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Limiter Killcount way off

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Hi there,

I had a limiter that I checked this morning and was just over 10,000 kills. Tonight I went to check my progress and it reads -32768.

The actual kills should be somewhere between 10,000-15,000 since i've been averaging up to 5,000 kills a day.

Any idea what has caused this or how I can fix it to read correctly?

Thanks for any help I can be given,


Guild Card - 42145133 (I'm assuming the number under MY Card is my guild card)

and it's equipped on my Fomar, Hobs

I signed off for the night if that helps with loading up my character or whatever you do.

Edited by Hobson
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Ah ok I figured it out I found an older post saying to move the limiter to the bottom of the item list, although all i did was sort automatically and that seemed to fix it. Feel free to Close/Delete post or leave it for future forum posters to find and read.



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