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Posts posted by Adeum

  1. Have been shouting in shoutbox about it for weeks now and I'm running out of bank space, so I'm making a post.

    Power mats: 40 (have offer for 3mats per PD on powers. Will sell only if you can do 2-1)

    Defense Mats: 55

    Evade Mats: 45

    HP Mats: ~10

    Grinds: ~170

    Trigrinders: 23

    digrinders: 41

    monogrinders: ~15

    • Like 1
  2. This must be a new place to DOUBLEPOST. Starting a new fad or something?

    nice brown nosing, actually his thread double posted, and when it fixed my comments i made on each topic came onto this one.

    Nice try to get on GM good side, noob.

  3. no guarantee'd way to get PD fast. I have found the most luck with doing Wrath of Forest (first room only). High monster kill count = lots of mats and quite a few PD...went from 15 or so to 50+ PD (not counting materials to still be sold) in about a week.

    Other than that, hunting and selling super rares

  4. Christmas event only - and you can bet your bottom dollar that even if somebody has an extra PGF they don't need, they probably wont sell it. Because people are like that -.- and i guarantee there are lots of people with extras

  5. I'm willing to fork over about $2000 for some upgraded parts just to play PSO 2.

    And when I do, expect to see a RAcast named Oswald playing...

    If you fork out $2,000 for upgrades, you're overpaying big time XD

    I built a 3.6ghz (turbo'd up to 4.0 once), 2TB hard drive, Nvidia gtx 460 (i think that's the one) for less than $1,000...It runs Crysis 2, Skyrim, Starcraft 2, even total war on highest graphics, highest cpu/gpu load settings, smooth as a whistle. :onion-head71:

  6. So a while back my brother wanted to play on ultima. Larva transferred a character to another account for me. My brother ended up not playing much and has not played in about a year now. The problem is that now I can't remember what the account name was where the character was transferred to.

    The guildcard number for the character is: 42012893

    I'm not asking for a password or anything, just the account this character is located on.

    I have tried asking larva about it but he's not responding (I suspect he's busy).


    • Like 1
  7. Don't know if you left post already wyatt, but i'm level 140 on my hucast. I've been taking in a combination of power, def, and hp mats. Couldn't tell you how many exactly.

    My mag is 35/145/20/0

    Equip (usually):

    L&k38/45 hit diska braveman

    Black hound Cuirass

    Heavenly Power X3

    Heavenly Battle X1

    Standstill Shield

    So, yeah.

    • Like 1
  8. Its good initially whenever you first reach a new difficulty level of Ep 2 until you reach the next level of difficulty for TTF.. It also grants more exp than TTF because of the level reqs and Ep 2 is just generally harder. Yes, it grants massive exp on Ultimate. It's pretty much known server wide for leveling people.

    Very cool - thanks for tips everybody. I would literally have done TTF till lv 200 had Terry not said something in a lobby about 600k every 10 mins on RT Ult :onion-head72:

    • Like 1
  9. Will give away many items for free to a new player - PM me and ask and ill tell you if it's free =)

    Hunter Weapons (only has hit if i say it does)

    Rainbow Baton 50hit

    Diska of Braveman 45hit

    Double Cannon 30hit



    Demo Comet - few 30-35 hits

    Last Survivor

    Flowen Sword

    Dragon Slayer

    Asteron Belt

    Agito - all years

    Ancient Saber


    Red Saber

    Red Sword

    Red Slicer

    Heart of Poumn




    Jizai +40


    Daylight Scar +25


    Ranger Gear

    Hell Needle +70 "Hellbell"

    Rianov 303SNR

    Angel Harp



    Flame Visit

    Frozen shooter

    Panzer Faust

    Maser Beam

    Photon Launcher

    Cannon Rogue


    Ano Bazooka

    Red Handgun 35/0/0/0/30

    Dual bird

    Mage Gear

    Resta 30

    Jellen 28


    Custom Frame ver 00

    Electro Frame

    Flame Garment

    Sacred Cloth

    Green Ring (X2)

    Mag Cells

    Sega Saturn - X3

    Master System - X2

    Panther's Spirit

    Heart of Devil

    Parts of Robo Chao

    Heaven Striker Coat


    Power - 550+


    PGF =P

    40+ hit Excalibur/Lame

    40+ hit SJS :onion-head71:

    • Like 1
  10. 500k per 10mins doing rt sounds about right...

    what is your class? L&K 38 and cannon rouge should be enough if you want to solo(you should be at least lvl125, but it'll take more than 10mins) but I highly suggest joining RT games with high level people to get though first 2 bosses within 10mins...

    Im a hucast....i dont see how i can possibly solo it since i'm a cast and there's no banking on RT. If i had hit lk, maybe =\

    • Like 1
  11. Okay, so I am getting to the levels now where doing TTF over and over again is not working out. The way i figure it is im making 250-300k exp an hour doing ttf on vhard (ultimate too hard because i dont have any uber weapons).

    Somebody i was playing with said they made 600k every 10 mins doing RT doing only first two bosses, but i cannot see how this is possible. If i missed something, then please tell me.

    Also heard that path to salvation was faster than TTF. I can't see how this is possibly faster without a 50hit dark flow...

    My main account i want to focus on is a HuCast. After that i want to get my FoNewm up for PGF event next year (unless ranger is better, in which case i would like to level my ranger).

    Only had SJS (30 hit, legit) on GC for a few days before i got corrupted memory card... Some people have talked me out of trying to hunt another (as i fear a no hit TJS would be useless on ultimate, as many of my weapons that worked great on vh are useless on ult). So my big dilemma is that I don't have anything good to trade for such things as high hit excaliburs and whatnot and my accounts are not a high enough level to hunt any such items. What would be the best setup for my HuCast? I have looked into hunting a 50 hit lavis cannon and making a double cannon (that is assuming the thing i read on it being able to hit multiple units (like a sword) is true). I have also had great success with a no hit lk38. So which is the best way to go: sword type weapon to hit many units, or a mechgun/lk38 method?

    Thanks for any tips =)

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