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Easter Event has started! Event drops Centurion/Luck - 60 LCK Centurion/Body - 75 DFP Centurion/HP - 125 HP Godric's Cloak - Fomar exclusive armor which boosts Gibarta Gifoie Rabarta and all stats Sue's Coat - Strong armor for female hunters which boosts the range of Shifta Deband Resta and ATP Kroe's Sweater - Strong armor for females which boosts ATA Samurai Armor - Strong armor which boosts LCK and RA techniques Soul Booster - Use this item on Excalibur to make Hundred Souls Girasole - Can be combined with Chromatic Orb to make Inferno Girasole Virus Shield: Vol Opt - Shield that boosts GI techniques and ATA Fury of the Beast - Powerful daggers with charge special for all classes Kiss of Death - Slicer with hell special for all classes Water Gun - Rifle for all classes, a special can be added for 10 donation tickets Proof of Sonic Team* Harmonic Resonance Core* Stellar Shard* Egg Rappy drops Each Easter Egg can contain any lower difficulty listed item Normal Easter Eggs Sonic Knuckle Huge Battle Fan Wok of Akiko's Shop Rocket Punch Drill Launcher Rabbit Wand Marina's Bag Panther's Claw Amore Rose Abuelita/Battle Chocolate Hard Easter Eggs Lollipop Parts of Egg Blaster Very Hard Easter Eggs Centurion/Mind Ashura Mag Cell Ultimate Easter Eggs Izmaela Game Magazine Commander Blade Heavenly/Technique PB/Increase Item Ticket Easter combinations *Proof of Sonic Team combinations Spread Needle => Arrest Needle Dark Bridge => Psycho Bridge *Harmonic Resonance Core combinations Samba Maracas => Samba's Fiesta Egg Blaster => Egg Blaster MK2 Tension Blaster => Morolian Blaster *Stellar Shard combinations Twinkle Star => Quasar Staff Guilty Light => Outlaw Star Mille Marteaux => Mille Faucilles Brightness Circle => Neutron Skin Let the Egg hunt begin! Thanks to @FALC0N for the banner. Discussion Topic
>>Easter is here once again! The sweet event everybody was waiting!<< Our Egg Rappies will be dropping: -Ashura Mag Cell -Comander Blade -Centurion/Mind -Some server collection items like GAME MAGAZINE or MARINA'S BAG! And many other items in different difficulties... Olga Flow will be dropping Kroe's Sweater and Samurai Amour. Virus Shield: Vol Opt once again! And our most wanted and waited items are back! Proof Of Sonic team Abuelita/Battle Centurion/Mind Sue's Coat Godric's Cloak Finally our commemorative weapon returns! Celebrating the over 100 users online at January 2014! Named after us all... HUNDRED SOULS ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ESPAÑOL ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ >>Easter está aquí de nuevo! El evento mas dulce que todo el mundo estaba esperando!<< Nuestros Egg Rappies van a tener drops: -Ashura Mag Cell -Comander Blade -Centurion/Mind -Algunas piezas de colección como GAME MAGAZINE o MARINA'S BAG! Y muchos otros items en diferentes dificultades... Olga Flow tendrá drop de Kroe's Sweater y Samurai Amour. Virus Shield: Vol Opt de nuevo! Y nuestros items más buscados y esperádos están de vuelta! Proof Of Sonic team Abuelita/Battle Centurion/Mind Sue's Coat Godric's Cloak Finalmente nuestra arma conmemorativa regresa! Celebrando los más de 100 usuarios online en enero 2014! Recordando a todos... HUNDRED SOULS
May 8th is the last day of the event. Easter is Here in Ultima a month full of fun and joy. During the entire month we will have some cool stuff to all. Egg Rappy, will be dropping the Ashura Mag Cell, Comander Blade, and few Ultima Server Collection item, GAME MAGAZINE And this year for the first time the Easter egg in All Difficulties will be dropping different items. And MoRE... Olga Flow will be dropping KROE'S Sweater and Samurai Armor. Ohh almost forgot Virus Shield: Vol Opt and Proof of Sonic Team are back for 2014. Users are welcome to post here what they found about the drop and ID's. New ITEMS in this