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Everything posted by TKDmoe

  1. I have same issue with Frozen Faust but my lag/frame rate is like 10x worse than yours lol xD
  2. Updated! Buying Frozen Booster, Psycho Black Crystal and some Mats!
  3. Edited! Buying Chromatic Orb ~
  4. Updated mostly on the selling list!
  5. Edited; added price for most items. Unpriced items you can send offer if interested.
  6. Hey not sure on prices too much, any offer?
  7. Buying; Ten Years Blades with Charge special and Machine Dark Hit
  8. Buying a proof of sword saint, clean shouren and guren with hit!
  9. Updated! Need Sue's Coat minimum stats, Ultima Reaper and Magic Rock Heart Key along with other stuff.
  10. Updated, need all your PD and PS! 😇
  11. Hey bro I'm currently talking to many players for buying most of these items, have not bought anything yet and won't be able to log on in game as I am work right now. List should be updated later today or by tomorrow
  12. Nice bro what's your price on it? I'd be interested in buying it. I'll also be interested in your 99 Power Mats bro. So Crimson Sword 60 hit and 99 Power Mats I will pay in DT's to you, I am at work now though and won't be able to log in immediately. We could arrange a time later.
  13. Hello I'll buy 1 Cent/Resist, Anti 7, Shifta/Deband/Jellen/Zalure/Resta 20.
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