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quest idea?

Sir Rendlan

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So I like playing pso, and I have always wanted to learn every aspect of the game. I've played it eversince it came out and I've always liked the quest with the rappys. So instead of the regulare amount of rappys I want to make a quest with a rediculous amount of rappys! And on the other side with that I want each and every room to have 20-30+ rappys at once, with a special rappy! (I love rappys btw :D the remind me of pikachu .-.) So with that being said that this is a quest I would like to make, any people like the idea? Dislike? And if wanted to put onto the server how do I do that?

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Hey there Sir Rendlan,

Learning every aspect of the game, can be extremely fun! That being said, depending on the episode there are lots of rappies in certain quests that can be found.

In episode 1, wrath of the forest, the first room is filled with rappies! Max attack quests usually has a lot of rappies as well; making a specific quest for them isn't something I would advise because:

1) It can mess up the drop rate of certain things, say episode 4, glide divine drops will lose their value overall, their DAR might also have to be adjusted.

2) Holiday rappies would also have to be adjusted, chrismas/halloween rappies will have to be decreased to accomodate a whole quest for them.

3) There are seriously quests with loads of rappies that can be killed/not killed. Just looking at a monster count it seems that in Episode 1 "A fake in yellow" has about 42 rappies, "Max Attack 2" in episode 2 has 21 and in episode 4, "War of limits 2" has 92 from what I have seen xD.

In relation to the last questions you ask, you can always find new ideas that haven't been put into the server! The way to do so is using something called Qedit, there are lots of tutorials on the forums that can be found that may help in such an endeavour!

Good luck and I hope this helps.

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Learning every aspect of a game is hard haha I played pso eversince I was 4 from when it was watching my mom and dad play to me just goofing off on it on dc, I own every version of pso currently so knowing the game is pretty much down pat but I don't know the online aspect really I've played pso only but only episode 1 with TTF. And now I'm wanting to make quests and I just found out that so I feel I could have major quest devolopment help because my long time playing the game.

Thanks for the feedback I know making a rappie quest would be hard and "The fake in yellow" does a good job at already having one but I was thinking one for overkill rappies. But anywho I have other quest ideas, they just need to be fully thought out before I do any of them. And then I want to propose them again to the server.

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