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Everything posted by Vypor

  1. Never. For the men in the white coats answer TO ME.
  2. HI! BILLY MAYS HERE. LOOK AT YOUR SALESMAN. NOW BACK AT ME. NOW BACK TO YOUR SALESMAN. NOW BACK TO ME. SADLY, HE ISN'T ME. BUT IF HE STOPPED USING TIDE AND STARTED USING OXI-CLEAN, HE COULD SMELL LIKE A MAN HE WAS ME. LOOK DOWN. NOW BACK UP. WHERE ARE YOU? YOU'RE ON AN ICE CREAM TRUCK WITH THE MAN YOUR SALESMAN COULD SMELL LIKE. WHAT'S IN YOUR HAND? I HAVE IT. IT'S A ZORBEEZ WITH TWO COUPONS TO MY NEWEST PRODUCT. LOOK AGAIN. THE COUPONS ARE NOW MIGHTY PUTTY! YOU SEE. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE WHEN YOUR SALESMAN SMELLS LIKE BILLY MAYS AND NOT A LADY. I'M ON THE BALL. DJ. Don't ever try to Out-Billy-Mays me. I will win. Every. Single. Time. And if you're STILL interested in Ice Cream.... ...Then DJ said he has more. ...Allow me to break some out and eat it in front of thee. As I relish the torture of you having none whilst I, the bachelor, can eat as much as I possibly want. I COULD FILL. MY HOUSE. WITH ICE CREAM. IF I DADGUM WANT. ...Too bad I rarely eat what little ice cream I already have in my freezer.
  4. Vypor

    Seabed RT

    You don't know Del Lateon? What. WHAT. WHAT??
  5. Justin Beiber entered DJ's van. ...And he liked it It inspired him. And that's why he has that "baby baby" song
  6. Vypor

    Seabed RT

    Ok, it was Del Lateon. He creates more interference.
  7. Everything. Also, you're the reason we have Justin Beiber. WHY DJ. WHY.
  8. Too late, already happened. Why do you think I'm here?
  9. Vypor

    Seabed RT

    That's just my Delbiter friends, pay no worry.
  10. I am building my own website. I have often described it envisioned as if a truck of random collided head-on with a van of illegal fireworks.
  11. You have many things yet to learn my young padewan. One of them being that I am comprised primarily of wit and sarcasm. ...With a side of fun.
  12. Actually, I don't have a Dark Flow. :I
  13. DJ: "Hello child, would you like to come into my van? I hear there's candy inside."
  14. I only need one. The Lollipop.
  15. Ordinarily people keep their "looking for" list in their trade list at the bottom to avoid topic spam-flooding. I don't intend to be rude about it. But it would be more convenient.
  16. Yes, but you will need guns. Lots of guns.
  17. "There are several bunnies hopping around cutely, cute little dot eyes, cute little pink dot noses, cute little blood-stained mouths. Jumping down, he grabs one by the ears, swinging it like a nunchuck as he smashes it into the head of one next to it. He lets them go and swings out his combat knife, gashing the head off of another as he carries his swing, throwing the knife into the forehead of the last bunny." No, no action at all.
  18. Sir, the action starts after a bit longer than simply 2 sentences. EDIT: Also, yes you are predictable.
  19. Yes, precious time with which to fritter away on shoutbox spammery.
  20. You sir, have failed beyond all stretches of the imagination. And that's just fine, cause if you didn't, you just wouldn't be DJIJ. : D
  21. Jolly spiffing good, sir. Shall we continue to discuss the finer points of juvenile recklessness over the aforementioned beverage? Crumpets as well?
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