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Everything posted by Muckbeast

  1. Thanks for all the info. Sounds like I definitely can't go around blasting techs. I will still be using weapon a lot and need to pay close attention to the specials. Do FO's get a better chance to succeed with specials?
  2. I have always wanted to enjoy playing a Force, but I just can't figure out a way to do it that I dig. I'm mainly playing solo/duo so support force is not what I am looking at. I have tried some pure casting forces, but it seems impossible to get tech damage up to anywhere at all reasonable. Even with Psycho Wand and a Merge, the dmg seems really bad. Is there some kind of battle force option where you use regular weapons and supplement with the high level force techs? Would love to hear some suggestions so I can maybe figure out a fun force build to play. Thanks!
  3. @Fyrewolf5 - Have you posted your consolidated max stat guides anywhere? When I look for them in various threads I cannot find them.
  4. I just discovered Ultima a few days ago and have been having a blast. This is one of my all time favorite games and being able to play it - WITH PEOPLE - has been amazing. There is a great community here. I hope I am not about to ask a taboo question. If it is, I really apologize. I am a game developer and own a 20+ year old indie studio. A gaming media friend told me about Ultima one night when I was reminiscing about PSO. I love the way this server is set up, I love the bonux XP to speed things up, and the people are great. Then I recently also found another server called "Ephinea" and while I am not looking for another place to play regular characters, their sandbox mode where you can make items and stuff is interesting and it might be a better place for me to play with my daughters who don't have time to grind. I can just make items, cool mags, etc. for them and all that. Is it possible/feasible to have both installed and alternate play without messing up my configurations? I'd like to play Ultima as my 'legit' character and Sandbox Ephinea as my experimentation character. Is there anything I need to be aware of? I already noticed just installing Ephinea that the next time I launched PSO Ultima that my graphic settings were reset and some other base config options (like remember login info). Anything else I need to bear in mind to be able to swap between the two servers? Thanks!
  5. How do I bind things to the "secondary palatte" (when holding ctrl) for 0-9? I know how to bind things to 0-9 for the main palatte. But I can't figure out how to bind to them for the second palatte. Thanks!
  6. Thanks for the invite and the help. So nice to meet you and play with ya!
  7. Hello! I am new to Ultimate but played zillions of hours of PSO on Dreamcast and Gamecube. I was playing with ERES on my first night and it was suggested I should join PRO. I would love to join a team of helpful, friendly folks so I can start being part of the community here. My guildcard: 42179564 Thanks!
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