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Posts posted by _Kane_

  1. If we play in 4p Room with individual Drops and there is 35%(?) Chance to get any Item at all, the chance of getting the hunted Item gets even lower... The RR from Ultimate Whitill Dark Falz with a Droprate of 1⁄57 gets a Droprate of 1/171 for each Player in the Room. Its like hunting the RR with Redria ID in about double Number of Runs. For most Players with high enough Chars it makes no difference in Time, making the runs alone or in a Team. The RR in this example is "easy" to get. The rate of other Items will be much lower and gets near impossible without playing all day for weeks.

    This will end in all playing alone to get there searched Items. Only the Players without good Chars/Equip wont get into contact with other Players and there Chance to get a good Drop will be even lower, because of the much more difficulty for them. That only results in some type of elitist Groups of lopng term Players and newer ones without any good gear.

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  2. I don't think that it will confuse many people. 

    I think, the people who don't know the feature wouldn't even notice the difference. :D How would i notice the Change, if i don't know it? I get my drops and notice what the other Players "see on the Floor". Its just that all Player get a "Price" for defeating a Boss or just killing Mobs.

    It is just annoying to Join a Room, to help some low Level Char or Newbe or just for fun and have to "life with it", just because the Roomleader isnt aware of the possibility. All players i informed about the feature just changed it after leaving the Room. ^^ 

    If i got it right, it makes no difference if i Play alone - the Droprate is unchanged. With other Players in the Room, the Droprate is a little bit lowered. Right?
    So it makes no change while playing alone and a big change while playing with others. 

    Just my thoughts - maybe the Serverteam thinks about the possibility to change this.

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