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Everything posted by InfamousRaiko

  1. You might want to have another look for " A New Hope" since people cannot play MSB with out 2 players. P.S, Can you just make a quest section in the forums?
  2. Aquí puede youbr una lista de todos los personajes en el juego y qué nivel se encuentran. Aquí está el mío. Raiko - Lvl 141 [iG] Rei - Lvl 36 [iG] Raiko - Lvl 80 [iG] Ninja - Lvl 1
  3. Here you can list all your in game characters and what level they are. Here is mine. Raiko - Lvl 156 Shadow-IG - Lvl 113 [iG]Ninja - Lvl 111 [iG]Rei - Lvl 86
  4. There are some other bugs with the quests that were added yesterday as they were the old unupdated versions, like with MSB don't talk to anyone you dont have to, so just talk to the general, With Tyrell Last Hope you only get the pc on ultimate. Also can larva please move the SS( Strange Sightings) Quest, i played through the other quests and it still didn't unlock.
  5. try to get a psycho wand, aura field and a shield that restores tp or something like that.
  6. dude, the exp rate is already so high i can hardly believe i fast i vlved up, if need need help lvling pm and we can party up. i can get you to ult lvl super fast.
  7. i mainly use the section i.d. to help with mag raising. its a pain using the calcualter to find the id you want, this just makes it simple lol but you guys are right everything on this server is already pretty alot easier than normal.
  8. Thanks, i have some friends who can speak,read and write in japanese so they might be willing to help out with translations if needed.
  9. Edit: This is just the full dressing room now. It has a muti switch door opener too. So you can unlock the 4 lock doors and whatever. Enjoy!!!
  10. Just wandering if you guys are gonna be adding any new quests soon, some stuff like MSB would be cool, cos ep2 kinda sucks right now.
  11. http://phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=156
  12. the drops are slightly better than schthacks, the better items seem to drop more frequently.
  13. errmmm i think anti only goes up to lvl 7
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