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Everything posted by lameexcuse

  1. Hello, I have a level 200 Varaha (the stats aren't great; I raised this early on) 27/162/10/1. It has two PB, Farlla and Golla. I think I raised it on a Skyly hunter. When I feed it anything on my Greenill ranger, it turns into Madhu and learns Mylla&Youlla. However, when I log back in to the game, it goes back to being Varaha with no twins. Just wondering if this is a bug, or if that's just what happens with level 200 mags with 2 photon blasts or something. Ideally I'd like it to stay Madhu! I'm raising better mags so it's not a huge deal... edit: I also have stored it in the bank as Madhu and when I come back it's Varaha again.
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