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Everything posted by Vypor

  1. Flynn

    lol, I'm thinking of TR0N right now. xD

  2. I was browsing through PSO-World and saw a mag I really liked. I saw two names for it however, Elenor and Elnoa. http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=v...&artid=1016 It said however that it was not available on Ep. 1 and 2. And I saw no kit for making it. And after I Googled it, what all that I saw about it, was that people said it was illegal. A hack even. http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=159383 http://www.ragol.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=1648 So I was wondering if this all was true. If it was possible to get it without hacking. Cause I really like this mag, that is unless it really is a hack. Then I'll not pursue it. Thanks. -Vypor
  3. Updated yet again as of: 6/15/09
  4. What's that?

    You're looking for STRAWBERRY?!

    How about RAWBERRY!!

  5. Ok, cool. So Frozen Shooter and Crimson Coat for my PD's and Magic Rock "Moola"? I'm willing to deal that. ;D
  6. Pido disculpas por cualquier error. Estoy usando Google Translator. ^^; Si habla Inglés, sería grandioso. ¿Qué desea para el Crimson Coat? Voy a tener la una con menos franjas horarias sólo tanto tiempo como puedo obtenerlo. Si estás interesado en mi comercio, mi lista actualizada de las cosas más adelante. http://phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=328
  7. ಠ_ಠ

    Aha! I have found you!

  8. Epic Metroid avatar is epic.

    Good choice. ;D

  9. Updated yet again, as of: 6/08/09. The enemy parts are now converted to weapons.
  10. No offense, but I fail to see the point in hacking a game where the whole point is to play it so you CAN grow stronger. What's the point in playing if you're already as high as you can be? :| Not to mention that hacks damage the server and database. So basically you're asking for permission to damage the server and database.
  11. My current roster of characters. Vypor: RAcast, level 134. Ryleth: HUcast, level 18 I believe. I plan to make a force too, but I play so much on Vypor that I never bothered with it yet. xD
  12. I don't know if I can still suggest a song, but I have one just in case. ;D Skylab 3000: I have this, and all the other Unreal Tournament songs if you'd like them as well.
  13. Updated as of: 6/01/09. MOAR stuff.
  14. Ahh, I knew the Experience rate was higher, but I wasn't aware of the drop rates and rare appearances. That's cool. The only reason I was interested in the ID changer, was due to my being Bluefull. And NOT having a choice about it. I'm a Ranger, and all I ever find are hunter and force rares. Which really sucks. I like to have a choice in ID, but the generator forces me to have this one.
  15. Whoa, wait, something LEGAL that allows you to change your ID? I'd be interested if it's approved by the admins here. However, if it's considered a hack, or damages the server and/or the database, then no I am not interested.
  16. Sweet Jesus! Ok! I'll be on later today. After 6 pm Central time.
  17. Darn, I've only got 3 PDs right now. D:
  18. Do you have any Rage De Feu's? http://www.pso-world.com/items.php?op=view...&artid=2202 And I may not have very much, but I was wondering what all you would take in exchange for the Centurion/ability, Heavenly/arm, or Ophelie Seize?
  19. ಠ_ಠ Why am I STILL the only person to donate?? Come on people! You wanna play the game right? Try supporting it so you CAN play it.
  20. ಠ_ಠ

    I see you fool.


  21. txteclipse... Gee, I wonder who this could be.


  22. Happy birthday Mapachex! :D

  23. Tengo algunos temas que me gustaría comercio, que figura a continuación es lo que tengo, y cuántos. Armas: Brionac x 3 Vjaya x 6 M&A60 Vise x 2 H&S25 Justice x 2 Club of Laconium x 3 Battle Verge x 1 Branch of Pakupaku x 2 Talis x 1 Last Survivor x 2 Victor Axe x 1 _____________________ Apoyo a los artículos: Cure/Poison x 1 Cure/Shock x 1 _____________________ Enemigo partes: S-Beat's Arms x 1 Hidebear's head x 1 Rappy's Wing x 1 _____________________ Los artículos que estoy dispuesto a tomar a cambio están por debajo. Heavenly/battle Heavenly/ability Centurion/ability Liberta Kit D-Photon Core Luck Material (Dos por el tema de comercio.) Ranger o sólo las armas. Podemos debatir sobre el tema en cuestión. Si estás interesado, mándame un PM. O buscar en mí PSO. Soy un RAcast, nombre: 'Vypor'. Estoy jugando por lo general en la habitación: 'omgwtfbbq'. Lo siento, no puedo hablar español en juego. Estoy usando Google Translator.
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