Hello everyone, and welcome to the new time attack records page! I'm aware there have been a few of these in the past, but the thread starter seems to always disappear. This makes it hard to keep the records updated. I see myself sticking around for a while so I thought it would be a good idea to start another thread dedicated to time attacks. Time attacks are a fun way to spice things up and get some competition going. Since this will be a new thread, I won't be adding any previous records as that would be to time consuming for me to go through all previous threads and copy down the times/class/photos etc. However if you have a good time on hand that you previously submitted on another thread you are allowed to resubmit it here.
With all that said there will be a few rules:
- Legit runs only, no cheating whatsoever.
- Any questionable/suspicious times will have to be judged by me, and more than likely require extra proof (video etc).
- These times will only be for Ultimate difficulty.
- To submit a time you MUST post a picture with the amount of time remaining.
When posting your time please include:
- Name of quest
- Number of players
- Player class(es) and name(s)
Now that we have all that out of the way..
Solo Times
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 4:
Duo Times
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 4:
Team Times
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 4:
If you find that I may have missed a quest just shoot me a pm