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Everything posted by doomeh

  1. 1 Trojan turned into 5 files. I'm playing in a LAN on my computer, I do not want to infect the other computers here(things like local infect sound very bad). these computers pay my salary,and my boss would kill me. Still harmless? Please do not reply if you don't know what these files are. I don't understand why a game needs something blocked by virus protection(webroot mind you) in order to run. Seems a little unprofessional to say the least... I don't get these warnings when I run WOW, LOL, etc. so why are they showing here? A friend of mine and me are very interested in playing this game. Possibly if a dev could work with me I could host it at the LAN. Unfortunately things like this will not fly with me or my boss. Do you need funding to solve this? http://fav.me/d9t4zn6 Again; "Please do not reply if you don't know what these files are."
  2. really anything named "trojan" throws up red flags for me and my computer...
  3. http://fav.me/d9t049o so is this required to run game? every time i install it tries to install this with it. Windows 10 I have tried every resolution but the game does not start. Do I need to update or something?
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