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Everything posted by K_I_R_E_E_K

  1. Are you sure you're not selecting "recreate" on the char selection screen?
  2. Check main page? http://phantasystaronline.net/ Login isn't operational atm
  3. Biza already told that they can scan his chars for the items that he doesn't have them right? Are you sure he took them? are you sure he wanted them? (an addslot drops on normal mode and PD drops everywhere) Do you really need the items?
  4. Someone made a olga flow 2nd stage request, took 8 pictures at 1600x1200 with many top quality graphics
  5. something in the background may be the problem. This is a teory so i have no idea if it works. when a screensaver runs then pso crashes, i'm assuming that even while playing the system thinks you're doing nothing and runs the screensaver. To test this could you try disabling the screensaver. while your at it make sure no background programs can affect the game, i say this because everything in your game runs good, it's after some time that happens that problem and i think it's something not related to the game.
  6. Jesus, isso é muito mais do que estava á espera. Eu acho que com isso se sobe de nivel bem depressa considerando que se precisa de 30 minutos para fazer a quest
  7. quanto de exp se ganha no maximum attack b? só para ver quantas vezes a quest tem de ser feita.
  8. Tipo este servidor dá 3x mais exp que o normal, da ultima vez que vi até as criaturas no ep4 na difficuldade hard dão mais exp do que as criaturas da difficuldade ultimate no PSO Ver.2 para a dreamcast. Tem cuidado porque certas pessoas sabem como subir de nivel bastante depressa e usam items de topo para acelerar ainda mais (mags, units,.....). Sem provas é dificil provar tal coisa pois o jogador pode sempre se defender que jogou bastante durante muitas horas. Forces possuem ainda tecnicas que lhes permitem fazer tag, portanto mesmo que não matem, é possivel reunir uma certa % de experiencia de todas as criaturas na mesma sala, sendo em alguns caso mais experiencia do que outras personagens a matar enemigos especificos.
  9. There are a few problems with this: 1. bye 2. If anyone wants to play on a broken server they can just play on a private server as all have problems and bugs (this includes schthack server) 3. You can't fix the staff or the comunity
  10. Is any antivirus not letting pso connect or is your firewall blocking the connection?
  11. Just requires a few fans here and there Your double cannon suits you well rovelius, nice frozen anymation
  12. http://schtserv.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=20325
  13. K_I_R_E_E_K

    new skins

    They were removed, he/she didn't made the skins Use this: http://www.univers-ps.com/psobb/skin/listeSkin.php5
  14. I had my share of schthack incompetence, hipocrisy, moderation, insults....... There is no need to spam the forums, ppl find out by themselves what other servers have to offer. I don't hate crono, he was selected for a reason so i trust schthack on that decision. The same happens regarding other versions of the game, last time i saw a connect guide for dreamcast, it is outdated, with incomplete and incorrect info, not only this but ppl translated the connect guide to other languanges and that was pathetic, mods didn't even bothered to check if the info was right or wrong. They like living there, they like posting and playing there, let them stay, if ppl want to change then they do just that, keep in mind that schthack has alot of publicity comming from any random user and many users don't know anything else but schthack server. The best we can do is improve this server, i know i can't do much, but i'm always here for anthing
  15. http://phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=70
  16. i'll highlight what i said Ppl lose the incentive to do anything, you make it seem it's easy for you and hard for anyone else. This user came here for some reason and now it's up to us to help him out, move along
  17. Screenshot (replaces lobby 1) Lobby 10 theme (ilumination, textures and objects) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4MKP21RB
  18. I never said schthack server was bad, it's an excelent place to start, when i recomend schthack server i do just that, i recomend the server. The server is all you care about and usually the members don't like the suport they get there, however some actually like schthack staff help or the comunity itself. It's true you like to brag and that sometimes makes ppl unable to learn programing because you bash the work and say "i can do better". It's smart actually, this way you're the only one that can help in some specific things.
  19. If the inventory wipe happens then the GMs will restore it quickly. BUT, if you happen to be on schthack forum and make a topic about it, then 3 posts will probably apear 1st post - "no restorations" 2nd post - "inb4lock" 3rd post by lee " shit happens *locked* " It's true that stability is better at schthack, but for some members the support is just as important as the place you play.
  20. Why not keep them for later, you know, to use on your best weapons. In fact, why didn't that person kept the phonton spheres? is his account full with phonton drops or something? I'm sorry, but i don't see why ppl trade phonton spheres at all. i can't see any purpose for it.
  21. you wasted 198 phonton drops and now your asking them for 42?
  22. My antivirus picks it aswell, it's a false alarm, add it to the exeptions in the antivirus options.
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