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Everything posted by StarFox2223

  1. I'm really sorry everyone. I thought i could just join this community make friends... But as iv'e seen it isn't that easy..... I also want everyone to that the last thing i ever want to be is a Troll. I never was one and never will be, Despite what others may think or say. I am not a bad person. But i deeply apologize for what i did to make people think otherwise. I never wanted to hunt anyone. That's the last thing i would ever do. I will never spam. I will never get in the way, I will never use crude languge or act out of line ever again. everyone that is a part of this commuity are very skilled talented, caring people. And never again will i betray you. If you have any questions or opinions, feel free to say or ask.
  2. Yeah, as if i could just go and do that. I need to get rid of this flame war first.
  3. Did that twice. They ran over it like a thanks giving turkey. I guess this is the wrong server.
  4. I can see how You're "helping." I just want to know where the Admins are.
  5. i'll take that as a yes. Where can i find the Admins?
  6. ....Not for the fun of it huh? Like with you for instance?
  7. https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/droptable/drop-tables/
  8. Cool. And shesh calm down, It's just a little reference My bad. Obviously.
  9. ...like now for instance. I get it. just trying to get a feel ahead of time.
  10. Yeah.... But from the look of things, It seems i'm better off playing something else.
  11. I've been trying different this only to take heat and enconter not-so-nice people. I don't have the means to play (Yet.) But i want to know: Is it still worth it?
  12. That should shut him up.

  13. Or what you're gonna irritate me? Gee, you think? My rep is back at -6
  14. You're starting irritate me.

  15. https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/droptable/drop-tables/
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