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Posts posted by CrabCake

  1. 1 minute ago, Fyrewolf5 said:

    The thing is, it often isn't faster. Sometimes it can be, but only if the team is actually coordinated with what their doing and all strong chars. If it's just a random room than it's terrible most of the time. If you kill someone, they lose their buffs, the force then has to run over to revive and rebuff them, losing damage from another person, and then on top of that, falz can immediately fly back up and restart the cycle again, doing another soul steal the moment he comes down. If you just use lesser gear to attack with at slower rate, you lose some dps but they can heal through it and not die. Then when falz comes down the next time, he returns soul and has a full cycle without having someone. Trying to kill someone and revive them often loses you damage anyway (from that person and anyone helping them), and makes later phases go poorly, so it's usually only if falz can be killed quickly and he chooses not to go up quickly. Also, nobody ever seems to warn the guy they're going to die, it's nice to have everyone on same page.

    Hopefully this post at least helps some people with figuring out how to deal with the soul steal better. Some may know and just dont care but i really get the feeling a lot of people just dont know what it does.

  2. 3 minutes ago, NamelessFool said:

    I feel like a good chunk of these people who attack during Falz's soul share know this, but don't care. To them, it's faster to kill the player, revive them (some only do that if they feel like it), and keep wailing on Falz.

    I've had 200's running me or helping me run other players through TTF's that will sometimes just keep whaling on Falz and ends up killing me or the other players. One time killing some poor guy and then immediately killing falz afterwards. Which im fairly certain meant he didn't get the EXP.


    Basically it doesn't sound farfetched to me that they are just trying to get it done as quick as they can with no care for the teammate dying

  3. So after about the 14th time in the past 3 days of being killed by dark falz's soul share i think its clear not a lot of people are aware of what he's actually doing there. So for the sake of not constantly dying to that move due to people not knowing whats going on, and to save loads of other peoples bacon too, i shall explain.


    What he does when you see someone float out of their body and then show up in Falz's big ol chest mouth is taking part of their soul and sharing it with himself. What this essentially does is cause the person who's soul he is sharing with himself to take any damage he takes. Which means if you keep blasting him with all your crazy magic and guns and the like that damage is going to your teamate. 3 peoples damage going to one person typically one shots a person. I've been killed and seen people killed so much due to people just continuing to blast him without a care.


    So basically. He starts sharing a soul? You keep that wand, pistol, rifle or oversized cannon put away till he stops. Only person that SHOULD attack is the soul shared one. And thats only if they got an HP stealing weapon to negate the effect.

    Thank you for viewing this PSA. And heres to not losing anymore moons to Falz's soul share.


    btw im not sure if this is okay here or it should of gone in help/tips. Correct me if this is the wrong place.

    • Like 4
  4. Ah good. Crisis averted then. no 60 hour long characters going to the void tonight due to poo stats. Thank you for the replies.


    Actually using the mat count command. It seems my RAcast is actually fine. HE CAME PRETTY CLOSE TO BEING RUINED THOUGH-


    In other words i caught this just in time.


    oh nvm evades way too high. 3 is the suggested evp and i got like 37 yeet.

  5. So id say im pretty experienced with this game for the most part. But some things still haven't been fully grasped by me. For example i only just figured out Mag feeding a while ago.

    Today something else has been brought to my attention. The materials. Y'know like the HP ones, def and all that. Yeh. I've just been haphazardly using em when i find em. See i assumed this was okay cause i thought you could use em till they raised said stat as high as the game would allow it to. And then it wouldn't allow you to use anymore or something. But now im seeing in some guides i've been looking at that supposedly the amount of material uses is limited and that your supposed to plan out how many you use and the like.

    So basically going about it the way i have has probably screwed up my RAcast AND HUnewearl's stats if this IS how it works. Can anyone enlighten me about this? And if i totally have screwed my poor Cast and Hunie is there a way to reset the uses and stats to default so i can try planning it out? My Hunie is only like level 89 so i wouldn't mind having to start her over. But my cast is level 130 and it took AGES to get him there. I cant reset him without murdering my soul.

  6. Theres one thing i dont like bout PSO2.


    I've always been a RAcast main with Hunewearl as a side main. But PSO2's Casts just look too strange and weird to me. And they dont have much good stuff to wear because SEGA focuses on giving things to female characters. So i ended up being a female Newman main in PSO2. And it bothers me breaking my norm like that-

    Call it dumb but when you got OCD and ya dont like how your character looks you obsess over it, being unable to play half the time cause ya keep deleting and recreating your character endlessly trying to please your OCD. Its a curse. And no matter what i did i couldn't be pleased with my Cast. :< Made a Newman gryll that made my OCD happy right away though.

    • Haha 1
  7. And there he is. After about two days in development. Hopefully it was worth the weight.


                                                                                                                               It totally was i love it


    Now. As a RAcast what should i focus on leveling up on Sato now?

    • Like 2
  8. So i got it to 50 doing everything as told.


    It became this. Got twins. Didn't seem like there was any issues but when i went to keep feeding anti pari's it just boosted defense up instead of Dex. What has gone wrong and what do i do now?



    Edit: So theres no need to panic apparently. Nothing went wrong the effects the items have on the mag have just changed. Antidotes are boosting Dex now instead of the anti pari's. So i guess i just gotta keep an eye on any transformations the Mag makes and see what effects change. And i should be able to get everything done as planned still.

  9. Ah thank you. Thats really helpful. New questions now-


    Was clicking around my menu too fast and fed it a dimate by accident. Its power went up a little and so did its defense. But nothing leveled up. It should be fine still right?


    And also. Do i need to keep using the ranger i made till level 50? I dont gotta switch to a hunter or anything? I just feed it what i gotta till level 99 then switch to the Fo for the last dex?

  10. Hopefully this is an okay spot to put this post. Sorry in advance if its not. So anyways i've been following this here guide http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=1024 

    And so far i've done nothing but feed the MAG antidotes and its currently level 12. Its a Kalki. My ranger i made to feed the mag is a RAmarl with bluefull. So i dont THINK i've screwed anything up yet so far. Its the next parts im worried about though. Does it want me to Keep feeding the mag all the antipari as the ranger till level 50? Or do i use the Hunter/Force to feed the antiparalysis? The last step is simple enough thankfully. Use a FOwearl/marl with the right section id to get it to turn into sato by feeding dimates. But the first few steps are just confusing due to how its written. Or maybe im just stupid-


    Regardless i need someone that knows what they are doing when it comes to MAGS to break this down nice and simple for my peanut brain to understand. XD



  11. Ah welcome. Im not one of the newest people around finally i think lol.


    Also. As a fellow xbone controller user. You gotta have it plugged in and ready before starting the game. I had the same issue when i started lol. XD Also glad ya enjoy the game. Years after its original release and people are still finding their way to this amazing game and experiencing it for themselves. Thats just something neat about this game i find. Not a lot of games manage to exist after their "Death" quite like PSO does. Says something about its quality i would say.


    Im sure if you keep playing you'll become as addicted as a good bit of us are lol. XD Im so addicted i literally play 4 different versions of this game. Ultima is my main one, Then Ephinea as a side server, The gamecube version. And finally i even have my own personal blue burst server i use to play offline by myself lol. I dont have a problem i promise. I DONT.

    So yeah, Once again welcome. And i hope you enjoy your time with the game continuing forward like so many of us still do.


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