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Hello there! i brings u my own simple guide of how to do a kama mag (this mag is needed to make a gael giel or tellusis mag) ok guys this is my way to make a kama, I'm not saying that this is the only way or the right way to do it, I hope it works for you. Note: SO this is a 2nd or 3rth evolution if u follow the instructions ill be a Kama at least level 50. but it can turn every 5 levels so keep than in mind. RANGER WAY A)Ranger You need to feed baby mag with these IDs = "Viridia, Skyly, Purplenum, Redria, Yellowbowse"and have POW higher than DEX and DEX AT Least as high as MIND (POW > DEX ≥ MIND) B)Ranger same IDs and have DEX at least as high as MIND and MIND at least as high as POW (DEX ≥ MIND ≥ POW) HUNTER WAY C)hunter You need to feed baby mag with these IDs "Greenill, Bluefull, Pinkal, Oran, Whitill" and have POW at least as high as DEX and DEX at least as high as MIND (POW ≥ DEX ≥ MIND) D)hunter same IDs and have DEX equal to MIND (DEX = MIND) ONCE IT TURN TO A KAMA MAG IS BETTER JUST USE THE CELL MAG ON IT 1) Use D-CORE to transform on a Gael giel mag (Kama level 100 need it thanks to @Night for the info) 2 Use a DRAGON SCALE to transform in to Tellusis mag
Happy 8th Anniversary -= Ultima =- Is that time of the year that we celebrate to be here. 8th years here with open doors to any enthusiastic PSO addict. During this year many changes were placed, as for example we change the game server to another dedicate server.... twice! we also moved the website to a dedicate server. The forum got themed and revamped websites tools in to it. There's no other PSOBB server older than us, we have been online the longest time than anyone else...... yet we have been criticized by others, we have been attacked literally attacked our website and server. But we keep working to keep bringing a great experience to all the player. I been here for 8th years sometimes I absent from the server for days, but that's it. i don't believe I have stop login for more than a week. Its true that I'm not alone and I'm not the one who make everything happen. I get the help of a great staff. All of them doing something different and helping in everything they can. To the staff ... Thanks for helping and giving your time for ULTIMA thanks @Soly@Cyane@serverus@Fyrewolf5@kajex@Lemon and past members too. We want to celebrate with you, with out players we wouldn't be here. Thanks to all the players who make this possible .. ... . Thanks TO ALL!\ This year, many of the drops have been spread out a bit to more places. No new items in this event. Event will end Dic-12-2016 Photon D - Core & Sonic Team Armor Here's a little list of what we included in this event. You might be familiar with the items of last year's event. Photon D-Core Ultima MAG (yahoo Mag) Sonic Team Armor This item wont be an easy drop SWORD OF ULTIMA ---(5TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT) ASTERON STRIKER ---(5TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT) Nakas Card, for S- Ranks weapons exchange Drop Table Naka's Cards - Ultimate Dark Falz: Purple Red Oran Yellow White 5⁄64 Vhard Dark Falz: Viridia Green Sky Blue Pink 2⁄73 Ultima's Engine - Ultimate Shambertin: Green Blue Pink Red Oran Yellow 1⁄16 Vhard Olga Flow: Purple Red Oran Yellow White 2⁄85 D-Photon Core - Ultimate Olga Flow: Viridia Green Sky Blue Pink 2⁄93 Asteron Striker - Ultimate Detonator: Sky Blue Purple Oran White 1/243 Ultimate Ill Gill: Viridia Green Pink Red Yellow 1⁄284 Sword of Ultima - Ultimate Detonator: Viridia Green Pink Red Yellow 1⁄292 Ultimate Ill Gill: Sky Blue Purple Oran White 1⁄365 Sonicteam Armor - Ultimate Dark Falz: Green Blue Pink 1⁄256 Ultimate Olga Flow: Red Oran Yellow 1⁄227 Ultimate Shambertin: Viridia Purple Sky White 1⁄227
ULTIMA 7TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT It's been 7 years since we started this server, it's haven't been easy to keep the server all this years. Many people helped us during all this years. I want to thanks all members who have help during all this years many of them haven't got the recognition that they deserve, many of them are no longer here, but I got to know all the members who helped during all this years, good friends who had been in my side helping me. People who followed my vision for the server, people who gave all their enthusiasm and were here just because they wanted to see this server to grow as it is now. We never expected to be this big as now. we never expected to last all this long. We definitely were looking to be at this point were any person who knows PSOBB knows who ULTIMA is. I speak for all this persons who have been members of the staff, I speak for all of them by saying that more importantly ULTIMA it's here because of you guys the guys who keep playing, the ones who still believe in us, the ones who keep coming back the ones who have been giving us the motivation to keep this server, to KEEP PSO ALIVE. Thanks TO ALL! Enjoy this event, i know must users probably were waiting for new items this year, i apologize but i promise we will see new items soon ok.!!! Thanks everyone and have fun! Photon D - Core & Sonic Team Armor Here's a little list of what we included in this event. You might be familiar with the items of last year's event. Photon D-Core Ultima MAG (yahoo Mag) Sonic Team Armor This item wont be an easy drop SWORD OF ULTIMA ---(5TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT) ASTERON STRIKER ---(5TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT) Nakas Card, for S- Ranks weapons exchange Drops x3, for the whole server (see details for dates) Experience x2 (see details for dates) Rare monsters x5 (see details for dates) ESPAÑOL ULTIMA 7TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT Han pasado 7 años desde que empezamos este servidor, no ah sido fácil tener vivo el servidor todos estos años. Muchas personas nos han ayudado durante todos estos años. Quiero agradecer a todos los miembros que han ayudado durante todos estos años, muchos de ellos no han conseguido el reconocimiento que se merecen, muchos de ellos ya no están aquí, pero llegué a conocer a todos los miembros que ayudaron durante todos estos años, buenas amigos que habían estado en ha mi lado ayudándome. Las personas que siguieron mi visión para el servidor, personas que dieron todo su entusiasmo y estaban aquí sólo porque querían ver este servidor crecer como lo es ahora. Nunca esperamos que fuera ser tan grande como ahora. nunca esperamos que durara todo este tiempo. Definitivamente estábamos buscando esto, solo era dificil de creer. Pero haora estamos en este punto que cualquier persona que sabe de PSOBB sabe quién es ULTIMA. Hablo en nombre de todo estas personas que habían sido y son miembros del personal, hablo en nombre de todos ellos diciendo que más importante ULTIMA esta aquí debido a que ustedes los miembros que jugan, los que todavía creen en nosotros, los que siguen regresando los que nos han estado dando la motivación para seguir con el servidor, para mantener PSO VIVO. GRACIAS A TODOS!! Disfrute de este evento, y pronto veremos nuevos items. Photon D-Core Ultima MAG (yahoo Mag) Sonic Team Armor This item wont be an easy drop SWORD OF ULTIMA ---(5TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT) ASTERON STRIKER ---(5TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT) Nakas Card, for S- Ranks weapons exchange Drops x3, for the whole server (see details for dates) Experience x2 (see details for dates) Rare monsters x5 (see details for dates)
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- ultima
- anniversary
- (and 5 more)