid a lot for it I feel sorry for you.

    Let's discuss a deal over pm and see where we stand

    • Like 1
  12. 1. Caves two with two chars. One looks like a yellow fonewm with a saber

    2. A hall of desert 3 with 3 other players and there's those green crystals around

    3. A yellow char which looks like huney or maybe fonewm again in spaceship alpha fighting a pan arms

    4. After you kill falz cutscene where you get to see Rico floating in the air

    5. A screen shot of lobby 14-15 the soccer lobbies lol

    6.And last a screenshot of the beautiful and under appreciated purple crystals of caves 3

  13. Ok I'll be game with this

    Yas 9000m 80hit demon

    45+hit heaven striker with dark non sphered

    Cannon rouge 40+hit N/ab

    slicer of vengence ab/d (no hit) event/post event price

    Had many more but don't want to seem like a troll

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