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Everything posted by jaime.andres.2772@gmail.com

  1. Hi everyone!! I player a bit of Maximum Attack S the other night and I noticed that a couple of times I got a message saying: Monsters Killed: 0 Or something like that, despite the fact I was doing nothing but killing stuffies. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Thanks everyone
  2. Hello Everyone!! I'm sorry I tried to edit the post but could not edit the title... I'm new in the Server, and what I really need is someone who can sell to me any Maxed mag that is MIND oriented. This way I could speed up the process of leveling and all that. I'll be happy to hear any offering. Thx!!
  3. Yeah exactly that one. But I can't seem to do much, I have spoken to every NPC onboard and there no difference and in the Forest I can't leave the first room either.
  4. Hi everyone, Quick question, I saw a quest in Japanese on Episode 1, Side Quests. It has a rappy that you can talk to and a HUcast that also says some crazy stuff etc, but I can't cross the door to where the bunch of rappies are. What are we supposed to do in this quest? I feel curious. Thx
  5. Thx a lot everyone! I'll try it as soon I get the MAG up, just started so I don't have any valuable yet. And yeah seems like a fantastic feature hahaha, in the old days I remember dropping the item and switching to another char who would find the item dropped and could pick it up. XD Have fun and thx
  6. Hi everyone! I'm a new player here, gladly found this server and nostalgia hitted me like a truck, since I used to play the game back in the Dreamcast days and I loved it. Quick question, How do I transfer items between my chars? I want to raise a mag in a char and then transfer to a new one, I tried the bank command but I don't quite understand how it works and it says it can be buggy so I'm afraid of losing items. Thanks a lot for any answer!
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