EVENT 2014 Abuelita/Battle Centurion/Mind Sue's Coat Godric's Cloak AND FINALLY HUNDRED SOULS The weapon name was decided to remember the more than 100 users online, January 2014. And one more thing... each Saturday and Sunday of April server will be giving Exp x5. have fun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ESPAÑOL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Easter está aqui en Ultima un mes entero de diversión y alegría. Durante todo el mes tendremos cosas geniales para todos. Además los Egg Rappy, van a tener drop de Ashura Mag Cell, Comander Blade, y algunos objetos de colección de nuestro servidor. Además el Evento de pascua tendrá drops diferentes en todos los dificultades. Y también Olga Flow tendrá drop de KROE'S Sweater y también tendrá drop de Samurai Armor. Y no nos olvidemos de el Virus Shield: Vol Opt y Proof of Sonic Team han regresado para 2014. Habrá nuevos Objetos en este año 2014 Abuelita/Battle Centurion/Mind Sue's Coat Godric's Cloak Y FINALMENTE HUNDRED SOULS El arma que recibió su nombre para recordar a los 100 usuarios conectados en Enero,2014. Como adicional cada sábado y domingo del mes abril tendremos Exp x5. Diviértanse.
Easter is Here in Ultima a colored month full of fun and joy. During the entire month we will have some cool stuff to all, we will include two mini events Egg Rappy, will be dropping the Ashura Mag Cell, Comander Blade, and One NEW in Ultima Server Collection item, GAME MAGAZINE And MoRE... Olga Flow will be dropping KROE'S Sweater and also, after almost 3 years Samurai Armor. The two mini events... serverus will be hosting one and and chuk another, each mini event has relevant between them. Once serverus and chuk are ready we will post the details. And one more thing... each Sunday of April server will be giving Exp x5. All this start April 5th and the events ends April 30. have fun. ESPAÑOL SEMANA SANTA ya esta aqui en ultima un COLORIDO mes Lleno De Divercion y Alegria Durante todo este mes tendremos cosas interesantes para todos. tenemos dos mini eventos Egg Rappy. estara en drop Comander Blade el Ashura Mag cell y Un Nuevo Item de colecion en Ultima Server GameMaganize Y mas... Olga flow estara dropeando KROE´S Sweater y tambien. despues de 3 años Samuria Armor. Los dos mini eventos... serverus estara patrocinando uno y chuk el otro. cada evento mini tiene relevancia entre ellos. una vez q serverus y chuk esten listos postearn los detalles Y una cosa mas...cada sabado de abril en el servidor ultima habra Experiencia X5. todo esto inicia el 5 y termina el 30 de abril. Que se diviertan. PORTUGUÊS SEMANA SANTA/PASCOA JÁ ESTÁ PRESENTE AQUI NO ULTIMA NUM MÊS MUITO COLORIDO CHEIO DE DIVERSÃO E ALEGRIA. Durante todo o mês teremos muitas coisas interessantes para todos, teremos o evento principal que ocorrera durante todo o mês e 2 mini eventos Egg Rappy estará dropando Comander Blade e o mag cell Ashura e o mais novo item de coleção do servidor ultima: GameMagazine e tem mais: Olga flow estará dropando KROE´S Sweater e também após quase 3 longos anos Samurai Armor E dois mini eventos... Serverus estará fazendo um deles e Chuk fará o outro, cada um dos eventos terá suas diferenças, quando ambos estiverem prontos, postaremos os detalhes no fórum. E mais uma coisa: Todos os domingos de abril teremos exp 5x, tudo isso se iniciará dia 5 de abril e terminará dia 30 de abril Divirtam-se!
Hello guys. Since this is my first Easter here in Ultima server I have some questions (for GM, Larva, or whoever know it lol) Any info when will start and how long will stand ? Will be any Happy Hours or Rare Monster boost during event? Sheduled or random? What will be the drops for EggRappy? The regular ones or will be implemented any new or different? For veterans, how is Easter Event here in Ultima? Just changing rappys from VR temple or adding something else? Thanks.