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Elton Sadat

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Posts posted by Elton Sadat

  1. Since not all ppl joined Steam community, i'm putting here the informal table of drops.

    Original post: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/UltimaPSOBB

    Dark Falz:
    Bluefull - MASTER SWORD
    Gal Gryphon:
    Skyly - Hylian Shield
    Olga Flow:
    Yellowboze - MASTER SWORD
    Whitill - MASTER SWORD
    Deku Barbas:
    Greenill - Godric/Ability
    Pinkal - Cent/Power
    Purplenum - Godric/Ability
    Skyly - Godric/Ability
    Dorphon Eclair:
    Bluefull - Cent/Power
    Redria - Cent/Power
    VH Booma:
    Redria - Godric/Ability
    Ill Gill:
    Redria - Cent/Arms
    Sinow Berill:
    Greenill - Stealth Sword
    Sinow Spigell:
    Oran - Stealth Sword
    Bluefull - Wizard/Resist
    • Like 1
  2. What's with the -4 rep? Well done Elton this is a proper post.

    those ppl who -rep me, are ppl that think i shouldn't post it, wanting keep it a secret.
    pff... like it could be possible with everyone seeing you damage and a lot of gm's online and playing as well. Or worse, some1 could report for thinking it's a hack.
    In my point of view, not telling something like this, is a fault, omission and exploit.
    I preferer things legit and i think the current boost, the way it is, it's over power.
    A sugestion is to make this boost like the 'Mother Garb+' boost (MG+ boosts grantz 30% sometimes ).
    I would love this super boost with a trigger chance, like 30%
    • Like 3
  3. Think about it for a second...

    if we added a condition to this MST "bug" such as using it while under 5% HP.

    this would literally be Tech Zerking.

    basically having a FO deal good spell damage WHILE having any hit taken result in death.

    a FO's counterpart to the Hunter's Dark Flow special... except for MST only.

    you could even have the dark bridge trigger this to put it on par with the other 2 dark weapons O:

    Or something like heaven punishment, use boost at a specific beat time.

    • Like 3
  4. It happened to me some times, until i realized that the problem is when I switch characters...

    I had a character with the joypad mapped, when i changed to another character it worked, just fine, but when i changed the characters again, the controls had reseted.

    What you need to do is map your pad with all your characters, otherwise if you have mapped the pad only with one character, the reset thing will aways happen.

    • Like 1
  5. Nice indeed, is that psycho wand skin from another weapon or selfmade?

    I took model base from Battle Verge (removed photon part on top)

    Is there a program like 3Ds Max to make models? never heard. If there is, how export to place in .afs files... I have to try >.<

  6. Didn't see the post, what was the solution? (in case someone else encounters the same problem)

    The problem was that i was importing images BMP on .xvm files...

    After read Kra's guides, I figured it out how to work with .dds files and convert them to .prs, only after that, import to .xvm file

  7. After searching guides in internet, I made some item model change and reskin with some equips, and i would like to show them for any comments.

    First was my Psycho Wand, I wanted it looks like the one in classic Phantasy star series:
    So I did this:


    Sorcerer's Cane: Reskinned to be a Gran Sorcere's Cane:


    Summit Moon: Replaced model with Siren Glass Hammer:


    3 Seals: Removed the 'shield' part, only leaving the floating seals:


    Virus Shield: Replaced model with Ragol Ring:


    Item boxes:


    Those are the firsts, I'm still figuring out how replace monster models, then I'll be happy :D

    • Like 7
  8. In the regular dressing room, put all the options to default (the first choice)

    Yeah, i did that, but still not working :s

    I'm a formar, i let the the first hat and first wearing (long hat and red dress), tried /npc 1 then /npc 0, but with no luck.

    i dont know what i'm doing wrong...

  9. Hi,

    Today i was trying to change my skin for a npc skin, but my character got bugged, couldn't move in lobby and didn't see others.

    I went to dressing room to reset appearence and then typed /npc 0, but my skin color changed permanently >.<

    I'm wondering if some gm can turn my skin color back to the number 2, since there is no Full dressing room...

    My Character Name: Lutz

    Slot: 01

    My Guild Card: 42100949

    Thanks in advance.

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