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HUcast Omega

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HUcast Omega last won the day on August 13 2012

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About HUcast Omega

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    Rag Rappy
    Rag Rappy

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  1. I'm sure you know why I posted this. Here are the pics of me DCing and the aftermath. Accourding to Mio and Magic Bun, it happened about 1PM server time.
  2. The stats changed as well. The Sato's stats were right, but I can't remember them exactly. it had 6 Def and 0 Mind, and the Pow and Dex stats were about even with eachother, Dex at 58 and the rest in power. It was traded back at Lv 101, and I put a few levels into it. The Varaha it became(?) had 7 Def, 1 Mind (Why the hell would a HUcast use Mind?), and the Dex and Pow were changed. The Dex was less, and the power changed a bit. I still have the Varaha and have fed it nothing since I found the piece of crap equipped to me. I understand if nothing happens, due to not having any pictures, and the stats are screwed up, so any GM would say "That isn't going to be a Sato. But even if I don't get any help in fixing what happened to me, the whole thing needs to be said and dealt with. It's not alright to have a lot of work put in just to lose everything you just did. It needs to be fixed. I have a lot of faith in this server, but if nothing is going to be done to try to fix the bug, I feel I should leave, because I'll become hateful towards the server and the game, despite me loving the server and having friends here. Please, if you can't help me, make it so it doesn't happen to anyone else!
  3. I had a Sato yesterday after it was raised the right way and then was traded to my HUcast, Omega, at level 101. I logged off for hours and then went back online to find my Sato gone, replaced with a Varaha with ruined stats for my max stat build. I never took pictures because I never thought something this ruinous could happen. I don't think I was hacked because I REFUSE to give anyone my password or account name, and all of my other items and rares were there. This is a crushing blow to me, as a friend and I put a lot of work to get this thing just right, and now it's gone. I'm going to be straight forward: What the hell happened?
  4. The problem is when it bugs out, all three of us CANNOT log in period. We can't even reach the character select screen. After a few hours it seemed to fix itself and we played earlier today, but that doesn't explain it or truly resolve it.
  5. Me and two friends were just playing, and I kept changing my skins to show them the different kinds. They tried it once and it froze the game, and now they can't even get on and play. After that happened, I went to change my skin from Famitsu (Ninja) to Knuckles, and as soon as I pressed enter to change to Block 1, my I froze and no keys would work, and now I myself can't even get on. How do we fix this?? This is a game we enjoy a lot and would like to get back on ASAP. Thanks in advance for the help.
  6. Sorry to be a bother, and I hope this is in the right place. Are the names for for section IDs the same as Sega's, or do you get different IDs?
  7. Hello, I'm Omega. I used to play another PSOBB private server that I now hate, and then found out about this place and came running! I like to play HUcasts, as my name suggests, and I'm a great team player despite my noobness (Though that will pass in time). I hope to have a great deal of fun here and look forward to fighting alongside everyone!
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