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Everything posted by Booch138

  1. I personally only find it chopping at the intro and lobby, but not actually inside a room and playing the game or anything. That being said I experience it too and have no idea how to deal with it but it’s only at those parts for me so I just shrug it off lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. I’m roughly in the same boat (currently lvl 103), though this is not my first rodeo with the game. I’m currently stuck in that awkward in between of being able to handle everything in VH (except final form D Falz whom has a chance to one-shot me out of no where still hahahaha) but everything in Ultimate takes a while since my armor is a lil meh atm. Aforementioned “Hell” weapons def help. If you ever wanna group up and just clear content for leveling that’s all I’ve been doing :3 good luck friend!
  3. I genuinely know the feeling lmaoooo but for real I really appreciate it! Please take your time but I’m available most of the day :3
  4. Would happily take the Elenor with a 5/125/70/0 finish if it’s not too much trouble :3 I super appreciate it!! Also would take the Mark3 with as much MST as you can fit in it hahahah
  5. Ranger priority, but I’ll eventually need a FO one as well (I remember the painstaking mag-passing around to make a 5/0/0/195). I’m working on a 5/145/50/0 at the moment myself. But I’ll take any 200 one that is mostly POW and DEX with a lil DEF or a FO one that has some extra DEF while I level the others up. Fortunately MAG feeding is one of the aspects of the game I’m more familiar with it’s just the time it takes when starting new is rough XD
  6. Thank you for the info! I’m just not super familiar with the lil economy here but will happily take any freebie’s anyone is willing to help out with :’) how rough is the hunt for heavenly stuff? I’m always willing to compensate best I can for the help and stufffff and yeah I’m going to eventually purchase those and the super good stuff, was just trying to cheaply get more of a leg up on things XD edit: Jfc the speed% on Cent Battle is absurd XD def just going to get one of them asap while I have the DT’s.
  7. Hi friends! Still new to Ultima and I see a bunch of shops but what I’m looking for right now is the not-necessarily-great Units as I am between levels 40-50; things like Elf/Arms++, Orge/Power++ and maybe Devil/Battle etc. Obvs want the God/Heavenly stuff eventually but not trying to spend a grip just yet. Wouldn’t mind an already-200 5/145/50/0 MAG but working on one myself so will eventually get there. Also looking for Heart of Pian and Opa-Opa. PM me if you got some stuff to help me in my early travels and we can negotiate prices :3 edit/update: things move fast in this game XD thanks to so many wonderful and generous folks I got super hooked up with a lot of goods to get me through for a while and I’m also at lvl69 , all I’m looking for now is God/Heavenly Arms and a Holy Ray (don’t really care about stats this very moment, it’s just a nostalgia weap) hit me up if you got ‘em!
  8. Great video! Thank you for this :3
  9. Def wouldn’t mind discord info!! Almost level 40 already and might wanna start trading soon 🤣😂 also ended up rolling RaMarl so I can use Holy Ray one day :’)
  10. Thank you kindly! Currently prioritizing MAG & Character leveling XD
  11. Longtime PSO fan with thousands of hours between DC PSO and GC PSO but never actually played much Blue Burst. Ecstatic beyond explanation to see others still involved :’) IGN is Booch for now, running with a RACaseal this time around because I normally play Force-folks. :3
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