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DC/disappearing items/weird items appearing

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I was playing with JAC32067 and cosmic this morning around 10:15am cst.

a v101 appeared on the ground in town, we picked it up and were talking about who had dropped it and we started experiencing disconnects and weird item behavior.

immediately following this our items disappeared including my only two good guns. I lost the 40 hit berserk-special laser I was given and I lost the scythe I won in trivia.

really not enthused right now. not going to keep playing on this server if my hard work can go up in smokes like this.

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Seems that this topic is related to your issue http://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php/topic/21917-dcaccidental-dupe-glitch/

I replied there and i will post the same here

That most likely was a desync issue (happened to me before, dropped 10 difluids but what got dropped was my V502)

Please post a list of what you lost and if you can, also post pictures i will solve it later tonight.

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yes he and I were playing in the same room.

I do not have screenshots. I never took them before tonight when this happened and I didn't get any of the things breaking, just our chat logs when it happened which proves nothing.

from what I can tell only 2 items are missing. the berserk-type(I forget exact name) laser with 40 hit and no other percentages, and the um.. it was a scythe I won in trivia. I think it was ultima reaper. it had 15 forest and no other %s.

thank you for responding so quickly. so frustrating to see my best 2 items vanish..

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Well... they came back somehow (i didn't do anything besides the advice of reloading blocks) so i guess we can close the topic.. anything else feel free to post again or PM me :)

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