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Everything posted by iMystic

  1. Hey admin/GM's, I login this morning without any problems.. but now all of a sudden i can't type anything. Is it me or is something messed up. Keyboard settings are fine i tried pressing alt+ shift. All has no effect.
  2. I see where this is going. Too bad i guess.. kinda weird if i let the admin of the other server confirm it u still think its hacked. And like i said before its only for the mag and accessories. not weapons etc. But oh well i guess this is going no where.
  3. But what if i give u evidence of what i have with the admin of the other server confirming it?
  4. But the question is why not.. i mean like basic items .. wont hurt much?
  5. Hey Admin/ GM , I was wondering if you guys could manage a transfer of certain items / characters to this server. Like basic needs to get started.. I was wondering if u guys would allow me to transfer my mag and like accersorries to this server. I mean no big items that are really rare weapons with hit and such just basic things. That make it easier for me to get along. Waiting for you guys to reply. Greetz, Mystic.
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