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Posts posted by pushan

  1. Yooooooooooo please my friends I need a rollback! I'm trying to keep my Sato mag at Def 10 and it got to 11. Was trying to figure out which items would reduce def instead of increase it. My account name is Kinkstur. Will provide any other information that is needed for rollback purposes. Just need to rollback to 5 PM EST 4/15/2024. Thank you in advance!



    • Confused 1
  2. Hello everyone! I am unable to find the forum for introducing yourselves, so I'm creating my own post. I am a returning vet and have been with psobb ultima since 2010. My in game name is/will be Oasis. I can't wait to play with all of you in game! Come say hi, I'm friendly and like meeting people! 🙂

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  3. Returning.

    Still most hated/annoying.

    Oh well. I hope to return with a better vibe so to speak. I really do enjoy the PSO community. Sure I might complain DAILY ABOUT HOW BAD THE NEW PLAYERS ARE, I still have to acknowledge the fact that new players = this server will stay active longer. (But a lot of you new players need to head over to Eden or maybe SHOUTGUS TRASH SERVER). Kidding. Literally don't report me you trolls.

    I hope to get more involved with forums though. I think it'd give me a chance to actually talk with some of you and get to know everyone better. Cause let's be honest, Hades, Purp Haze, and a lot of the other players from '09 aren't ever coming back.

    I'm done with this post.

    Move along.

    Seriously, I'm in lobby 1 or on the shoutbox lurking.



  4. All it really takes is for someone to figure out who's DDoSing, grab their ip/back track the attack to the source, and bring it to Larva's ISP and they can cancel said DDoSers internet. I may be wrong but I've dealt with my fair share of getting hit offline from xbox live. Lol.

  5. I'm still unsure as to what's exactly happening for the servers to crash as often as they do, so I only have "DDoS" as the problem to go off of. Anyways; I've been on a few websites lately before I started coming back here, and while I was at the loading screen, at the bottom, they had a "Anti DDoSing program" message. I don't know how that works, maybe it's only for websites and not clients, but maybe somebody can look more into it to make the PSOBB client non-DDoS'able?

  6. I wasn't aware that the trade window was working. I've been inactive for about a year now. I can't speak for every player, but I know there's a fair share of them who don't like taking the risk of letting others hold onto their items for 2-3 minutes until they log back on to retrieve those items. Players could easily be stolen from. Like I said though, it's just an idea. I hope it can be brought to attention though!

  7. So I just came up with an idea: I know for certain a lot of players don't like the idea of drop "trading" between login accounts. So I was thinking; if you could make a /bank command, couldn't a GM make a command to where you can access the bank of another account that you as a player own?

    Example: If your login username was "JaneDoe" you'd type in "/JaneDoebank" or something along those lines.

    It seems complicated and confusing (I wasn't sure how to word the idea so my apologies if it doesn't make too much sense.)

  8. I've posted here before (inb4Kajex removes this post) (;

    I'm making a return to PSOBB and hoping to stay active until the server gets shut down in the hopeful distant future. I used to be known as the most hated as some of the most known people on here (Magic Buns, Godric, and a few others) but they were also once close friends. I can be found in-game as Oasis. If you ever want to talk or just do a few TTFs/RTs, you can find me somewhere in Lobby 1! I hope to see everyone soon. (:

    • Like 1
  9. So I've recently come back to the server and I've noticed that whenever I launch PSOBB, it'll tell me the servers are down and at most 4 people online at any given moment. I log on today and find out that 3 people have told me that there's been frequent DDoS'ing attacks daily. Is TJ back? (Kidding, don't attack me for making a harmless joke.) I'd love to come back to the server without having problems with the server crashing and thinking I've been bugged. Someone answer for me? :onion115::onion-head82:

    • Like 1
  10. So I don't know where to exactly post this at, but I don't care.

    My "step brother" wanted me to help him make an account on here a year ago (I DON'T KNOW WHY, HE SUCKS)


    If he gets to be too annoying, just tell him to SHUT THE TROLL UP alright? Or block him. Or complain about him on forums and hope to get him banned.

    Alright listen, if I get ANY hate from this, idk what's wrong with you. I saw the kid my "step brother" was "trolling" and I saw him getting mad. I forget his name, but he seemed pretty pissed.


    There, I made a shoutbox warning about it, a status update, and a forum post. I hope people see. And for the guy who got "trolled" by shoter/shooter... I apologize. I know, he's annoying, but I hope he forgets about this game soon. -.-

    • Like 1
  11. Take care Mass, I finally started remembering who you were aha. That sounds terrible lol. I know were never really played a lot when I was here 8+ months ago, but you were still a fun and chill person to talk with in the lobby when you were sitting in there. I hope you have a great life and hope you stop by to visit. You'll definitely be missed.

    • Like 1
  12. I swear this is my 4th or 5th post on this topic, lol. But I'm gonna say it again since there's a lot of new people!

    I enjoy helping people out as much as possible, I always feel as if I should help people out, even if it's as little as doing a boss rush.

    Don't even ask me to trade or how to find something, or how many PD's an item is worth because like I say in game a lot, I'm the noobiest player that's ever played on this server.

    I have been known to rage a lot and be a "troll", which is the reason why I was gone for 8 months... the tension was too high here haha.

    Anyways! I suck at writing these things, if you ever wanna noob it up or whatever, my in game name is Oasis.

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