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Everything posted by ImTempted

  1. Hello Booma ImTempted and i will sell you my friendship and help if misombre ever lets u make an account to play on : ) you want my help.. not because i'm the best... i am not the best.. but because i have patience and will explain things step by step to you to help you learn as fast as possible.. Buying my eternal friendship (eternal means forever young one) comes at the low price of 15 Pd's its totally worth the price offered and you want to do it because sharing is caring and i know u care about what those 15 pd's are going to do for us (when u make an account ofc..) even if you do not plan on playing the game and i wont be able to help u out... you never know when you might change your mind and decide to play and i will be there for you when you do : ) these 15 pd's will carve the way for our future!!! By the way booma this is what u call an investment u put Pd's into something u can be apart of that will pay off wayy more then what u put into it in the future <3
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